democracy oor Oksitaans


/dɪˈmɒkɹəsi/ naamwoord
(uncountable) Rule by the people, especially as a form of government; either directly or through elected representatives (representative democracy).

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He is indeed a champion of freedom and democracy.
Foguèt un grand defensor de la libertat e de la democracia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Historians, such as Edmund Fung, argue that establishing a democracy in China at that time was not possible.
Los istorians, coma Edmund Fung, sostenon qu'establir una democracia a la China en aquel moment èra pas possible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cultural and institutional forms such as democracy, capitalism, and environmentalism have increased influence.
Realitats culturalas e institucionalas coma la democracia, lo capitalisme e lo ecologisme aumentèron lor influéncia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
ADF aims at promoting democracy in the Arab region.
Lo NLD lucha per far tornar la democracia dins lo país.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However they criticised Carlyle's plan to use democracy to find the "Noblest" and the other "Nobles" that are to form the government by the "ablest" persons.
Mas critiquèron lo plan de Carlyle d'utilzar la democracia per trobar lo "mai nòble" e los autres "Nòbles" devent formar lo governament per las personas "mai cablas"s.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 30 March 2012 the European Union (EU) and Ukraine initiated an Association Agreement; however, the EU leaders later stated that the agreement would not be ratified unless Ukraine addressed concerns over a "stark deterioration of democracy and the rule of law", including the imprisonment of Yulia Tymoshenko and Yuriy Lutsenko in 2011 and 2012.
Lo 30 de març de 2012 l'Union Europèa e Ucraïna comencèron a metre en plaça un Acòrd d'Associacion; mas qualque temps mai tard, los dirigents europèus apondèron que l'acòrd seriá pas ratificat se lo govèrn ucraïnian escotava pas las peticions de cambiament per mai de democracia e de legalitat dins lo país, en evocar mai precisament la situacion de Iólia Tymochenko e Iori Lutsenko empresonats totes dos per de motius discutibles. <references> Suls autres projèctes Wikimèdia : Euromaidan, sus Wikimedia CommonsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coriolanus has the distinction of being among the few Shakespeare plays banned in a democracy in modern times.
Coriolanus a la distinccion d'èsser una de las raras pèças de Shakespeare bandida dins de democracias al temps moèrnes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Club de Madrid is an independent non-profit organization created to promote democracy and change in the international community.
Lo Club de Madrid es una organizacion independenta, de tòca non lucrativa qu'a coma objectiu de promòure la democracia e lo cambiament dins la comunitat internacionala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The US-Cuba Democracy PAC is an American special interest group that lobbies the United States Congress and White House with the stated goal of "promoting an unconditional transition in Cuba to democracy, the rule of law, and the free market."
US-Cuba Democracy PAC s'un grop de pression que fa de lobby dins lo Congrès dels Estats Units e dins l'Ostal Blanc, amb l'objectiu declarat de promòure una transicion incondicionala que pòrte a Cuba; la democracia, l'empèri de la lei, e lo liure mercat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Canada is a federation that is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.
Canadà es un estat federal governat coma una democracia parlamentària e una monarquia constitucionala, amb Elisabèt II coma cap d'estat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Heroic Vitalists feared that the recent trends toward democracy would hand over power to the ill-bred, uneducated, and immoral, whereas their belief in a transcendent force in nature directing itself onward and upward gave some hope that this overarching force would overrule in favor of the strong, intelligent, and noble.
Los vitalistas eroïcs crentan que la tendéncias recentas a la democracia place al poder a de rufes, malducats, e immorals, alara que lo cresença en una fòrça transcendenta de la natura que se dirigís en dessús e en naut dona esper qu'aquesta fòrça dominatritz prevalariá al benefici del fòrt, intelligent, e nòble.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a representative democracy like India, the elected representatives take the decisions.
Dins las democracias representaivas contemporanèas, aquestes representants son elegits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Similar hard-line views were expressed in Shooting Niagara, and After?, written after the passing of the Electoral Reform Act of 1867 in which he "reaffirmed his belief in wise leadership (and wise followership), his disbelief in democracy and his hatred of all workmanship – from brickmaking to diplomacy – that was not genuine".
De vejaires similars foguèron exprimits dins Shooting Niagara, and After? (fusilhada en Niagara, e après?), escrich après que passèt lo Electoral Reform Act of 1867 ont "torna afirmar sa cresença dins un savi lideratge (e son pòble savi), son incredulitat dins la democracia e son òdi dels trabalhadors qu'èra pas autentic".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The purpose of the union is to help secure Africa's democracy, human rights, and a sustainable economy, especially by bringing an end to intra-African conflict and creating an effective common market.
Las intencions de l'Union son d'ajudar a assegurar la democracia, los Dreches Umans e una economia sostenibla a l'Africa, en portant mai que mai la fin dels conflictes africans intèrnes e en creant un mercat comun efectiu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She joined the Socialist Party in 2002 and the team of Lyon mayor Gérard Collomb in 2003, leading actions to strengthen local democracy, the fight against discrimination, promotion of citizen rights, and access to employment and housing.
Najat Belkacem entra al Partit Socialista aprèp le 21 d'abril de 2002 e jonguèt, coma encargada de mission, en genièr de 2003 l'equipa de Gérard Collomb, senator-cònsol de Lion, (accions per renforçar la democracia de proximitat, la luta contra las discriminacions, la promocion dels dreches dels ciutadans o lor accès a l’emplec e al lotjament).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The US-Cuba Democracy PAC contributes to candidates who "a) have key roles on congressional committees responsible for Cuba-related issues or b) have demonstrated their support for the struggle for human rights in Cuba."
US-Cuba Democracy PAC femna lo sieu supòrt a candidats, qu'an un papièr clau en los comitats del Congrès, que sas responsablas de las questions ligadas a Cuba, e qu'an demostrat lo sieu supòrt en favor de la lucha pels Dreches umans a Cuba.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Critics argue the House of Lords is the second largest legislature after the Chinese National People's Congress and dwarfs Upper Houses in other bi-cameral democracies such as the United States (100 senators), France (348 senators), Australia (76 senators) and India (250 members).
Las criticas avançan que la Cambra dels Lòrds es la segonda cambra legislativa mai granda après lo Congrés del Pòble Chinés e amaga las Nautas Cambras de las autras demaocracias coma los Estats Units d'America (100 senators), França (348 senators), Austràlia (76 senators) e Índia (250 membres).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On June 10, the Catholic Priests Association for Justice revealed the incident, igniting the June Democracy Movement around the country.
Lo 10 de junh, l'Associacion dels Prèires Catolics per la Justícia revelèt la tortura de Park, provocant de manifestacions per tot lo país.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Denmark proper had become a constitutional democracy.
Sierra Leone es una republica qu'es considerada ara una democracia constitucionala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, or DiEM25, is a pan-European political movement launched in 2015 by former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and Croatian philosopher Srećko Horvat.
Lo Movement per la Democracia en Euròpa en 2025: DiEM25 es un movement politic paneuropeu creat en 2015 per l'ancian ministre de las Finanças grec Yanis Varoufakis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Four months earlier (January 27), Bertrand Barère, although an Occitan from Tarbes himself, claimed before this same Convention: The monarchy had reasons to resemble the Tower of Babel; in democracy, leaving the citizens to ignore the national language , unable to control the power, is betraying the motherland...
Quatre meses pus lèu, lo 27 de genièr, Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac, ni per èsser un quite occitan de Tarba, aviá anonciat davant d'aquela meteissa Convencion que: La monarquia aviá de rasons de revertar la torre de Babèl; dins la democracia, daissar los ciutadans ignorar la lenga nacionala, incapables de contrarotlar lo poder, aquò's traïr la patria...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today, the CIA World Factbook describes South Korea's democracy as a "fully functioning modern democracy".
Lo CIA World Factbook descriguèt la democracia sud-coreana coma una "democracia modèrna de plen foncionament".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The US-Cuba Democracy PAC was established in August 2003.
L'organizacion US-Cuba Democracy PAC foguèt creada dins lo mes d'agost de l'an 2003.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To other Japanese, the flag represents the time where democracy was suppressed when Japan was an empire.
Per unes autres japoneses, la bandièra representa l'epòca que la democracia foguèt pendent el suprimida, aquò es, quand Japon foguèt un empèri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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