fleet oor Oksitaans


/fliːt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
A group of vessels or vehicles.

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(@22 : fr:rapide de:schnell fa:تند )
(@11 : de:schnell fa:تند ro:repede )
(@8 : fr:parc es:parque de:Park )
(@8 : sr:zaliv ru:залив id:teluk )
(@5 : th:บิน id:terbang el:πετώ )
(@4 : sv:å ro:pârâu nl:kreek )
(@4 : ru:залив id:teluk bg:залив )
(@3 : de:schnell fa:تند ar:سريع )
(@3 : de:schnell fa:تند ar:سريع )
(@3 : fr:marine es:armada es:marina )
(@3 : fr:rapide it:veloce it:agile )
(@3 : fr:parc es:parque ru:парк )
(@3 : de:schnell fa:تند ar:سريع )
(@3 : fr:passer es:pasar it:passare )
(@3 : fr:passer es:pasar ar:حدث )
(@3 : fr:passer es:pasar it:passare )
(@3 : de:schnell fa:تند ar:سريع )
(@2 : es:ligero sk:ľahký )
(@2 : fr:groupe ms:kumpulan )
(@2 : es:armada it:armata )


The stream that ran where Fleet Street now runs.

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It had apparently been proposed to give another navigator, Vicente Sodré, independent command over a section of the fleet, and Cabral strongly opposed this.
Aparentament, seriá estat prepausat de dar a un autre navegador, Vicente Sodré, lo comandament independent sus una partida de la flòta – e Cabral s'oposèt fòrça.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nonetheless, the cargoes carried by the fleet returned up to 800% profit to the Portuguese Crown.
Pasmens, las cargas transportadas per la flòta generèron un benefici de 800% per la Corona Portuguesa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At last, loaded with precious spices, the fleet went to Kannur for further trade before setting out on its return voyage to Portugal on 16 January 1501.
Fin finala, cargada d'espècias preciosas, la flòta anèt a Cananor, per tòca de comerciar un còp mai abans de partir pel viatge de retorn a Portugal lo 16 de genièr de 1501.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
January 21: French cavalry capture the Dutch fleet, trapped in the ice at Den Helder.
21 de genier : Un destacament de la cavalariá francesa captura la flòta olandesa blocada per la glaç entre l'illa de Texel e lo Helder.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Knowing that the crew of a Roman trireme was approximately 170 rowers and 50 to 60 soldiers, a simple calculation allows us to see that to achieve the number of 3000 men the vessels of Augustus' fleet would have to have held more combatants than an actual fleet.
D'autra banda, en considerant que la tripulació d'un trirrem roman èra compausada per unes 170 remers e entre 50 e 60 soldats embarcats, un rapid calcul permet conclure que per aténher la chifra de 3000 òmes, los navilis de la naumàquia d'August lor calguèt portar embarcats bastants mai combatents que los que portava una autentica flòta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the period of splendor, a fleet of 16 llaüts (boats carrying between 18 and 30 tons) was reached.
En l'epòca de esplendor s'arribèt a aver una flòta de 16 llaüts (embarcaciones que transportavan entre 18 e 30 tonas).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Once sold, the proceeds covered the outlay in equipping the fleet, covered the cost of the vessels which had been lost, and cleared a profit which itself exceeded the total sum of those costs.
Après la venta de las espècias, las receptas cobriguèron los costs de l'equipament de la flòta e de las naus qu'èra perdudas, generant un benefici passant la soma totala dels costs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Historian William Greenlee has argued that the Portuguese realized that "they were few in numbers and that those who would come to India in the future fleets would always be at numerical disadvantage; so that this treachery must be punished in a manner so decisive that the Portuguese would be feared and respected in the future.
Per l'istorian William Greenlee, los portugueses comprengavan qu' "èram pauc nombroses e qu'aqueles que vendrián cap a Índia dins d'autras flòtas tanben serián sempre en desvantatge numeric; alara aquela traïson se deviá punir de biais tan decisiu que los portugueses foguèsson crenchs e respectats pel futur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The city has been a home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which is why it was considered as a separate city in Crimea of significant military importance and was therefore once a closed city.
La vila foguèt la basa navala de la flòta russa de la Mar Negra, e per aquò foguèt considerada coma una vila d'estatut separat de la rèsta de la Peninsula de Crimèa que son imprtància militara ne faguèt una vila tancada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fleet resumed its voyage on either 2 or 3 May 1500 and sailed along the east coast of South America.
La flòta tornèt al sieu viatge lo 2 o 3 de mai de 1500, naviguant lo long de còsta èst de l'America del Sud.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fleet crossed the Equator on 9 April, and sailed westward as far as possible from the African continent in what was known as the volta do mar (literally "turn of the sea") navigational technique.
La flòta crosèt la Linha d'Eqüator lo 9 d'abril e naveguèt cap a l'oèst distanciant mai possible lo continent african, utilizant una tecnica de navigacion coneguda coma la volta do mar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This fleet, commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral, arrived at Calicut in September, where the first trade agreement in India was signed.
Aquela armada, comandada per Pedro Álvares Cabral, arribèt a Calecut en Setembre, ont signèt lo primièr acòrdi comercial en Índia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fleet under the command of the 32–33-year-old Cabral departed from Lisbon on 9 March 1500 at noon.
La flòta, jol comendament de Cabral, a 32–33 ans d'edat, partiguèt de Lisbona lo 9 de març de 1500 al miègjorn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon Cabral's return, King Manuel I began planning another fleet to make the journey to India and to avenge the Portuguese losses in Calicut.
Après lo retorn de Cabral, Manuèl I comecèt a planificar una autra flòta per far un viatge cap a Índia e per venjar las pèrdas portuguesas a Calecute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1833, Lazarev was appointed Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, the Black Sea ports, and also military governor of Sevastopol and Nikolayev.
En 1833, Làzarev foguèt nomenat Comandant de la Flòta de la Mar Negra, dels pòrts de la Mar Negra, e tanben governador militar de Sebastòpol e Mikolàiv.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After Coelho returned, Cabral took the fleet north, where after traveling 65 kilometres (40 mi) along the coast, it anchored on 24 April in what the commander-in-chief named Porto Seguro (Safe Port).
Après Coelho tornar, Cabral ordenèt que la flòta s'ane fins al nòrd, ont, après 65 km de viatge, ancorèt lo 24 d'abril dins lo luòc que lo capitani general nomenèt Porto Seguro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In exchange for leading the fleet, Cabral was entitled to 10,000 cruzados (an old Portuguese currency equivalent to approximately 35 kg of gold) and the right to purchase 30 tonnes (33 short tons; 30 long tons) of pepper at his own expense for transport back to Europe.
En recompensa del capitanejat, Cabral aviá drech a 10 mila cruzados (anciana moneda portuguesa equivalent a gaireben 35 kg d'aur) e a comprar 30 tonas de pebre, al sieu despens, pel tornar en Euròpa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1421, China's Ming dynasty Yongle Emperor ordered principal envoy grand eunuch Li Xing and grand eunuch Zhou Man of Zheng He's fleet to convey an imperial edict with hats and robes to bestow on the king of Aden.
En 1421, l'emperaire chinés Zhu Di, de la dinastia Ming, envia dos grands emissaris, lo Grand Eunuc Li Xing e lo Grand Eunuc e amiral Zhou Man de Zheng He encargat de transmetre un edicte imperial, amb don de capèl e de raubas, al rei d'Adèn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A third vessel, commanded by Pedro de Ataíde, became separated from the fleet after leaving Mozambique.
Una tresena nau, comandada per Pedro de Ataíde, se separèt de la flòta après la partença de Moçambic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fleet then proceeded to the Island of Mozambique (northeast of Sofala), in order to take on provisions and make the ships ready for the rough passage around the Cape of Good Hope.
En seguida, la fòta contunhèt cap a em l'Illa de Moçambic (al nòrd èst de Sofala), per se provesir de manjar que las naus sián prestas pel passatge agitat a l'entorn del Cap de Bona Esperança.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This fleet was very active during the civil war of 1341–1347, in which its commander played a prominent role.
Aquò marquèt lo començament de la guèrra civila bizantina de 1341-1347 qu'anava aver de consequéncias catastroficas per l'Empèri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Whether he was dismissed or requested himself that he be relieved of command, the result was that when the fleet departed in March 1502, its commander was Vasco da Gama—a maternal nephew of Vicente Sodré—and not Cabral.
Se sap pas se foguèt destituit o se demandèt d'èsser liberat de sa carga, que que siá, quand la flòta partiguèt en març de 1502, lo comandant èra Vasco da Gama, un nebot mairal de Vicente Sodré, e non pas Cabral.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If Darius were to reach the Gulf of Issus, he could use the support from the Persian fleet under Pharnabazus still operating in the Mediterranean Sea, thus easing his supply and possibly landing troops behind the enemy.
Se Dàrius capitava d'arribar al Golf d'Issos, poiriá utilizar l'ajuda de la flòta pèrsa capitanejada per Farnabazos III, estacionada en Mediterranèa, facilitant las provisions e benlèu lo desbarcament de las tropas per la garda enrè.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1830, Lazarev returned to Kronstadt and became a commander of naval units of the Baltic Fleet.
En 1830, Làzarev tornèt a Kronstadt e venguèt comandant d'unitats navalas de la Flòta de la Baltica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The helicopter fleet includes 23 AB 212 helicopters used as light transport.
L'aviacion dei fòrças terrèstras se compausava de 218 aparelhs que 206 son d'elicoptèrs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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