giant oor Oksitaans


/ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ adjektief, naamwoord
A mythical human of very great size

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(baseball) A player on the team the "San Francisco Giants".

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In 1954, he concluded the bone was the wing metacarpal of a giant pterosaur.
En 1954 se sapiguèc qu'er uas ère eth metacarpian d'un pterosaure gegant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A long time ago Giant-ladies made use of it to set their Sunday dresses in order.
Una aucupacion gallo-romaine pòt èsser testificada sus desparièrs vestigis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many alpine species are endemic to Mount Kenya, such as the giant lobelias and senecios and a local subspecies of rock hyrax.
Mai d'una espècias alpencas son endemicas del Mont Kenya, coma la lobèlia giganta e los saniçons e una sosespècia locala de rock hyrax.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This planet is hot jupiter gas giant planet.
Leda es un satellit natural de la planeta Jupitèr.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is thought that the Earth coalesced from material in orbit around the Sun at roughly 4,543 Ma, and may have been struck by a very large (Mars-sized) planetesimal shortly after it formed, splitting off material that formed the Moon (see Giant impact hypothesis).
Se crei que la Tèrra se formèt a comptar de l'acumulacion de material en orbita solara fa unes 4.500 milions d'ans e poiriá aver fach impacte amb un planetesimal de la talha de la planeta Mart pauc après sa formacion, expulsant de matèria que mai tard se jonheriá en formant la Luna (vejatz teoria de l'impacte gigant).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the same time, the data returned by space probes, and giant strides in detection methods, have allowed science to begin delineating habitability criteria on other worlds, and to confirm that at least other planets are plentiful, though aliens remain a question mark.
E mai, las donadas reculhidas per las sondas espacialas e grandas avançadas dins los metòdes de deteccion an permés de començar a definir critèris d'abitabilitat dins d'autres mondes, mas tanben confirmèt que los planetas extrasolaras son abondantas, alara la question de la vida extraterrèstra contunha d'èsser un question d'ara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The name Patagonia comes from the word patagón used by Magellan to describe the native people whom his expedition thought to be giants.
Lo nom de Patagònia ven del mot patagón utilizat per Fernão de Magalhães per descriure las gents nativas que lo mond de son expedicion considerava gaireben coma de gigants.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And we’re talking 100,000 trips of a giant spaceship.
Vèrs 100 000 avC, presenta lei marcas d'una industria força sofisticada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Stars are created within galaxies from a reserve of cold gas that forms into giant molecular clouds.
Las estelas son creadas dins las galaxias a partir del gas fred que se formèt dins los nívols moleculars gigants.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1694 he won second prize at the Accademia di San Luca with a drawing of The fall of the giants, with first prize going to Antonio Balestra and Felice Nardi.
En 1694, ganhèt lo segond prèmi de l'Acadèmia de Sant Luc amb un dessenh representant « La Casuda dels gegants », darrièr Antonio Balestra e Felice Nardi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Giant tortoises still thrived in North America, with genera like Hesperotestudo.
Es tartarugues gegants tamben demoraren en America del Nòrd, dab genres coma eth Hesperostestudo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Terry continued to manage the Giants until 1941.
Dannemarie A ocupat pels Alemands fins en 1941.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Giant non-archosaurian aquatic reptiles such as mosasaurs and plesiosaurs, which were the top marine predators of their time, became extinct by the end of the Cretaceous.
Los reptils marins nonarcosaurians comprenon los mosasaures e los plesiosaures, los reptils aquatics gigants qu'èran los predators marins superiors, s'atudèron vèrs la fin del Cretacèu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This is the ratio found in the gas giant planets, such as Jupiter.
Seriá un constituent major dei jaç intèrnes dei planetas gigantas coma Jupitèr ò Saturne.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, it is thought that ammonites were the principal food of mosasaurs, a group of giant marine reptiles that became extinct at the boundary.
Per exemple, se pensa que las amonitas èran la noiritura màger dels mosasaures, un grop de reptils marins gigants que s'apaguèron precisament a aqueste periòde.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Storms such as this are common within the turbulent atmospheres of giant planets.
De tempèstas coma la Granda Taca Roja son comunas dins leis atmosfèras turbulentas de planetas gigantas gasosas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their esoteric teachings and philosophy are expounded in an epistolary style in the Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity (Rasa'il Ikhwan al-safa'), a giant compendium of 52 epistles that would greatly influence later encyclopedias.
Lors ensenhaments esoterics e lor filosofia son expausats en un estil epistolar dins l'Enciclopèdia dels Fraires de la Puretat (arabi: Rasa'il Ikhwan al-safa'), un important recuèlh de 52 epistòlas qu'anava fortament influenciar las enciclopèdias venentas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the humidity starts to diminish in barren areas of the Ebro valley, the Levante and the southern half of the peninsula, the dryness is often accompanied by an increase of salts in the ground; under such conditions one can find formations of tamarisk shrubs, oleanders and giant reeds (Saccharum ravenae), sometimes accompanied by heather.
Quand la preséncia de l'umiditat comença a amendrir dins de zònas mai áridas de la Val de l'Ebre, Levatz e mitat meridional de la Peninsula, la aridez ven sovent acompanhada per una aumentacion de sals en lo solèr; en aquestas condicions nos trobam amb de formacions de arbustos de tamariscos, adelfas e carrizo (Saccharum ravennae), de còps acompanhats per qualque brezo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The song is about American actor James Dean (1931–1955) who starred in such films as Rebel Without a Cause, Giant and East of Eden.
James Byron Dean (1931-1955) foguèt un actor american de cinèma, conegut per los filmes East of Eden e Rebel Without a Cause.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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