palace oor Oksitaans


/ˈpæləs/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A large and lavishly ornate residence.

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(@37 : fr:château fr:château-fort es:castillo )
(@21 : fr:château es:castillo de:Schloß )
(@11 : es:castillo lv:pils ro:castel )
(@10 : fr:château es:castillo lv:pils )
(@5 : fr:palais es:paladar de:Gaumen )
(@3 : fr:cour es:patio it:corte )
(@3 : de:Tempel ta:கோயில் tl:templo )
(@2 : es:patio de:Hof )
(@2 : es:cerca it:recinto )
(@2 : fr:cour es:patio )
(@2 : fr:demeure es:estancia )
(@2 : es:plaza it:piazza )
(@2 : es:cerca it:recinto )
(@2 : fr:palais es:palacio )
(@2 : ru:дворец ru:замок )
(@1 : tl:bahay )
(@1 : it:corte )
(@1 : ta:பள்ளி )


(soccer) Crystal Palace Football Club, a football team from London.

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Palace of the Kings of Majorca
Palais dels Reis de Malhòrca
potala palace
palais de potala


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She also built a palace on the beach which is now the Hôtel du Palais.
Foguèt una residéncia papala qu'es a l'ora d'ara lo palais presidenciau de la Republica Italiana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was named "Palace of Eternity" (Qasr al-Khuld) from a passage in the Quran alluding to Paradise, the "Palace of Eternity promised to the God-fearing", because its gardens were said to almost rival the garden of Paradise.
Lo Coran utiliza mai sovent lo mot jardin (arabi : jannà جنّة), per designar lo paradís.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shakespeare may have read an English translation of the tale in William Painter's Palace of Pleasure.
Shakespeare auriá legit una traduccion anglesa de William Painter dins Palace of Pleasure.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Christians crushed one center of resistance after another and finally, in January 1492, after a long siege, the Moorish sultan Muhammad XII surrendered the fortress palace, the renowned Alhambra.
Los crestians van esclafar un centre de resisténcia aprèp l'autre e finalament, en genièr de 1492, aprèp un sètge long, lo sultan, Boabdil, va rendre lo palais de la fortalesa, lo famós Alhambra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On May 2, 1947, General Douglas MacArthur lifted the restrictions on displaying the Hinomaru in the grounds of the National Diet Building, on the Imperial Palace, on the Prime Minister's residence and on the Supreme Court building with the ratification of the new Constitution of Japan.
Lo 2 de mai de 1947, lo general Douglas MacArthur levèt las restriccions concernientes a l'emplec en public del Hinomaru dins la Bastissa de la Dièta Nacionala, lo Palai Imperial, la residéncia del primièr ministre e la bastissa de la Cort Suprèma, aquò amb la ratificacion de la nòva Constitucion de Japon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The portcullis probably first came to be associated with the Palace of Westminster through its use as decoration in the rebuilding of the Palace after the fire of 1512.
Lo rastèl benlèu foguèt d’en primièr associat al Palais de Westminster que son usatge coma decòrs dins la reconstruccion après incendi en 1512.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The palace was officially inaugurated on April 21, 1960, by President Juscelino Kubitschek.
Foguèt inaugurat lo 21 d'abril de 1960 per lo president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the age of seven, Suleiman was sent to study science, history, literature, theology and military tactics in the schools of the imperial Topkapı Palace in Constantinople (modern Istanbul).
A 7 ans foguèt enviat estudiar las sciéncias, la literatura, la teologia e la tactica militara a l'escòla del Palatz de Topkapı a Istambol.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Satsuma, Chōshū, and other han leaders and radical courtiers, however, rebelled, seized the imperial palace, and announced their own restoration on January 3, 1868.
Pas obstante los caps de Satsuma e Chōshū, amassa amb unes autres extremistas decidiguèron rebelarse e prene lo Palai Imperial e anonciar l'inici de la restauracion lo 3 de genièr de 1868.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Alvorada Palace is the official residence of the Brazil's president.
Lo Palácio da Alvorada, residéncia oficiala dau president.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like many other potential heirs to the throne, he was confined for 30 years in the Harems of the palace.
Coma fòrça d'unes autres pòbles, Durningen a patit estralls en lo moment de la guèrra de Trenta Ans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furious, she leaves the palace.
Furiosa, la rèine quitèt la Cort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The meetings of the Councils took place in the royal palace, and they did not count on the presence of the king habitually.
Las reunions dels Conselhs se realizavan al palais reial, e mai sovent en l'abscéncia del rei.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The House of Lords and the House of Commons assemble in the Palace of Westminster.
La Cambra dels Lòrds e laCambra de la Comunas tenon sesilha al Palais de Westminster.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is also a former royal residence and features the 17th – 18th-century Belém Palace, a former royal residence now occupied by the President of Portugal, and the Ajuda Palace, begun in 1802 but never completed.
Es tanben lo quartièr del palais de Belém, anciana residéncia reiala dels sègles XVII et XVIII uèi ocupada pel president de Portugal, e tanben del palais Ajuda començat en 1802 e jamai acabat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It went on to be adopted by the kings of the Tudor dynasty in the 16th century, under whom the Palace of Westminster became the regular meeting place of Parliament.
Foguèt adoptat pels reis de la dinatia dels Tudors al sègle XVI, a l’epòca que lo Palais de Westminster venguèt lo sèti regular del Parlament.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At night, in the king's palace at Dunsinane, a doctor and a gentlewoman discuss Lady Macbeth's strange habit of sleepwalking.
A la muèch, dins lo palai del rei a Dunsinane, un mètge e una dama parlan de l'estranha abituda de Dama Macbeth pel somnabulisme.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Makeda stayed in the palace overnight, after Solomon had sworn that he would not do her any harm, while she swore in return that she would not steal from him.
Makeda i passa la nuèch, Salamon jurant qu’ensajara pas res contra ela, après qu'ela meteissa jurèt que li volariápas res.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He placed his only confirmed self-portrait in a room in the royal palace surrounded by an assembly of royalty, courtiers, and fine objects that represent his life at court.
Plaça l'un dels sols autoretrach conegut dins una sala del palais reial, environat de membres de la reialtat, de cortesans, e d'objècte que resumisson sa vida a la cort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wilanów Palace or Wilanowski Palace (Polish: pałac w Wilanowie, Polish pronunciation: ) is a royal palace located in the Wilanów district, Warsaw.
Lo Palais de Wilanów es un palais reiau polonés situat dins l'arrondiment de Wilanów dins la region de Varsòvia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The current Commons' layout is influenced by the use of the original St. Stephen's Chapel in the Palace of Westminster.
L'actual esquèma de las Comunas es influenciat per l'usatge de la Capèla de Sant Estefan del Palais de Westminster.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After its rescue from the fire, the painting was inventoried as part of the royal collection in 1747–48, and the Infanta was misidentified as Maria Theresa, Margaret Theresa's older half-sister, an error that was repeated when the painting was inventoried at the new Madrid Royal Palace in 1772.
Après son salvament de l'incendi se trapa la tela dins l'inventari de la colleccion reiala de 1747-1748, mas l'infanta Margarida Teresa es identificada a tòrt coma essent sa mièjasòrre Maria Teresa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The death of João IV in 1656 signalled the beginning of the regency of his wife, followed by a succession crisis and a palace coup (1662).
La mòrt de Joan IV en 1656 marca lo començament de la regéncia de sa femna, seguida per una crisi de succession e un còp d'Estat (1662).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Biarritz became more renowned in 1854 when Empress Eugenie (the wife of Napoleon III) built a palace on the beach (now the Hôtel du Palais).
Biàrritz qu'arribè a la fama en 1854, an que l'Emperairitz Eugènia (esposa de Napoleon III) hasó constrúser un Palais a la plaja (uei lo dia conegut coma Ostalaria deu Palais).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under the terms of the Lateran Treaty, the Holy See has extraterritorial authority over various sites in Rome and two Italian sites outside of Rome, including the Pontifical Palace at Castel Gandolfo.
Jols tèrmes del Tractat de Laterà, la Santa Ses a l'autoritat extraterritorial sus divèrses luòcs a Roma e dos luòcs italians defòra de Roma, en comprenent lo Palai Pontifici de Castel Gandolfo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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