western oor Oksitaans


adjektief, naamwoord
Of, facing, situated in, or related to the west

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adjektief, naamwoord
Of or pertaining to a certain genre of film, television, literature, and so on, dealing with the American Old West.

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western world
Western Australia
Austràlia Occidentala
Western Europe
Euròpa Occidentala
western roe deer
Western Jackdaw
Western Capercaillie
western whip snake
colòbra verda e jauna
western sahara
sahara occidental
Western Sahara
Sahara Occidental


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In 1699, the Habsburg Monarchy took western Syrmia from the Ottomans as part of the Treaty of Karlowitz.
En 1699, leis Otomans abandonèron la màger part de l'Ongria Turca ais Austrians ambé lo tractat de Karlowitz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This may be intended as the Ardennes, a forested region covering an area located in southeast Belgium, western Luxembourg and northeastern France, or Arden, Warwickshire, near Shakespeare's home town, which was the ancestral origin of his mother's family—who incidentally were called Arden.
Benlèu son las Ardenas, una region forestièra cobrissent un airal situat al sud oèst de Belgica, oèst de Luxemborg and nòrd èst de França, o Arden, Warwickshire, près de la vila d'origina de Shakespeare, d'ont ven sa familha mairala—que mai se nomenava Arden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Great Andamanese languages may be related to some western Papuan languages, but are not themselves covered by the term Papuan.
Las lengas de las illas Andaman poirián èsser religadas a d'unas lengas papós occidentalas, mas son pas cobèrtas pel tèrme papó.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It lived throughout what is now western North America, with a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids.
Visquèt a travèrs de çò qu'es ara Norteamerica occidental, amb una distribucion fòrça mai ampla qu'unes autres tiranosaurids.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although native to Iran, coriander grows wild over a wide area of Western Asia and Southern Europe, prompting the comment: "It is hard to define exactly where this plant is wild and where it only recently established itself."
Buta a l'estat salvatge dins una vasta zona en Orient Mejan e Sud de l'Euròpa, alara: « es dificil de definir exactament ont aquela planta es salvatge e ont es establida que recentament. ».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uto-Aztecan languages are found almost entirely in the Western United States and Mexico.
Las lengas utoastècas son totas localizadas a l'oèst del Estats Units e en Mexic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The General Staff maintained plans to invade Western Europe whose massive scale was only made publicly available after German researchers gained access to National People's Army files following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
L'Estat Màger General mantenguèt los plans per ocupar l'Euròpa Occidental, l'escalièr que se'n coneguèt solament après que los investigadors alemands poguèsson accedir als archius de l'Armada Populara Nacionala après l'escrancament de l'Union Sovietica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After obtaining a degree in history at the University of Western Brittany in 1991, Hamon started his parliamentary career as an assistant to Socialist Party deputy Pierre Brana at the age of 24.
Aprèp aver obtengut una licéncia d'istòria a l'universitat de Brèst, comencèt sa carrièra a 24 ans en 1991 coma assistent parlamentari del deputat PS de Gironda Pierre Brana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Macé indicates that its pattern was first found in the Byzantine area and spread across Western Europe through Italy and Provence.
Indica que lo motiu de la crotz patèa a una origina bizantina e que s'espandís en Occident via Itàlia e Provença.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He settled in western Ohio two years later.
S'installèron dins Greenwich Village dos ans pus tard.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elsewhere, they may have assisted the NKVD in suppressing anti-Soviet resistance in Western Ukraine (1941–55) and the Baltic states.
De mai, aguèron lo supòrt del NKVD per'mor de suprimir la resisténcia occidentala ucrainesa (1941-1955).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Much of New York is built on the three islands of Manhattan, Staten Island, and western Long Island, making land scarce and encouraging a high population density.
La major part de Nòva York s'estend subre tres illas: Manhattan, Staten Island e Long Island; lo terrenh edificable es escàs e, en conseqüéncia, i a una fòrta densitat de populacion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The expedition's team of scientists carried out a comprehensive scientific programme, while other parties explored Victoria Land and the Western Mountains.
L'expedicion aviá per far un programa scientific complet, e explorava la tèrra de Victòria e las Montanhas Transantàrtiques.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first specimen, a partial jaw discovered in 1909 by a gold prospector at Koru, near Kisumu in western Kenya, was also the oldest fossil hominoid known until recently, and the first fossil mammal ever found in sub-Saharan Africa.
Eth prumèr individú, un troç de mandibula discurberta en 1909 per un prospector d'aur en Koru, proche de Kisumu en er oèst de Kenya siguec eth fossil d'ominid més ancian discurbert enquiath moment atau coma eth prumèr fossil de mamifer jamès trapat en Africa Sub-sahariana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During this time a series of massive wars took place in western China, including the Kumul Rebellion, the Sino-Tibetan War and the Soviet Invasion of Xinjiang.
Pendent aqueles tempses i aviá una cordelada de conflictes armats a la China occidentala, en i comprenent la Rebellion de Kumul, la Guèrra Sinotibetana e l'invasion sovietica de Xinjiang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The impotent government still had its use; when World War I began, several Western powers and Japan wanted China to declare war on Germany, in order to liquidate German holdings.
Lo govèrn impotent aviá encara lo sieu usatge; quand comencèt la Primièra Guèrra Mondiala, qualques poders occidentales e lo Japon volián que la China declarèsse la guèrra al Segond Reich, per liquidar los hòldings alemands.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Country music, also known as country and western (or simply country), and hillbilly music, is a genre of popular music that originated in the southern United States in the early 1920s.
La musica country, o country and western o simplament country, es un genre de musica populara qu'a per origina lo sud èst dels Estats Units al començament de las annadas 1920.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since the 1990s, several key steps had been taken by Vietnam to restore diplomatic ties with Western countries.
Entre 1990 e 2000 Gaddafi restabliguèt las relacions diplomaticas amb los païses occidentals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon his return to the Western Front he received a gunshot wound to the leg.
Del temps que demorèt al front patiguèt una ferida.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Western Abenaki (nearly extinct) 14.
Abenaqui de l'oèst (gaireben atudat) 14.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shackleton now considered the possibility of finding an alternative landing ground on the western shores of the Weddell Sea, if that coast could be reached.
Shackleton Soscava sus la possibilitat de trobar un camp de desembarcament alternatiu a la còsta occidentala del mar de Weddell, se foguèsse possible arribar a aquel luòc.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the early 18th century, the Cyrillic script used in Russia was heavily reformed by Peter the Great, who had recently returned from his Grand Embassy in western Europe.
Al començament del sègle XVIII, l'alfabet cirillic utilizat en Russia foguèt reformat per Pèire lo Grand, que tornava de sa Granda Ambassada en Euròpa de l'Oèst.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the Würm, the Rhône Glacier covered the whole western Swiss plateau, reaching today's regions of Solothurn and Aarau.
Durant Würm, lo Glacièr de Ròse cobrissiá lo plan soís entièr, atenhent las regions actualas de Solothurn e Aarau.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The main critiques of this phenomenon focus on the partial and sectarian use of the LGBT movement to further ends based in intolerance, ignoring the homophobia and lack of real equality in Western society as a whole.
Las principalas criticas a aquel fenomèn se centran en l'usatge parcial e sectari que se fa del movement LGBT per emparar de fins basadas en la intolerància, en obviant la pròpria homofòbia e la fauta d'una egalitat reala en la societat occidentala en lo sieu ensems.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Facing anti-Survey sentiment inflamed by western drought and concerns about takeovers of abandoned western homesteads, Powell found himself the subject of larger scrutiny before the House Appropriations Committee.
Davant un sentiment antiservicio enardecido per la secada en l'oèst e la preocupacion sobratz l'apropriacion de las granjas abandonadas dins la meteissa zòna, Powell se trobèt jos una estrecha vigilància de la part del House Appropriations Committee.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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