advanced in age oor Pools

advanced in age

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w podeszłym wieku

Half of us are advanced in age. Old age is – as I like to say – the seat of life’s wisdom.
Połowa z nas jest w podeszłym wieku: starość jest – jak lubię ją określać – okresem mądrości życia.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
By the time I was thirteen or fourteen I felt myself enormously advanced in age and experience.
Myślę, że to jest olbrzymia kameraLiterature Literature
Soon, we will all keep advancing in age without any agonizing distress or calamity.
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10 Being advanced in age does not necessarily preclude the learning of new and difficult concepts.
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Then they would reconvene for the beginning of the Advance in Age and the rituals of growing older.
Jak na pomocnika, miał zbyt eleganckie spodnieLiterature Literature
And you're advanced in age.
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And yet he was already advanced in age, and he confessed regularly.
Panika ogarnęła całą wioskę.WszyscyLiterature Literature
The election of metropolitan Onufry, who is advanced in age, was expected.
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No one was exempted for being advanced in age or in poor physical condition.
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Most are quite advanced in age.
Chociaż podmiot odpowiedzialny nie przeprowadził badań ukierunkowanych na stosowanie lamotryginy wyłącznie w monoterapii pacjentów z pierwotnie uogólnionymi napadami toniczno-klonicznymi, wyniki badań z grupami kontrolnymi oceniających lamotryginę stosowaną jako lek pierwszego rzutu w monoterapii (badania UK#, UK#) potwierdzają jej skuteczność w tym typie napadów padaczkowychjw2019 jw2019
What comfort does the Bible provide for faithful ones who are advanced in age or who are ill?
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For example, some Christians were slaves, and others were sickly, advanced in age, or had family responsibilities.
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16 A good number of pioneers are advanced in age.
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“Accused, is it true you were fairly advanced in age when your present husband married you?”
Dawno już przepowiedział tą zgubęLiterature Literature
(Daniel 7:9, 13, 22) How advanced in age is Jehovah?
Ponadto przewiduje się wydatki na środki towarzyszące w drodze zamówień publicznych; w tym przypadku zakup usług i towarów będzie pokrywany z funduszy wspólnotowychjw2019 jw2019
Half of us are advanced in age. Old age is – as I like to say – the seat of life’s wisdom.
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He had also seen enough of them sufficiently advanced in age to prove that theirs was not a condition one outgrew.
Czy używa Pan jakichkolwiek urządzeń mocujących sieci?Literature Literature
Furthermore, some people tend to read and study less as they advance in age, but that need not be true of a Christian.
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Now advanced in age, I can wholeheartedly encourage younger ones to ‘remember their Grand Creator in the days of their youth.’ —Ecclesiastes 12:1.
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Now advanced in age, I can wholeheartedly encourage younger ones to ‘remember their Grand Creator in the days of their youth.’—Ecclesiastes 12:1.
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Now, although deaf and advanced in age, Ruth recognized the ring of truth, accepted a Bible study, and was baptized —almost 70 years after her initial contact!
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(Heb 11:11, 12) Evidently, such restored powers enabled Abraham to become father to six more sons by Keturah when he was even more advanced in age.
To był naprawdę bardzo głupi błąd.Teraz proszę wyjdźjw2019 jw2019
1:1, 2) But he felt like a mere boy, utterly unqualified to speak to the elders of the nation, men advanced in age and having positions of authority.
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Feeding persons in the advanced age in the aspect of the prevention of the undernourishment and obesities
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IN AN attempt to reconcile the claimed perpetual virginity of Mary with her marriage to Joseph, many painters and sculptors have depicted Joseph as a man who was advanced in age.
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WHETHER you are young or advanced in age, male or female, this course can aid you in expressing yourself more effectively and in becoming better qualified as a teacher of God’s Word.
W tamtej chwili moje serce przepełnione// było radością i optymizmem.// Chciałem krzyczeć na całe gardło.// Ale kto chciałby mnie słuchać?// Nikt nie wiedział o moim istnieniu.// Wielki artysta był w końcu tylko człowiekiem.// Nazywam się Clement Mathieu, przegrany muzyk,// bezrobotny wychowawcajw2019 jw2019
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