The Trooper oor Portugees

The Trooper

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Portugees

The Trooper

" The trooper ", Iron Maiden.
" The trooper ", Iron Maiden.
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The trooper's readying the horses, captain. LAFE: Good.
O soldado está preparando os cavalos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stilicho had reached the grove and seen the troopers' horses tied there.
Stilicho tinha chegado ao arvoredo e visto os cavalos dos soldados amarrados ali.Literature Literature
Behind him he was aware of the troopers already going for their blasters.
Atrás de si, o capitão tinha certeza de que os troopers já posicionavam suas armas de raiosLiterature Literature
Leon tried to see what the troopers were doing— but there was a post in the way.
Leon tentou ver o que os soldados faziam, mas havia uma pilastra na frente.Literature Literature
At last Tony nodded as if something was settled and walked back to the rest of the Troopers.
Afinal, Tony fez que sim com a cabeça como se algo tivesse ficado combinado e se reuniu ao resto dos policiais.Literature Literature
They were in the trooper's car, near the trail upon which Skink had led Bonnie to the road.
Eles estavam na viatura policial, perto da trilha pela qual Skink levara Bonnie até a estrada.Literature Literature
The trooper just saw it there, walking from his car to the car he had stopped.""
O patrulheiro simplesmente a viu ali, quando estava andando de seu carro até o carro que ele tinha paradoLiterature Literature
In such cases the officers always moved on, not the troopers.
Nesses casos, o oficial sempre era transferido, não os soldados.Literature Literature
The troopers kept their weapons low.
Os soldados mantiveram as armas abaixadas.Literature Literature
The troopers by the front barrier converged on the reporters and the shouting started.
Os policiais da primeira barreira convergiram para os repórteres, e começaram os protestos.Literature Literature
Because the troopers out there, they don't believe me.
Porque os polícias lá fora não acreditam em mim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The trooper was running toward them now, and that made Pete think of something.
O policial corria em direção aos três agora, e isso fez Pete lembrar de algo.Literature Literature
“Guess I’m getting nervous in my old age,” the trooper said.
Acho que estou ficando nervoso depois de velho, disse o policial.Literature Literature
The trooper starts from rest at t 0 and accelerates at 3.00 m/s2 away from the origin.
O policial sai do repouso em t = 0 e acelera em ax = 3,00 m/s2 para longe do ponto inicial.Literature Literature
Ballista’s party made its way over and one of the troopers ordered their meal.
O grupo de Balista chegou ao local e um dos soldados encomendou a refeição deles.Literature Literature
I saw Ector point, and the trooper searched the body looking, apparently, for identification, but finding none.
Vi Ector fazer sinal e o soldado revistou o corpo, procurando identificação, mas nada achou.Literature Literature
Maximus told one of the troopers in the rear to hand his shield to the Dux.
Máximo disse a um dos soldados da retaguarda que entregasse seu escudo ao Dux.Literature Literature
They're the troopers on the left.
Eles são os Troopers à esquerda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The trooper is in love with the girl.
O policial é apaixonado pela garota.Literature Literature
The trooper yawned without bothering to cover his mouth.
O policial bocejou, sem se incomodar em cobrir a bocaLiterature Literature
For two months, the trooper checked Vicki’s house twice a day, varying his routine and time of arrival.
Durante dois meses, o policial checava a casa de Vicki duas vezes por dia, alternando horários.Literature Literature
The trooper said: “It’s against the law to operate a motor vehicle in Florida without a valid license.
A patrulheira disse: É contra a lei dirigir sem carteira de motorista.Literature Literature
Tell the trooper I said, " sorry for the mess. "
Diga à tropa que " sinto muito pela bagunça ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Those are the men the troopers were looking for.
São os homens que os soldados procuravam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The trooper and Lisa June sat up front.
O policial e Lisa June iam na frente.Literature Literature
2320 sinne gevind in 697 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.