crouched oor Portugees

U kan ook belangstel om hierdie woorde na te gaan: crouch.


adjektief, werkwoord
Marked with, bearing, or wearing the sign of the cross.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Portugees

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(@1 : fr:accroupi )
(@1 : de:gebückt )

Soortgelyke frases

to be crouching
estar agachado
to crouch
acocorar · acocorar-se · agachar · agachar-se · baixar-se · cócoras · estar agachado · estar de cócoras · estardecócoras · ficar de cócoras · humilhar · inclinar
Crouching Tiger
O Tigre e o Dragão
Peter Crouch
Peter Crouch
to crouch down
crouch down
acocorar-se · agachar
acocorar · acocorar-se · agachar · agachar-se · baixar-se · cócoras · estar agachado · estar de cócoras · estardecócoras · ficar de cócoras · humilhar · inclinar


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Crouched under their hats they seemed fugitives on some grander scale, like beings for whom the sun hungered.
Recurvados sob os chapéus pareciam fugitivos em alguma escala mais grandiosa, como seres que atiçassem a avidez do sol.Literature Literature
At first all she saw was the shape of a man—a man wrapped in a dirty white rag, crouched on the floor.
A princípio tudo que viu foi a forma de um homem; um homem enrolado em um pano branco sujo, agachado no chão.Literature Literature
Was I crouching behind the kitchen door after that, crying?
Será que eu fiquei agachada atrás da porta da cozinha, chorando, depois disso?Literature Literature
Even the rocks themselves seemed to rise before him like crouching, threatening beasts.
Até mesmo as pedras pareciam erguer-se diante dele, como se fossem feras ameaçadoras, prontas para pular.Literature Literature
I had paid for that knowledge, several months earlier, when I stumbled upon him by accident, crouching down and smoking.
Pagara por esse conhecimento muitos meses antes, ao tropeçar acidentalmente em Pierre que fumava agachado.Literature Literature
He crouched there, looking at his dog.
Ficou ali agachado, olhando para o cão.Literature Literature
Then he ran toward Callista, who was crouched against the wall, staring up at him in wonder and terror.
Ele correu para Callista, que se agachava contra a parede, fitando-o em espanto e terrorLiterature Literature
In the car, crouching over the seat behind the open door, I thought: the Luger.
No carro, debruçado sobre o banco com a porta aberta, pensei: a Luger.Literature Literature
Reese crouches down at Byatt’s feet, and we watch Byatt’s head slowly swing around to look at her.
Reese se agacha perto dos pés de Byatt, e nós a observamos virar a cabeça lentamente para encará-la.Literature Literature
Men avoided AEthelred, all except Aldhelm who crouched beside his chair and whispered in his ear.
Os homens evitavam A Ethelred, todos menos Aldhelm, que se agachava ao lado de sua cadeira e sussurrava em seu ouvido.Literature Literature
... we was out hunting buck and I crouched in the brush, and I stepped on a twig or something.
Estávamos caçando, agachei no mato, pisei em um galho ou algo assim.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smoke began to pour in almost immediately, crawling across the ceiling and forcing the fugitives to crouch.
A fumaça começou a entrar quase que imediatamente, infiltrando-se pelo teto e forçando os fugitivos a se agacharem.Literature Literature
Ronan, crouched beside Gansey, his face miserable, snarling, Are you happy now, Adam?
Ronan agachado ao lado de Gansey, o rosto miserável, rosnando: Está feliz agora, Adam?Literature Literature
Tom was crouched, with one hand on the ground, about six yards from Frank’s little house.
Tom estava agachado, apoiado no chão com uma das mãos, a uns seis metros da casinha de Frank.Literature Literature
Tamani crouched beside her and removed a small dart from her neck.
Tamani se agachou ao lado dela e removeu um pequeno dardo do pescoço dela.Literature Literature
He is crouched and he has his hand out and I see a gun.
Ele estava encolhido e estava com o braço esticado e vi uma arma.Literature Literature
He jogged across the open floor at a crouch, stepping over broken glass and fallen bodies.
Ele atravessou a área aberta correndo agachado, pisando em vidro quebrado e corpos caídos.Literature Literature
As I crouched by the second load, I listened again.
Ao dobrar-me para agarrar a segunda bolsa, escutei outra vez.Literature Literature
I busy myself by crouching down next to my bed and reaching under the sheets to the small hole in the mattress.
Então me ocupo me agachando ao lado da cama e, enfiando a mão sob os lençóis, alcanço o pequeno buraco no colchão.Literature Literature
Crouching in the dark, he tries to make out what the voices on the porch are saying.
Rastejando no escuro, tenta distinguir o que as vozes na varanda estão dizendo.Literature Literature
I ran to where he was crouched at the base of another tree.
Corri até onde ele estava agachado na base de outra árvore.Literature Literature
She opened her eyes and made out the form of someone crouching in the darkness at her side.
Ela abriu os olhos e divisou a figura de alguém se movendo no escuro ao seu lado.Literature Literature
At her side Han was already returning fire, ignoring the danger as he crouched half protected by the wardrobe.
Ao seu lado, Han já estava atirando também, ignorando o perigo ao se agachar semiprotegido pelo armário.Literature Literature
Crouched behind the rocks halfway up the slope, Dillon and Billy waited, and suddenly Dillon’s Codex rang.
Acocorados atrás das rochas na metade da ladeira, Dillon e Billy aguardavam, e subitamente o Codex de Dillon tocou.Literature Literature
Wildgirl crouches lower than me, looking around the side of the ladder.
MeninaSelvagem se abaixa mais do que eu, olhando ao redor da escada.Literature Literature
210 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.