driveway oor Portugees


(US) Short private road that leads to a house or garage.

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(@24 : fr:entrée fr:chemin d'accès fr:allée )
(@19 : fr:entrée es:entrada es:calzada )
(@19 : fr:entrée es:entrada de:Einfahrt )
(@15 : fr:voie d'accès fr:entrée es:entrada )
(@13 : es:calzada de:Autostraße nl:baan )
(@12 : es:calzada de:Autostraße nl:baan )
(@11 : es:calzada de:Fahrweg nl:baan )
(@9 : nl:baan bg:път ru:дорога )
(@9 : es:calzada ja:車道 nl:baan )
(@8 : fr:allée es:calzada ja:車道 )
(@8 : fr:entrée es:entrada id:jalan masuk )
(@8 : bg:път ru:дорога hr:put )
(@8 : fr:allée id:lorong hr:put )
(@8 : fr:allée ro:alee id:lorong )
(@7 : ru:дорога hr:put nl:pad )
(@7 : fr:allée ro:alee id:lorong )
(@7 : es:calzada nl:baan ru:дорога )
(@7 : id:lorong hr:put nl:pad )
(@6 : ms:jalan bg:път ru:дорога )
(@6 : fr:allée ms:jalan id:lorong )


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Your car in the driveway.
Você é um idiota.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On the sidewalk near the driveway stood three middle-aged women.
Na calçada em frente à entrada do sítio, três mulheres de meia-idade estavam paradas.Literature Literature
I came out of the woods, crossed the street to the farmhouse, and stopped abruptly at the base of the driveway.
Saí do bosque, atravessei a rua em direção à minha casa e parei abruptamente ao chegar à entrada da garagem.Literature Literature
There's a generator in the storage beside the driveway.
Há um gerador no armazenamento ao lado da calçada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, just don't leave my stuff in the driveway.
Só não deixe minhas coisas na calçada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The windows were dark, driveway empty.
As janelas estavam escuras e a entrada da garagem, vazia.Literature Literature
At the Ambassador I turned into the driveway, and parked the car and got out.
No Ambassador eu virei na entrada, parei o carro e saí.Literature Literature
And when I had it delivered, the movers decided it’d be a good idea to drop it off right at the end of my driveway.
E, quando o recebemos, os entregadores concluíram que seria uma boa ideia deixá-lo na entrada da minha garagem.Literature Literature
Stan Gibbs was playing in the yard with his boys when Myron and Win pulled into the driveway.
Stan Gibbs estava no quintal brincando com os filhos quando Myron e Win chegaram de carro.Literature Literature
We had been parked in the Steiner driveway for five minutes now.
Estávamos estacionados no acesso para a casa dos Steiner havia cinco minutos.Literature Literature
Back when she only had me and Trey on weekends, she’d only get as far as the driveway.
Quando só ficava comigo e com Trey nos fins de semana, parava na porta de entrada.Literature Literature
Lurking in my driveway doesn't count, and asking me to stop by your house and leave a list of contractors doesn't count.
Ficar escondido na estrada de casa não conta, e pedir para ir à sua casa deixar uma lista de trabalhadores também não.Literature Literature
After we pulled out of the driveway and started down the street, I crumbled in half and cried.
Depois que saímos da garagem e começamos a descer a rua desmoronei e chorei.Literature Literature
I'm in the driveway, I'm under the car, I can hear a fucking machine gun, man, can you hear that?""
Estou na entrada, embaixo do carro, posso ouvir uma porra de uma metralhadora, cara, dá para ouvir?Literature Literature
About halfway down the path, I lifted my head and saw someone standing in our driveway.
A meio caminho de casa, levantei a cabeça e vi alguém na nossa garagem.Literature Literature
Which was parked in Penny”s driveway, she realized.
No qual estava estacionada na vaga de Penny, ela percebeu.Literature Literature
"As they backed out of the driveway, Carol said, ""If there's anything I can't stand, it's a hypocrite."""
Ao saírem de pelo caminho, Carol disse: – Se existe algo que não tolero, é a hipocrisiaLiterature Literature
Who' s Vette is that in the driveway?
De quem é o Vette na rampa?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Non-metal children's safety gates, including safety gates to prevent infants or babies accessing driveways
Portões não metálicos para a segurança de crianças, incluindo portões de segurança para impedir o acesso a caminhos ou rampas de entrada (de ligação à rua) por parte de lactentes e bebéstmClass tmClass
Maybe you can hang out in the car in the driveway.
Talvez você possa passear no carro novo na pista de direção.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Damian cut the engine on the car, blanketing the driveway to her brother’s home in darkness again.
Damian desligou o motor do carro, cobrindo a calçada da casa do irmão dela com a escuridão novamente.Literature Literature
The driveway was eight inches thick.
A entrada tinha 20cm de espessura.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I hate being around people as it is, and there are at least fifteen cars in this driveway.
Odeio lugares cheios de pessoas, e há pelo menos quinze carros na frente da casa.Literature Literature
A hundred yards ahead of me as I came out of a curve she swung wide and turned into a driveway.
Ao redor de cem jardas defronte de mim, ao sair de uma curva, virou numa manobra rápida e estacionou junto à calçada.Literature Literature
As she backs out of the driveway, she rolls down the window and calls, “Keep in touch!”
Quando está dando para ir embora, ela abaixa o vidro e grita: — Vamos manter contato!Literature Literature
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