elephant grass oor Portugees

elephant grass

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common name for plants

Pennisetum purpureum

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Tall elephant grass and prickly, brown brush have replaced Phnom Penh’s blooming flowers and tall trees.
O alto capim-elefante e os arbustos pontiagudos substituíram as flores e árvores altas de Phnom Penh.Literature Literature
It's just like in'Nam. Burnin'the damn Elephant Grass...
É como no Vietnã... queimando o elefante de vidro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He could fashion out flutes from bamboo stems and even from the elephant grass.
Era capaz de fabricar flautas de caniços de bambu e até mesmo de capim-elefante.Literature Literature
Elephant grass,” he pronounced triumphantly.
Capim elefante”, pronunciou triunfante.Literature Literature
Every morning before we start rehearsing, Met Bong wraps our fingers together with elephant grass.
Todo dia de manhã, antes dos ensaios, Met Bong enrola nossos dedos com capim.Literature Literature
They spent the winter roosting in a forest of elephant grass.
Elas passaram o Inverno a repousar numa floresta de erva elefante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fifteen-foot elephant grass bristles along the banks like the back of a colossal, wakening bear.
Um capinzal de cinco metros de altura se eriça ao longo das margens, como as costas de um urso colossal despertando.Literature Literature
Chopped elephant-grass hay was used as poultry litter in all flocks.
Feno de capim elefante picado foi usado como cama em todos os lotes.scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
We also ate grasshoppers, cassava peelings, hibiscus leaves, elephant grass —any leaves we could find.
Comíamos também gafanhotos, casca de mandioca, folhas de hibisco, capim-elefante — qualquer folha que conseguíssemos encontrar.jw2019 jw2019
And even Xiperenyane’s soldiers had been swallowed up by the thick elephant grass.
E até os soldados do Xiperenyane haviam sido engolidos pelo espesso capinzal.Literature Literature
This is elephant grass, which is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world.
Esta é capim-elefante, uma das plantas de mais rápido crescimento no mundo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They ran around in the elephant grass from soldier to soldier giving first aid.
Eles correram ao redor do capim-elefante de soldado para soldado prestando os primeiros socorros.Literature Literature
The brothers once built me a house made entirely of thick elephant grass.
Certa vez os irmãos construíram para mim uma casa feita inteiramente de taboas grossas.jw2019 jw2019
A rushing wind that rattled the leaves and made the elephant grass stream like ghostly banners.
Um vento impetuoso, que agitava as folhas e fazia a grama balançar como bandeiras fantasmagóricas.Literature Literature
At the margin, the tall thickened blades of elephant grass blocked the view.
Nas margens, as folhas grossas e altas do capim-elefante bloqueavam a visão.Literature Literature
Soon our lead elephant headed straight into a wall of elephant grass that towered well over our heads.
Logo o elefante-líder rumou direto para um paredão de tábuas, que se elevavam acima de nossa cabeça.jw2019 jw2019
Elephant grass is the tallest in the world.
O capim de elefante é o mais alto do mundo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Most are also farmers, planting cassava, taro, and elephant grass, which is used to feed cows.
Em sua maioria, também são agricultores que plantam mandioca, inhame e capim-elefante, usado para alimentar as vacas.Literature Literature
That day in the elephant grass, you gave us all life.
Aquele dia na relva, tu deste vida a todos nós.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kaziranga's elephant grass grows to over five metres.
O capim-elefante de Kaziranga cresce mais de 5 metros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) clones in the semi-arid lands of Pernambuco (Brazil)
Características quantitativas e qualitativas de clones de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) no semi-árido pernambucano (Brasil)scielo-title scielo-title
“The pinnacle of German invention, can be kept in business by twelve little African boys and some elephant grass.”
O máximo da inventividade alemã continuou em operação graças a doze meninos africanos e ao capim elefante.Literature Literature
They had been lying in the elephant grass for almost two hours and waiting for the sun to set.
Eles ficaram deitados no capim-elefante durante quase duas horas esperando o sol se pôr.Literature Literature
Carl pulled his zippo from his pocket and touched it to the dried palm fronds and elephant grass of the hut.
Carl tirou do bolso seu isqueiro e com ele tocou as frondes secas de palmeira e o capim da cabana.Literature Literature
With his face almost touching his knees, curled up like a bundle of elephant grass, he waited for permission to speak.
O rosto quase tocando os joelhos, enroscado como um molho de capim, esperou permissão para usar da palavraLiterature Literature
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