felucca oor Portugees


A traditional wooden shallow draught sailing boat used in the Mediterranean and along the Nile in Egypt, its rig consisting of one or two lateen sails.

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traditional wooden sailing boat, its rig consists of one or two lateen sails

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The river would be alive with slender feluccas full of singers and loud with guitars and voices.
— Sim, sir. — Em breve o rio fervilharia com delicadas falucas repletas de cantores, seria tomado por música e vozes.Literature Literature
No trip to Egypt is complete without a Nile cruise on a felucca.
Nenhuma viagem ao Egito está completa sem um passeio de felucca no Nilo.Literature Literature
So Marcella and I put the idea to the test by hiring a felucca, and sailing upstream.
Então, Marcella e eu resolvemos testar a ideia contratando uma felucca e navegando rio acima.Literature Literature
A ship was founding the Island, a great lumbering beast that dwarfed the dhows and feluccas.
Um navio contornava a ilha, uma enorme e lerda besta que fazia dhows e faluchos parecerem botes.Literature Literature
Only—the felucca had disappeared from the surface of the sea and Groslow and his three sailors were consumed.
Mas a falua desaparecera da superfície do mar, e Groslow e seus três homens tinham sido aniquilados.Literature Literature
The felucca is waiting for us, you know; let us leave to-night, we have nothing more to do here.”
A falua espera-nos, como sabeis; partamos esta noite, que já não temos o que fazer aquiLiterature Literature
LXXIV THE LIGHTNING FELUCCA D’ARTAGNAN had guessed rightly; Mordaunt had no time to lose, and had not lost any.
"Capítulo XII - A falua ""o relâmpago"" D'ARTAGNAN adivinhara: Mordaunt não tinha tempo para perder e não o perdera."Literature Literature
The felucca on which I was sailing is lost, the captain is dead.
O falucho em que andava embarcado naufragou e o comandante morreu.Literature Literature
Light, small, and maneuverable, the feluccas were the mainstay of the fishing fleet of San Francisco Bay.
Leves, pequenas e facilmente manobráveis, as feluccas constituíam a base da frota de pesca da baía de São Francisco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Marry a dozen Maria Feluccas, and if it will do any good, let her go and get her picture painted, too.
Que se case com uma dúzia de Marias Feluccas e, se isso lhe fizer algum bem, deixe que pintem o retrato dela também.Literature Literature
He turned back to watch the feluccas that were now out of range of the mortars that had fallen silent.
— Ele se virou de volta para olhar os faluchos, agora fora do alcance dos morteiros que tinham ficado em silêncioLiterature Literature
First I had the amusement of catching the fleas I had picked up in the felucca.
Primeiro diverti-me com a caça aos piolhos que adquirira na falua.Literature Literature
“When I become wealthy I’ll buy a beautiful felucca, and we’ll sail the Happy Isles and the Violet Sea.
Quando ficar rico, comprarei um bonito falucho e navegaremos pelas ilhas Afortunadas e pelo mar Violeta.Literature Literature
Two men and a horse will suffice to transport the two casks on board the felucca which brought me hither.""
Dois homens e um cavalo bastarão para transportar os dois barris à falua que me trouxeLiterature Literature
You leave Maria Felucca alone.""
Deixe em paz a Maria Felucca.”Literature Literature
Ma chérie... may I request your favorite song, so that we may dance, before I take you to my private felucca on the wharf and make passionate love to you?
Ma Cherie, posso pedir sua canção favorita de forma a podermos dançar antes que eu a leve para meu iate no embarcadouro e faça amor apaixonado com você.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Flames flickered along the waterfront of the city as the few feluccas still moored there began to burn.
Chamas surgiram na borda do rio perto da cidade enquanto poucas feluccas ainda ancoradas lá começavam a queimar.Literature Literature
A fleet of feluccas had just landed a Saracen host in Brittany.
Uma frota de falucas desembarcou um exército sarraceno na Bretanha.Literature Literature
Morrel opened the letter and read: MY DEAR MAXIMILIAN, There is a felucca waiting for you.
Morrel abriu a carta e leu: Querido Maximilien, Há uma feluca ancorada para você.Literature Literature
In the port a felucca was ready to leave for Christian lands.
No porto, uma faluca já estava pronta para partir rumo às terras cristãs.Literature Literature
With this curved line I mark the passage of the felucca which I want to reach the port of St Malo.
Com esta linha curva assinalo o percurso da faluca que gostaria de fazer chegar até o porto de Saint-Malo.Literature Literature
There were ten on board the little Biscayan felucca--three men in crew, and seven passengers, of whom two were women.
Eram dez a bordo do pequeno barco biscainho, três homens da tripulação e sete passageiros, entre os quais duas mulheres.Literature Literature
By the time the felucca did return, the wind was blowing the wrong way, and the voyage was delayed yet again.
Quando a embarcação voltou, o vento estava soprando do lado errado e a viagem foi adiada mais uma vez.Literature Literature
So Edward went back to New York with his Maria Felucca from Honduras.
Então Edward voltou para Nova York com sua Maria Felucca de Honduras.Literature Literature
We hired a native felucca to take us back down the Nile.
Alugamos uma felucca para nos levar de volta ao Nilo.Literature Literature
101 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.