thrall oor Portugees


/θɹɔːl/, /θɹɔl/, /θɹɑl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
One who is enslaved or mind-controlled.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Portugees


one who is enslaved
Under the thrall of a cutthroat named Chitu.
Sob a liderança de um escravo degolador chamado Chitu.


one who is enslaved
It was hoped that such new blood would stimulate our stock of thralls.
Era esperado que esse novo sangue estimularia o nosso estoque de servos.
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the state of being under the control of another person
He held me in his thrall.
Ele me mantinha em seu jugo.
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noun verb
Well, you're holding my mechanic in thrall, and, Kaylee, what's going on in the engine room?
Você está segurando uma mecânica cativa. Kaylee, o que está havendo na sala de máquinas?


How did you break his thrall over you?
Como se libertaram da escravidão dele?
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Blackmoore twisted out of the way, pushed the door aside, and called, “It’s still not too late, Thrall.
Pantanegro saiu do caminho e empurrou a porta de lado, gritando: — Não é tarde demais, Thrall.Literature Literature
What if my father gave up the source to the Cabal when they had him under their thrall?
E se o meu pai entregou a fonte à Seita quando eles o tinham sob o seu domínio?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
In her rage, she was without a doubt the most beautiful, dangerous thing Thrall had ever seen.
Em sua fúria, ela era sem dúvida a coisa mais bela e mais mortífera que Thrall já havia visto.Literature Literature
"""Farewell for now, my old friend,"" Thrall said to Eitrigg."
— Adeus por enquanto, velho amigo — Thrall disse a Eitrigg.Literature Literature
The Thrall Dogman had stabbed was still breathing, just about, sat near the grapple.
O servo que Cachorrão havia esfaqueado ainda respirava, fraco, sentado perto do arpéu.Literature Literature
It was Domastir and the thralls.
Foi o Domastir... e os Thralls.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thrall was enraptured by the scenes, dancing and beautiful, and felt himself yearning to be swept up in them.
Thrall estava envolvido pelas cenas dançando lindamente, e se viu desejando ser levado por elas.Literature Literature
The lady Oonagh has him in her thrall, body and soul.
Lady Oonagh tem-no dominado, de corpo e alma.Literature Literature
I fear that any Christian man or woman who is in thrall to such vices will incur a judgement: what do you say?
Temo que qualquer homem ou mulher cristã que esteja escravo desses vícios incorrerá em julgamento: o que você diria?Literature Literature
Thrall smiled at his old friend.
Thrall sorriu para o velho amigoLiterature Literature
And then he was falling, released from the demon's thrall so that his scream echoed in the night.
E então caiu, livre do domínio do demônio para que seu grito ressonasse na noite.Literature Literature
He will come to do business with me because she demands it and he is in thrall to her, every bit as much as I am.
Deverá negociar comigo porque ela exige e o tem tão aterrorizado como a mim.Literature Literature
Where are your thralls?
Onde estão os seus servos?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was hoped that such new blood would stimulate our stock of thralls.
Era esperado que esse novo sangue estimularia o nosso estoque de servos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And Thrall felt a swelling of quiet joy and utter peace, and simply watched.
Thrall sentiu uma alegria tranquila e uma paz absoluta se inflarem e ficou simplesmente observando.Literature Literature
‘And I am no longer in thrall to you, evil woman that you are.
E já não estou mais sujeito a você, mulher maligna.Literature Literature
• Before becoming one of Thrall’s most trusted advisors, the orc Eitrigg led a life of solitude.
Antes de se tornar um dos conselheiros mais confiáveis de Thrall, o orc Eitrigg levava uma vida de solidão.Literature Literature
“As you wish,” said Narygos, landing gracefully and lowering himself so that Thrall might dismount with more ease.
— Como quiser — respondeu Narygos, pousando graciosamente e abaixando o corpo para que Thrall pudesse descer.Literature Literature
The second thing Thrall realized was worse.
A segunda coisa que Thrall compreendeu era bem pior.Literature Literature
The idea of her in the thrall of that disgusting cripple was almost too much to bear.
A ideia de ela estar nas garras daquele aleijado abominável era quase demais para suportar.Literature Literature
I hoped it didn’t mean she had Amon under her thrall again.
Eu torcia para que isso não significasse que tinha Amon sob controle de novo.Literature Literature
But it was as if his body had a mind of its own and would not listen to Thrall’s instructions.
Mas era como se seu corpo possuísse consciência própria e não respeitasse suas instruções.Literature Literature
Even Thrall knew he was included in the generous radiance.
Até mesmo Thrall sabia que estava incluído em tal irradiação generosa.Literature Literature
But what was the idea of letting thralls use up wood and have their own building as if they were fine folk?
Mas valeria a pena deixar que os escravos usassem a lenha e aquele local como se fossem gente?Literature Literature
For centuries, Seville, the preeminent city of Andalusia, has held Spain in its thrall.
Durante séculos, Sevilha, a proeminente cidade da Andaluzia, manteve a Espanha cativa.Literature Literature
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