dynasty oor Quechua


/'daɪnəˌsti/ naamwoord
A series of rulers or dynasts from one family.

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European leaders acted like a “generation of sleepwalkers that stumbled unawares over the ledge of doom during that halcyon summer of 1914,” explains the work The Fall of the Dynasties —The Collapse of the Old Order 1905-1922.
Uj libro nin jina, Europamanta kamachejkunaqa, 1914 wata qʼoñi tiempopi, “qaqa puntapi puriykachaj puñuy machasqa runaman rijchʼakorqanku”. (The Fall of the Dynasties—The Collapse of the Old Order 1905-1922.)jw2019 jw2019
For instance, when Jehovah decreed that the entire apostate dynasty of King Jeroboam was to be executed, He ordered that one of the king’s sons, Abijah, be given a decent burial.
Sutʼincharinapaq: Jehovaqa, kamachiq Jeroboampa mirayninmanta kaqkuna wañurachisqas kanankuta niptinpis, churin Abías sumaq pʼampasqa kananta kamachirqa.jw2019 jw2019
So Elijah told Ahab that God had ordained “a clean sweep,” the extermination of that entire dynasty.
Chayraykutaj tukuyninkuta tukuchinanta nerqa.jw2019 jw2019
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