isolation oor Quechua


/ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/ naamwoord
(chiefly uncountable) The state of being isolated, detached, or separated.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
There, in the village of Kjøllefjord, they preached alongside other brothers and sisters who had also come to that isolated region to share in the preaching work.
31 Kausaj Diospa makisninman urmayqa, manchariywan kharkatitinapaj jinapuni.jw2019 jw2019
Yes, having a close relationship with Jehovah gave these two Christians the strength needed to cope with isolation.
Jesusqa tukuypaj maychus necesitakusqan preciota pagarqa (6)jw2019 jw2019
Do not let distractions and isolation hinder communication within your family
14 ¿Manachu tukuy ángeles* Diosta sirvejkuna kanku? ¿Manachu Diosqa paykunata kamachin, pikunachus salvakonqanku chaykunata yanapanankupaj?jw2019 jw2019
At first, you may feel that isolating yourself emotionally from your spouse is the safest course.
31 Diosmanta mayta mañakusqankutawantaj, maypichus tantasqa kasharqanku chay waseqa kuyurerqa, tukuyninkumantaj Diospa atiynin* juntʼaykorqa, Diospa palabrantataj mana manchachikuspa willarqanku.jw2019 jw2019
Such isolation often leads to depression.
Madrastranqa, Gerrip tatanta iskayninkumanta jukta akllananta nirqa.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 130:3) But when Sarah realized that John’s rudeness was a pattern rather than an isolated incident, she decided to end the relationship.
Kunanqa maqanakuypi wañusunchik, chantapis warmisninchik, wawasninchik ima, japʼichikunqanku.jw2019 jw2019
One challenge the merger presented was that of helping publishers feel that they are not isolated from Jehovah’s organization even though branch offices no longer function in their countries.
9 Mikhojkunamantaqa tawa waranqa jina qharis karqanku.jw2019 jw2019
What helped isolated colporteurs to remain happy?
Ima chʼampayllapis phutichisuptinqa, ‘Diosman saqiy tukuy phutikuyniykita’ (1 Pedro 5:6, 7).jw2019 jw2019
Regrettably, these are not isolated cases.
Qankuna iskay sonqosniyojkunaqa, sonqosniykichejta chʼuwachaychej.”jw2019 jw2019
Another challenge may be that you feel isolated.
18 ”Tiatira congregacionpi kaj angelman qhelqay: Kay imasta nin Diospa Wawan, pejpatachus ñawisnin nina lauray jina kanku, chakisnintaj chʼuwachasqa cobre jina kanku, chay: 19 ‘Yachani imastachus ruwasqaykita, munakusqaykita, creesqaykita, Diosta sirvisqaykita, aguantasqaykitapis.jw2019 jw2019
Longtime pioneer Charles Harris explained that the isolation and physical hardships of the outback actually drew him closer to Jehovah.
Ama ñuqaykuwan maqanakunaykichikpaq tratota ruwaychik”.jw2019 jw2019
Graduates under 50 might serve as temporary special pioneers to open up and expand the work in isolated areas.
Yachakusqankumanjina mana kawsasqankuraykutaq “wiksallisqa rikhurispa ni imata ruwayta yachasqankuchu”.jw2019 jw2019
Cultivate the habit of reading the context rather than just isolated verses.
Cuerponchikqa mana wak mikhunastajinachu pisimanta pisi alcohol ukyasqanchikta chʼunqanan tiyan.jw2019 jw2019
Emphasize how meditating on God’s Word can help us to isolate principles for personal application.
Qhepa kaj templopaj cimientosta churakunjw2019 jw2019
“I had the pleasure of assisting an isolated family to learn the truth.”
Diosqa Wawannejta parlan (1-4)jw2019 jw2019
So even if we are suffering because of some distressing situation, let us not isolate ourselves, for doing so will not improve matters.
45 Leymanta yachachejkunamanta ujnintaj Jesusta nerqa: “Yachachejníy, chay imasta nispaqa noqaykutapis pʼenqaypi rikhurichiwayku”, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
I also visited places where isolated Witnesses were located and trained them in the ministry.
Israelitastaq filisteosta qhatispa tukuyninta wañuchirqanku.jw2019 jw2019
There I felt that Jehovah’s angels were “camping all around” while I worked in such an isolated assignment. —Ps.
Rahabpa wasinqa Jericop pirqanpi kachkan.jw2019 jw2019
4:6, 7) Even if we are isolated, our petitions to Jehovah unite us with “the entire association of [our] brothers in the world.” —1 Pet.
Chantá sutʼita, mana imatapis pakaspa willarqani, ni ima saqrata ruwachkasqayta, nitaq wawitatajina jarkʼawasqan gustawasqanta ima.jw2019 jw2019
Did you note in that verse that isolation can have an undesirable effect on the mind?
Jinata ruwaptinchiktaq, wakinqa ñuqanchikpi atienekunku, tukuy imatataq kawsayninkumanta, chʼampayninkumanta ima, willariwanchik, jinamanta amigosta ruwakuyta qallarinchik”.jw2019 jw2019
Burnett and Simone, a couple in their mid-30’s, and their sons, Eston and Caleb, now ages 12 and 9, moved to Burketown, an isolated town in Queensland, Australia.
Payqa, runamanta imallatapis qhichuyqa mana allin kasqanta yacharqa.jw2019 jw2019
It is also wise to work in pairs or in groups and to stay on well-lit streets where you are not isolated.
3 Jinapi Lazaroj hermanasnenqa Jesusman willachimorqanku: “Señor, munasqa amigoyki onqosqa kashan”, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
They joyfully proclaim the good news in isolated villages along the river and its tributaries
8 Cristo Jesuswan ujchasqa kajkunapajqa, mana ima juchachaypis kanchu.jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 6:20) This book also shows that friendships are vital, as isolation breeds selfishness.
18 Imaraykuchus Diosmanta Qhelqasqapi nin: “Ama ñukuta* toroman churankichu trillashajtenqa”, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
* On the other hand, do not ignore such signs or dismiss your teenager’s isolation as a mere phase.
22 Yachachisqasnintaj purajmanta qhawanakorqanku, pimantachus parlashasqanta mana yachaspataj tʼukorqanku.jw2019 jw2019
80 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.