visit oor Ayacucho Quechua


/ˈvɪzɪt/, /vɪzɪt/ Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To go and meet (a person) or see (a place).

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In addition, prepare a question that can be raised at the conclusion of the discussion to lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Dinata pasasqanmanta turinkuna yacharuspankuqa anchatam piñakururqaku.jw2019 jw2019
Through all of this, my sister visited me regularly.
23 Chiqaptapunim pi runapas* chay hamunanpaq kaq willakuqta mana uyariqqa qamkuna ukumanta pasaypaq chinkachisqa kanqa’, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
Instead, we show them respect because we understand why they are visiting us and how hard they work for us.
Isaacñataq Abrahanpa churin,jw2019 jw2019
To visit some towns, I had to cross the rocky Sierra Madre Mountains.
45 Chaymi Jesus nirqa: “¿Pitaq llachpaykuwan?”, nispan.jw2019 jw2019
However, despite my being very withdrawn, they kindly and patiently persisted in visiting me in order to teach me about the Bible.
6 Ñuqaqariki ñam ofrecespa tallisqanku* vino hinaña kachkani, librakunay tiempopas chayamunqañam.jw2019 jw2019
During the visit.
Ichaqa manam kay tiempopiqa pipas allintaqa yachanchu apostolkunapa tiemponpi Jesusta imayna sutiwan reqsisqankutaqa.jw2019 jw2019
It was getting dark, but we decided to visit a few more homes to finish a street.
Leprawan unquq 10 runakuna sanoyachisqa kasqankumanta (11-19)jw2019 jw2019
Arrange for a return visit to answer the question.
Chaynayá ñoqanchikpas kasunchik.jw2019 jw2019
Can you visit the country that you are interested in moving to, perhaps for more than just a few days?
“Hawkayay qokuq Diosmi pisi tiempollamantaña atiyta qosunkichik Satanasta sarupaspa chinkachinaykichikpaq.”jw2019 jw2019
Include a two-part demonstration. Show how the book might be offered and then how to make a return visit with the goal of starting a Bible study.
Chaymi Faraon kamachirqa lliw runankunata: ‘Llapallan Israel qari wawachakuna naceqtaqa wañuchiychik.jw2019 jw2019
When I did muster up the courage to pray, an elder from the local congregation visited me.
Adanpa hinaspa Evapa kusikusqankuqa manam unaypaqchu karqa.jw2019 jw2019
The elder who made that visit is now in his 80’s, and he fondly remembers that brother’s sense of humor and his loyalty.
35 Chaynaqa, hinallayá mana manchakuspa rimaychik, chaynapim achka bendicionkunata chaskinkichik.jw2019 jw2019
* Invite audience to give specific comments on how they were encouraged by a traveling overseer during his visit to the congregation.
Imapas kikillanmanta rikurirusqanta yachachiqkunam ninku, llapanmanta kawsay atiqkunallapam imanpas tiempopa pasasqanman hina kikillankumanta rikurisqanta.jw2019 jw2019
And what if Elijah had been told that his work involved, not executing wicked Baal prophets while he was trying to serve Jehovah under the rule of a wicked apostate king, but peacefully visiting people to deliver a message of comfort and hope?
Ichaqa yaqa 1950 kaq watapim tarirurqaku Jesuspa tiemponpiraq kaq Septuaginta nisqanku Bibliamanta wakin qellqakunata otaq parten llikikunata.jw2019 jw2019
One day, I visited a solicitor’s office in a small town.
Allinllachu nimusunkichiktaqmi llaqtapa tesoreron Erastopas chaynallataq Cuarto sutiyuq wawqinpas.jw2019 jw2019
They can arrange to visit such ones and encourage them to resume their activity, perhaps building on the thoughts presented in the Memorial discourse. —Rom.
Chaymanta Jobta chay mana allin onqoywan hapirachirqa.jw2019 jw2019
Before the visit.
¿Yachankichu imanasqa?jw2019 jw2019
Brothers in one congregation made a point when occasionally visiting a religiously divided family to chat with the unbelieving husband about things they knew he was interested in.
Jesuspa rikchaynin tikrakusqanmanta (1-13)jw2019 jw2019
127:4) The concluding talk by the visiting speaker will consider how we can keep pace with Jehovah’s organization as individuals, as families, and as a congregation.
Jacobqa anchata piñakururqa churinkuna chay mana allinta rurasqankumanta.jw2019 jw2019
Do you remember when Mary went to visit her relative Elizabeth, and the baby inside Elizabeth jumped for joy?
3 Gobernadorpa palacionjw2019 jw2019
3 If interest is shown, leave the person with a question that you will answer on the next visit.
28 Ichaqa Diospa espiritunwan demoniokunata ñuqa qarquptiyqa, chiqaptapunim Diospa munaychakuyninqa* hayparamusunkichikña.jw2019 jw2019
Make definite arrangements for a return visit.
Jordan mayuta chimpanankupaq tiempo chayaramuptinmi Jehová Diosqa runakunata Josueywan nichimurqa: ‘Sacerdotekunam contrato baulta hoqarispa runakunapa ñawpaqninta richunku.jw2019 jw2019
Then a spiritual sister from France came to see her, and together they traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia, to visit the Bethel home there.
13 Diospa runankunamanyá* quykuychik imankupas pisisqanman hina.jw2019 jw2019
Those congregations having the visit of the circuit overseer or an assembly that weekend will have the special talk the following week.
Chay llaqtakunapi congregacionkuna kananpaqmi Pabloqa yanaparqa.jw2019 jw2019
One circuit overseer said: “Sometimes the brothers give us a thank-you letter saying how much they enjoyed our visit.
13 Pablom riqmasinkunapiwan Pafos llaqtamanta buquepi rispanku Panfilia lawpi Perga llaqtaman chayarurqaku.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.