wander oor Ayacucho Quechua


/ˈwɑːn.dɜː/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The act or instance of wandering.

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So they will wander in the wilderness for 40 years until the last person dies.
Chaynapim paykunataqa akllarqaku reypa serviqninña kanankupaq.jw2019 jw2019
8 After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in a land described as a “vast and terrible wilderness infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions, a thirsty, waterless land.”
14 Milagro ruwarusqanta runakuna qawaspankum nirqaku: “Payqa chiqaptapunim runakunaman hamunanpaq Diosmanta willakuq* runa”, nispanku.jw2019 jw2019
The Israelites have been wandering in the wilderness for a while now.
Malta carneropa casarakuyninmanta (7-9)jw2019 jw2019
One way a person could wander into the foolish course of the “young man in want of heart” is by aimlessly flipping through television channels or surfing the Internet.
Chaymantañam sipaschapa nisqanta chay warmipa qosanman willarqaku.jw2019 jw2019
If people do not see the practical value of what you are saying, they may tell you that they are not interested, or they may tune out mentally, allowing their minds to wander.
Jesuspa qatiqninkuna chiqnisqa kanankumanta (16-25)jw2019 jw2019
And for any in the audience who are not using their Bibles and whose minds may be wandering, visual contact with the speaker may help bring their attention back to what is being read.
Estudiasqaykikunaqa, ¿yanapasurqankichu iñiynikipi?jw2019 jw2019
Rather than allowing our eyes to wander, let us keep them fixed on doing God’s will and on our precious hope of everlasting life. —Prov.
27 Paymantaqmi juzgananpaqpas atiyta quykun runapa churin* kasqanrayku.jw2019 jw2019
She could not let her attention wander to the grandeur of the royal court, the graceful columns, the richly carved ceiling of cedars imported from distant Lebanon.
Pedrotawan Juanta rikuruspanmi limosnata mañakurqa.jw2019 jw2019
For their lack of faith, God punished the Israelites by having them wander for 40 years in the wilderness.
Mana allin runakunapa mana ima ninanpas kasqanmanta (18-32)jw2019 jw2019
“Better to enjoy what the eyes see than to wander after one’s desires.” —Ecclesiastes 6:9.
Llaqtapa punkunta tutapi kicharayachkaqta saqeruptinku Media law hinaspa Persia law soldadokuna yaykururqaku.jw2019 jw2019
12, 13. (a) What should we do if our eyes tend to wander where they should not?
28 Hinaptinmi chaylla tukuy Galilea lawman Jesusmanta willakusqanku chiqirurqa.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah therefore made that generation wander in the wilderness for 40 years.
Chaypi yanapanankupaqmi Jesusqa akllarqa 12 runakunata apostolninkuna kanankupaq.jw2019 jw2019
Even so, they had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years along with the rest of the Israelites.
Chayrayku libronchikqa qallarin Bibliapi pasaq tiempopi tukuy imapas unanchakusqanmanta willaspa.jw2019 jw2019
Unless others can readily hear you, their minds may wander, and the information you present may not be clear to them.
Jordan mayuta chimpanankupaq tiempo chayaramuptinmi Jehová Diosqa runakunata Josueywan nichimurqa: ‘Sacerdotekunam contrato baulta hoqarispa runakunapa ñawpaqninta richunku.jw2019 jw2019
I pray for self-control, though, and this helps to keep my mind from wandering.”
2 Abrahanmi karqa Isaacpa taytan,jw2019 jw2019
13:25–14:10) As a result of Israel’s actions, Joshua and Caleb were forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, not for their own error, but for the error of others.
17 Qawaykuspankum paykunaman willarqaku wawachamanta angelpa willasqanta.jw2019 jw2019
She could not let her attention wander to the grandeur of the royal court, the graceful columns, the richly carved ceiling of cedars imported from distant Lebanon.
41 Apostolkunaqa judiokunapa hatun cortenmantam kusisqallaña pasakurqaku Jesuspa sutinrayku pinqaypi churasqa kasqankumanta.jw2019 jw2019
If you are not careful, though, when you try to read, your mind may wander.
Bibliataqa astawanmi chanincharqani.jw2019 jw2019
By heeding the warning: “Do not wander into her roadways.”
¿Imanasqataq warmikunaqa admirakurqaku Jesuspa sepulturanman rispanku?jw2019 jw2019
If our eyes tend to wander where they should not, let us recall the firm resolve of faithful Job, who made a formal agreement with his own eyes —a firm decision not to give romantic attention to a woman not his own wife.
Fariseokuna ñawsa hina kasqankumanta (35-41)jw2019 jw2019
Yet, on such occasions do you sometimes find that your mind wanders and you start thinking about less important matters?
11 Jesusñataqmi nirqa: “Chayna munayniyuq kayta Dios mana qusuptikiqa manam imanawankimanpaschu.jw2019 jw2019
Another person may speak somewhat aimlessly, wandering from one idea to another.
Naceptinmi Juanwan suticharqaku; Zacariasmi churin Juanmanta willakurqa; Juanmi chunniqpi karqajw2019 jw2019
At Christian meetings, for example, it is easy to allow our mind to wander or to dwell on what we might do later.
Chaymi qosan Isaacta nirqa: ‘Imaynaraq kanqa viday sichu Jacobpas Canaan llaqtayoq warmiwancasarakuruptinqa’ nispa.jw2019 jw2019
Yesterday was when you came and today shall I make you wander with us, to go when I am going wherever I am going?
¿Imaynatam Josiaspa rurasqanqa qatikunapaq hina kanman warma kayninkupi sasachakuspa kawsaqkunapaq?jw2019 jw2019
When a speaker lacks fluency, the minds of the listeners may wander; wrong ideas may be conveyed.
Patronnikichik Cristotayá sirviente hina serviychik.jw2019 jw2019
26 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.