Account oor Cusco Quechua


A UI element that links to Account Services or other, account-related site.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Cusco Quechua

Tukuy kapkuna

A UI element that links to Account Services or other, account-related site.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


/əˈkaʊnt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(archaic) A reckoning; computation; calculation; enumeration; a record of some reckoning.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Cusco Quechua

tukuy kaqkuna

The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service.


The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

e-mail account
correo electronicupi hayka kasqan
khipukamayuq · yupanki
User Account Control
Yapiqkunapa cuentampa qawaqnin
account expiration
tukusqaaña kaqnin
account balance
qollqe puchuq
standard account
chaynalla yupaq
account lockout
account manager
Kaqninkunamanta tukuyrikuq


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
12 These two Gospel accounts give us precious insight into “the mind of Christ.”
12 Manan pipas jayk’aqpas rikuranchu Diostaqa.jw2019 jw2019
If so, the account about young Samuel shows that Jehovah understands your problems and your feelings.
63 Jinaqtinmi uma sacerdoteqa p’achanta llik’ikuspa niran: “¿Imapaqñan testigokunatapas munasunman?jw2019 jw2019
The account in 1 Kings chapter 17 says no more about this woman.
“Pipas torreta sayarichiyta munaspaqa tukunankama gastananpaqmi ñawpaqtaraq qolqenta yupan hayk’achus kasqanta.jw2019 jw2019
Do you visualize yourself attaining the prize when you read Bible accounts?
Kay pachapi Jesuspa kawsasqan (Galileapi Jesuspa predicasqan-huk kaq)jw2019 jw2019
One Bible account tells us that he “set out on a tour of all the cities and villages.”
¿Atiwaqchischu ujanayña kashan chay copa* ujayta?”, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
Let us consider that account and use it to examine our attitude about forgiveness.
Moisespa takin, corderoq takinpiwan (3, 4)jw2019 jw2019
Susan summed up the account of her childhood experience by writing: “[Al] was to die only eight years later, by which time I was a committed atheist.”
9 Chhaynaqa Cristoq yawarninraykun chaninpaq jap’isqa kanchis, chay yawarmi salvawasun Diospa k’araq phiñakuyninmantapas.jw2019 jw2019
18, 19. (a) How might we reason on the questions that skeptics raise regarding the events in Noah’s account?
21 Jinan paykunaqa tapuranku: “Chhaynaqa, ¿pitaq kankiri?jw2019 jw2019
To find out, let us consider the account in more detail.
Huk p’unchaymiAbrahán Lotta niran: ‘Kaypi allpaqa manan aypanchu uywanchiskunapaq.jw2019 jw2019
(b) How does the account of Jacob’s approach to Esau illustrate the value of humility?
Paymi niran: ‘José wayqeykichismi kani.jw2019 jw2019
However, God’s Word assures us that Jehovah knows our heartfelt desire and takes into account our limitations. —Ps.
14 Waj nacionkunamanta runakunaqa manaña Diospa kamachikuyninta yachankuchu chaypas, chay kamachikuypa nisqanman jinan mayninpiqa imatapas ruwanku, chaymi rikuchin sonqonkupi juj kamachikuy kasqanta.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus was single, and he spoke of singleness as a gift when it is “on account of the kingdom of the heavens.”
6 Alabakuymanña chaypas, cheqaqllatan imatapas niyman, chaymi alabakuspaqa mana mana yuyayniyoqchu kashayman.jw2019 jw2019
Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you.” —John 15:19.
7 Chay sinchi millay runaq millay ruwayninqa manaraqmi allintachu reparakushan, ichaqa ñan ruwashanña mana allinkunata; maykamachus chay jark’aq kanqa chaykamallan millay ruwayninqa mana sut’i reparasqachu kanqa.jw2019 jw2019
While some followed him and became his disciples, others despised the Son of God and “held him as of no account.” —Isa.
27 Paykunaqa manan entienderankuchu Yayamanta rimashasqanta.jw2019 jw2019
16:11; 20:34; 27:7) They were likely just historical writings available back in the period when the prophet Jeremiah and Ezra wrote the accounts that we have in the Bible.
17 Kaykunatataq niykichis, yachaysapa kayta yachanaykichispaq; runamasiykichis sirvisionpi kaspaykichisqa, Yayaykichispa sirvisionpi kasqaykichista yachanaykichispaq.jw2019 jw2019
One example, found in the account about Jesus’ birth, clearly shows Jehovah’s thinking about material things.
Jesuspa ñaupaq discipulonkunamanta (35-42)jw2019 jw2019
When calling the rebels to account for their actions, what basis for hope did God provide?
5 Paykunaqa ñaupa taytakunaq mirayninmi kanku, paykunamantan Cristopas runa jina naceran.jw2019 jw2019
A child becomes accountable to God when he knows what Jehovah says is right and wrong.
Millay espíritu kutiqtin imachus pasananmanta (24-26)jw2019 jw2019
For our conversation to upbuild, it is especially important to take into account Jehovah’s view of what is being discussed.
3 Jesustaq niran: “¿Manachu leerankichis imatachus David ruwaran chayta?jw2019 jw2019
Still, we learn from the account of the poor widow that Jehovah notices and treasures each act done for him, especially when done in the face of difficult circumstances.
Mana jayk’aq casarakuqpas casarakapuspaqa manan juchatachu ruwashanman.jw2019 jw2019
15 What does this account teach us?
33 Ay mana p’akillisqa sonqoyoqkunamanta! Huchallikuyninkumanta yachaymi paykunata qhepa p’unchawpi k’irinqa.jw2019 jw2019
The account of Ruth reminds us that tragedy and loss beset good, honest people as well as bad.
¡Manan ichaqa Joseta yuyariranchu!jw2019 jw2019
Are we accountable for the way we treat them?
13 Qankunapas salvasqa kanaykichispaq cheqaq allin willakuykunata uyarispan paypi suyakushankichis ¿riki?jw2019 jw2019
33 And if ye had aall the scriptures which give an account of all the marvelous works of Christ, ye would, according to the words of Christ, know that these things must surely come.
12 Jinaqtinmi niranku: “¿Maytaq chay runari?”, nispa.LDS LDS
Recall the account of the “needy widow” whom Jesus observed at the temple in Jerusalem.
“Tukuy llakikuyniykichista Diosman saqeychis, paymi qankunataqa cuidashasunkichis”jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.