family oor Cusco Quechua


/ˈfæmli/, /ˈfæməli/ adjektief, naamwoord
(countable) A father, mother and their sons and daughters; also called nuclear family .

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A series of hardware or software products that have some properties in common, such as a series of personal computers from the same company, a series of CPU chips from the same manufacturer that all use the same instruction set, a set of 32-bit operating systems based on the same API (for example, Windows 95 and Windows 98), or a set of fonts that are intended to be used together, such as Times New Roman.

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Family Safety
Aylluq hark'akuynin · Irqi Uywap
extended family


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May you and your family be among those who will reap the everlasting benefits that God’s Kingdom will bring.
15 Tukuy atiywan chaykunamantaqa rimashallaypuni, jujkunatapas kallpachay anyay ima.jw2019 jw2019
21 And he cometh into the world that he may asave all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the pains of all men, yea, the bpains of every living creature, both men, women, and children, who belong to the family of cAdam.
3 Manataq pipas unuchaypi chaskisqachu karqan, ichaqa, Cristoq sutinta churakuspanku tukukuykama Pay serviyta churakuqtillanku.LDS LDS
The second article considers how keeping a simple eye, pursuing spiritual goals, and maintaining a Family Worship evening are essential to the entire family’s spiritual well-being.
43 Fiesta p’unchaykuna tukukapuqtintaq llapanku kutimpusharanku, Jesusmi ichaqa Jerusalenpi qheparakamusqa, tayta-mamantaq mana chayta reparasqakuchu.jw2019 jw2019
Help for families
* ¡Tukuy atiyniyoq Jehová Diosninchisñan kunanqa kamachishan!jw2019 jw2019
After helping to assist at an international convention, one sister remarked: “Except for my family and a handful of friends, I didn’t know many there.
12 Wawallaykuna, kaytaqa qelqamushaykichis paypa sutinrayku juchaykichis perdonasqa kasqanraykun.jw2019 jw2019
As a family, give spiritual activities priority over entertainment and relaxation
7 Wayqe-panaykuna (noqaqa kamachikuy simita yachaqkunamanmi qelqamushaykichis), ¿manachu yachankichis kamachikuy simiqa kausanankamalla runaq patronnin kasqanta?jw2019 jw2019
Daily spiritual discussions help Emmanuel and his family to ‘prove themselves ready’
9 Chaymi Jesusqa discipulonkunata niran juj boteta listota alistapushanankupaq, chhaynapi runakuna mana k’iskinankupaq.jw2019 jw2019
Humility helped me adjust to a job that pays less than a quarter of my former salary but is adequate for my family’s needs.”
Tawa chunka watanpin Esauqa casarakuran Canaán suyumanta iskay warmikunawan.jw2019 jw2019
10 Another practical way parents can teach children to listen to Jehovah is by having regular family Bible discussions.
31 Jinallataq umalli sacerdotekunapas kamachikuy simita yachachiqkunapiwan paymanta burlakuspa ninakuranku: “¡Jujkunatan salvan, pay kikintataq mana salvakuyta atinchu!jw2019 jw2019
5 Perhaps at this point you are thinking: ‘Well, I love my family, but it is not like the one just described.
9 Qorimanta shumtaq, seonpa chaninninpa ishkay kutin karqan.jw2019 jw2019
19 Chayrayku qelqay imakunatachus rikuranki chayta, imakunachus kunan pasashan chayta, imakunachus chay qhepaman pasanqa chaytapas.jw2019 jw2019
This has proved true in some religiously divided families.
Pablo Corinto llaqta iñiqkunapi interesakusqanmanta (14-21)jw2019 jw2019
12 In addition to attending congregation meetings, have you set aside regular times for family Bible study?
Tukuy sonqowan willashallaypuni (2)jw2019 jw2019
And strong individuals and strong families result in strong congregations.
Allin willakuykunaqk’anchayninmanta (1-6)jw2019 jw2019
(1) What led to the Roman family’s lack of spiritual focus?
Profetizanapaq, waj simikunata rimanapaqwan atiymanta (1-25)jw2019 jw2019
When we face unexpected challenges or when we are anxious over family problems, we can certainly learn from her example of faithful endurance. —Hebrews 10:36.
18 Yachasqanchis jina, Diospa wawankunaqa manan juchapiqa purinkumanchu, Diospa Churinmi paykunata cuidashan, chaymi Satanasqa* mana imananpaschu paykunataqa.jw2019 jw2019
Joseph’s loyalty gave him the opportunity to see Jehovah correct the injustice and bless him and his family.
Kamachikuqpa tapusqankunata, sasachakuykuna willasqantapas kutichiqtinkun, reparanku Danielpas, Sadracpas, Mesacpas, Abednegopas, sacerdotekunamanta yachayniyoq runakunamantapas, chunka kuti aswan yachayniyoq kasqankuta.jw2019 jw2019
Family worship each week can help us.
Apostolkunaq tiemponpi hebreo qelqa k’uyukunapiqa llapallanpin rikhurirqan Tetragrámaton letra.jw2019 jw2019
One family member’s impatience can easily rouse another’s anger.
16 Kunanqa iñiqmasikunata* yanapanapaq qolqe juñuymanta qelqamusaykichis: Chaytaqa, imaynan Galacia provinciapi iñiq t’aqakunata kamachimurani chhaynata ruwaychis.jw2019 jw2019
“When talking about spiritual matters,” says Pedro, who moved his family to Australia from South America, “the heart and emotions should be involved.”[
42 Jinan Jesusqa paykunata wajaspa niran: “Yachasqaykichis jina, nacionkunapi kamachikuq jina kaqkunaqa kamachisqan runakunatan dueñochakunku, umalli kaqkunapas jujkunatan sarunchanku.jw2019 jw2019
Yet, primary caregivers ought to balance their parents’ needs with the needs of their own families.
Sutiykutataq runakunaman qoyku, rikusqaykumanta runakunaman sut’inchanaykupaq.jw2019 jw2019
Have your employment needs or family responsibilities lessened since the time you left the pioneer ranks?
12 Chhaynaqa, urmasqankuqa kay pachaq allinninpaqtaq karan, pisiyasqankupas waj nacionkunamanta runakunaq allinninpaqtaq karan chayqa, ¡imayna allinraqchá kanqa llapanku juñusqa kaqtinkuqa!jw2019 jw2019
5 God Blesses Abraham and His Family
Purisqanku ñan.jw2019 jw2019
(Ecclesiastes 11:6) A number of Christian families have had the same experience as you, and some have seen their wayward children return, much as the father did in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son.
Manan chunka ayllupi kamachiqkuna hina millaychu, nitaq taytan Acaz hinapaschu.jw2019 jw2019
Keys to Family Happiness
5 Kallpachawaqninchis, aguantananchispaqpas yanapawaqninchis Diosmantan mañakuni Cristoq yuyaynin yuyayniyoq kanaykichispaq. 6 Chhaynapi juj nisqalla juj kunkalla Señorninchis Jesucristoq Yayan Diosta jatunchanaykichispaq.jw2019 jw2019
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