homeland oor Cusco Quechua


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It is quite understandable if she was unable to follow Jesus as he preached throughout his homeland.
Soqta watapin Josué soldadokunantin atipan Canaán suyupi 31 kamachikuqkunata.jw2019 jw2019
In 1932, Volume 2 of the book Vindication first showed that the Bible prophecies focusing on the restoration of God’s people to their homeland saw a modern-day fulfillment, not on fleshly Israel, but on spiritual Israel.
26 Chayllamanmi juj jatun terremoto carcelta chhafchiriran.jw2019 jw2019
Others responded favorably because they did not feel the peer pressure that could have hindered them back in their homelands.
Nabal wañuqtintaq Davidqa Abigailwan casarakun.jw2019 jw2019
Some of the Jews may have worked hard to level and clear the road back to their homeland so that God’s people could reach their destination.
Mana imatapas ruwaqtinchisqa wañusqan iñiyninchisqa kashanman (14-26)jw2019 jw2019
7 Recently, many have had to flee from their homeland and now live in other countries as refugees.
Pipas iñisqanrayku chaninpaq jap’isqa kananmanta (15-21)jw2019 jw2019
How did Jehovah assure the Jews regarding security in their homeland?
19 Chaytaqa Jerusalén llaqtapi lliu tiyaqkunan yachanku, chaymi chay allpata rimayninkupi ninku “Akeldama” nispa, chayqa “yawar pampa” ninantan nin.)jw2019 jw2019
Not long afterward, the Jews were at last freed from their exile —right on time, after the foretold 70-year desolation of their homeland.
4 Jinan Bernabewan Saulowanqa santo espirituq kachasqan kaspa Seleucia llaqtaman uraykuranku, chaymantataq barcopi Chipre islaman riranku.jw2019 jw2019
If we learn about their homeland and culture, we may find it easier to interact with them.
Manan Diospa siminwan negocio ruwaqkunachu kanchis (17)jw2019 jw2019
5:2) If those prophecies were to be fulfilled, the Jews would have to be liberated from captivity, return to their homeland, and rebuild the temple.
¿Davidpa churinchu Cristo karan?jw2019 jw2019
God foretold through the prophet Isaiah that when the Israelites returned to their homeland, the land would be peaceful.
4 Llapan munayniyqa, Abrahanpa, Isaakpa, Jakobpa ima Yayankuman hamuspa qespichisqa kanankupaq runakunata inkitaymi.jw2019 jw2019
Upon learning Bible truth, many immigrants willingly give up jobs in affluent countries and go back to their homeland with the objective of helping their relatives and others spiritually.
Jehová Diosta mana kasukusqayki raykun payqa manaña munanchu Israelpi kamachiq kanaykita,’ nispa.jw2019 jw2019
The Jews who returned to their homeland were blessed with security, abundance, and spiritual health.
“Kusisqan kankichis, wajchakuna, qankunaqmi Diospa gobiernonqa.jw2019 jw2019
12 As Jeremiah later looked over his devastated homeland, he felt as though he were walking in darkness.
4 Chay llaqtapi runakunan ichaqa t’aqanasqa kasharanku, wakinmi judiokunaq partenmanta kasharanku, wakintaq apostolkunaq partenmanta.jw2019 jw2019
a person from another country who wants to attend a meeting in his homeland
Qhepamantaq millay kamachiq Saulmanta ayqekuran.jw2019 jw2019
13 When the Israelites were widely dispersed outside the borders of their homeland, those attending the festivals came from many nations.
33 wata 8 nisánjw2019 jw2019
It was a remarkable law, surely unlike anything Ruth knew in her homeland.
38 Yayaq yachachiyninkuna mana munaqkunataq, lamanitakuna, lemuelitakuna, ismaelitakunapiwan waqyasqa karqanku. Manan paykunaqa mana kreyiypichu urmarqanku, ichaqa munaspankun Cristoq yachachiynin kontra ankallikurqanku, wawankunatataq yachachirqanku mana kreyinankupaq, qallariymantapacha mana kreyiypi urmaq taytanku hina.jw2019 jw2019
5 For much of his life, Elijah had helplessly watched as the best thing about his homeland and his people was pushed aside and trampled underfoot.
15 Chaymantan niwallantaq: “Maypichus chay qhelli kausaypi puriq warmi tiyashan chay unukunaqa llaqtakunata, runakunata, nacionkunata, rimaykunata iman representan.jw2019 jw2019
Abraham and Sarah were called upon to leave behind their homeland to pursue true worship and await the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promise.
15 Hallp’aykiq llaqtankunatapas thuñisaqmi, llapan pukaraykikunatataq taqmasaq;jw2019 jw2019
Maybe you are among the millions who feel bewildered and afraid because they have had to leave their homeland as refugees.
33 Nahsontaq Aminadabpa wawan karan,jw2019 jw2019
First, though, Abram would have to leave behind his homeland and his relatives.
¿Davidpa churinchu Cristo karan?jw2019 jw2019
Some with whom we studied made progress but had to leave their homelands because of opposition.
Iskay jatun kamachikuykunamanta(34-40)jw2019 jw2019
Those words had an initial fulfillment with the restoration of God’s ancient people to their homeland, giving us confidence in the coming literal fulfillment in the new world.
Pabloq viajasqankunajw2019 jw2019
What might those who emigrated from their homeland consider, and why?
8 Chaywanmi santo espirituqa sut’ita rikuchisharan chay ñaupaq kaq karpa kashaqtinqa ch’uyay-ch’uya parteman jaykunaqa manaraq kichasqachu kasqanta.jw2019 jw2019
For others, it might be the date of a widely celebrated historic event, such as when their homeland became independent.
¿Rikushankichu Raquel asuykusqanta?jw2019 jw2019
If they left their homeland and came with her, what could she do for them in Bethlehem?
47 Ch’isinña kaqtinmi boteqa qocha chaupipiña kasharan, Jesustaq orqopi sapallan kasharan.jw2019 jw2019
35 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.