identify oor Cusco Quechua


/aɪˈdɛn.tɪ.faɪ/ werkwoord
(transitive) To establish the identity of someone or something.

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language identifier
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sapallapuni tarimuq
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sapallan reqsispa tariq
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lluynintin sapallapuni tarimuq
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SSID llikachay tariq


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43:10-12) I also well remember the convention in Washington, D.C., in 1935, where a historic talk identified the “great multitude,” or the “great crowd,” spoken of in Revelation.
9 Kunantaq Almaqa khaynata payman kaykunata ch’uyanchayta qallariqan: Askhamanmi qosqa Yayaq pakasqa imaymanankunamanta yachanankupaq, chaypiwanpas, sut’in kamachiywan churasqan kanku mana qonankupaq, ichaqa, runakunaq wawankunaman Paypa qosqan rimayninpa partenman hinalla; Payta uyakusqankuman, k’uchi kasqankumanwan hinallapiwan.jw2019 jw2019
It identifies a witness to the transaction as a servant of “Tattannu, governor of Across-the-River” —the same Tattenai who appears in the Bible book of Ezra.
Kay llank’aypi yanapanankupaqmi Jesusqa akllaran 12 runakunata, apostolninkuna kanankupaq.jw2019 jw2019
Identifying the Visible Part
17 Ñaupaqpiqa juchaq kamachinmi qankunaqa karankichis, kunanmi ichaqa tukuy sonqo kasukushankichis ima yachachikuymanchus entregasqa karankichis chayta, chayrayku Diosman gracias kachun.jw2019 jw2019
How can the following scriptures help a sister to identify the qualities needed in a mate? —Psalm 119:97; 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
3 O Yaya Wiñay Tayta, Churiyki Jesucristoq sutinpi mañakuykiku, kay t’antata saminchanaykipaq qollanachinaykipaqwan, kaymanta llapa rakinakuqkunaq nunankupaq, Churiykiq runakurkun yuyariypi mikhunankupaq; Churiykiq sutinta paykunapi apanankupaq munasqankuta qanman sut’inchanankupaq O Yaya Wiñay Tayta; wiñaypaqpuni Payta yuyarinankupaq, paykunaman qosqan kamachikunatataq waqaychanankupaq, paykunawan wiñaypaqpuni Nunan kananpaq.jw2019 jw2019
Self-sacrificing love for one another is the “badge” that identifies genuine Christians.
38 Yayaq yachachiyninkuna mana munaqkunataq, lamanitakuna, lemuelitakuna, ismaelitakunapiwan waqyasqa karqanku. Manan paykunaqa mana kreyiypichu urmarqanku, ichaqa munaspankun Cristoq yachachiynin kontra ankallikurqanku, wawankunatataq yachachirqanku mana kreyinankupaq, qallariymantapacha mana kreyiypi urmaq taytanku hina.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus detailed various global events that would serve as a sign identifying a time period called his “presence.”
“Ancha jatun Señorniyku, qanmi ruwaranki cielotapas, kay pachatapas, lamar-qochatapas, chaykunapi lliu kaqkunatapas, 25 qanmi santo espirituykiwan ñaupa taytayku serviqniyki Davidwan rimachiranki: ‘¿Imanaqtinmi nacionkuna ch’aqwayta qallariranku?jw2019 jw2019
They are identified by the names of the men whom God used to write them —Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
16 ¿Manachu Diosman graciasta qosqanchis copaqa Cristoq yawarninta representan?jw2019 jw2019
What is Satan’s aim, and how does Paul identify Satan’s tactics?
¿Ima ninqakutaq taytankuta?jw2019 jw2019
Just as a GPS can help a person identify where he is and guide him to his destination, so research tools can help him see the road he is on and discern how to remain on the path to life.
Juchaman urmachiqmanta, perdonaymanta, iñiymantawan (1-6)jw2019 jw2019
The betrayer Judas resorted to a kiss, “an agreed sign,” to identify Jesus to the mob. —Mark 14:44, 45.
Yupaychana wasijw2019 jw2019
Others favor identifying the speech sounds that give them the most difficulty and practicing these again and again.
Runapaq ñanqa k’ikllullan, ichaqa siwkllan ñawpaqenpi mast’arikun, punku waqaychaqtaq Israelpa Qollanan; manataq ima warmatapas chaypi llank’achinchu, nitaq hukniraq ñan kanchu, ichaqa punkullanta. Manan Payqa yukasqa kayta atinmanchu, Wiraqocha Yayan sutin.jw2019 jw2019
The Bible unmistakably identifies and unmasks the one who has been maneuvering human leaders and world powers.
31 Noqataq salqa uywakunata sipirqani, hinaspataq aylluykupaq mikhunata tarimurqani.jw2019 jw2019
Identify the problem, and consider in advance what you need to do to prevent it.
31 Pay lloqsiqtinmi Jesusqa niran: “Kunanmi runaq Churinqa jatunchasqa kanqa, payraykun Diospas jatunchasqa kanqa.jw2019 jw2019
That name uniquely identifies God as a Person who can accomplish his purpose
Huk p’unchaymi wawaqa taytanpa llank’asqan chakrata riran.jw2019 jw2019
How can we identify the true religion?
8 Arí, Señorniy Cristo Jesusmanta yachay tukuy imamantapas aswan allin kasqanraykun lliuta mana valorniyoqpaq qhawaripuni.jw2019 jw2019
19 Third, the parable enables us to identify the wheat class.
Payqa yuyaykun Davidta usqhaylla wañuchinanpaqmi.jw2019 jw2019
Through the prophets, Jehovah had progressively revealed the identifying marks of the coming Messiah.
21 Payta llapa uyariqkunaqa sinchi admirasqan ninakuranku: “¿Manachu kayqa kashan Jerusalén llaqtapi Jesuspa sutinpi iñiqkunata* sinchita qatikachaq runa?jw2019 jw2019
Identifying the heart of the problem, Bardet specified that “there are doubts about the Testimonium —in contrast with the majority of ancient texts— simply because questions have been raised about the Testimonium.”
41 Fariseokuna chayllapiraq juñunasqa kashaqtinkun Jesusqa paykunata tapuran: 42 “¿Ima niwaqchistaq Cristomanta?jw2019 jw2019
After identifying each feature of his illustration, Jesus describes the outcome.
¿Pin kay karpata ruwanankupaq kamachiran?jw2019 jw2019
3 Features: Key scriptures that should be read during the discussion are identified in italics.
6 Manachus iñisunman chayqa manapunin Diospa sonqonpaq jinachu kasunman; pipas Diosman achhuykuqqa creenanmi Diosqa cheqaqpuni kasqanta, payta tukuy sonqowan maskhaqninkunamanpas premiota qoq kasqantawan.jw2019 jw2019
Identify the numbered items.
28 Chaymantapas pacha paqariy ch’askatan qollasaqtaq.jw2019 jw2019
It may also identify major factors contributing to a situation and thus be used to show why the solution set out in the Bible is practical.
Runata manchakunamantaqa Diosta manchakunamanta (26-31)jw2019 jw2019
4:2) Before opening the Bible or directing attention to the Kingdom, though, it is often necessary to identify some matter that is of current concern.
Huk wata pasaytan arca ukhupi tiyaranku.jw2019 jw2019
When preparing your introduction, have in mind the following objectives: (1) getting the attention of your audience, (2) clearly identifying your subject, and (3) showing why the subject is important to your audience.
Hinataq rimayniykunapi kreyirqan.jw2019 jw2019
WOULD Jehovah help people to identify the promised Messiah?
8 (Discipulonkunaqa llaqtatan jaykusqaku mijuna rantiq.)jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.