terribly oor Cusco Quechua


(literary or dated) Causing terror or awe.

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Herod did not reject such adulation, and Jehovah’s angel struck him so that he died a terrible death “because he did not give the glory to God.”
12 Junt’aq sonqo iñiqmasinchis Silvanoq* yanapayninwanmi kay pisi simikunata qelqamushaykichis, chhaynapi qankunata kallpacharinaypaq, ancha sumaq sonqo kayninta qankunaman Diospa rikuchisqanqa cheqaq kasqanta sut’ita rikuchinaypaqwan.jw2019 jw2019
It is possible to learn to hate pornography by giving careful thought to the terrible consequences of this harmful vice.
6 Cristoq yachachiyninmi kay, manataq astawan yachachiy qosqachu kanqa, ichaqa, qankunaman aychapi Pay kikin qhawachikusqan patamanña.jw2019 jw2019
5 A terrible tragedy had unfolded among God’s spirit sons, the angels.
47 María Magdalenawan Josespa maman Mariapiwantaq maypichus churasqa kasqanta qhawasharanku.jw2019 jw2019
In the wake of such a fall, it is all too easy for a person to assume that his sin is too terrible for forgiveness to be possible.
8 Señormi atiyta qowaranku qankunata iñiyniykichispi wiñachinaykupaq, manan thuninaykupaqchu, chay atiy chaskisqaykumanta alabakuymanña juj chikanta chaypas, manan p’enqasqachu kayman.jw2019 jw2019
Wasn’t that a terrible thing for Cain to do?
9 Chayrayku, pipas “k’anchaypin kashani” nishaspa wayqenta cheqnikushanman chayqa, laqhayaqllapiraqmi payqa kashanman.jw2019 jw2019
For a man to leave his relatives and move far away was often considered a terrible fate; to some, worse than death itself!
Eutico kausarichisqa kasqanmanta (7-12)jw2019 jw2019
That is why so many people, though endowed with a conscience, do terrible things. —1 Tim.
11 Jesustaq niran: “Cheqaqtapunin Eliasqa ñaupaqta jamunqa, paymi tukuy imatapas allichanqa.jw2019 jw2019
According to this teaching, the spirits of the dead can become powerful friends or terrible enemies.
2 Semana qallariy p’unchaytataq* pacha illarimuyllata rispa inti lloqsimuqtinña sepulturaman chayaranku.jw2019 jw2019
The Bible said that we would see terrible times just before the Paradise would come.
2 Diospa khuyapayakuynin, thaj kaynin, munakuyninpas qankunapi astawanraq yapakuchun.jw2019 jw2019
Those who pretend to be Job’s friends come to visit and make him feel worse by saying that he must have done terrible things to have all this trouble.
Jesusta, iskay mana allin runakunatawan k’aspiman clavasqankumanta (26-43)jw2019 jw2019
So she told her husband Isaac: ‘It will be just terrible if Jacob also marries one of these women of Caʹnaan.’
Chaytaqa ruwanaykupunin kashan iñiyniykichis astawan yapakusqanrayku, sapankaykichispa munakuyniykichis jinallataq llapaykichispa munakuyniykichispas jujkuna-jujkunapaq astawan yapakusqanrayku ima.jw2019 jw2019
8 After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in a land described as a “vast and terrible wilderness infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions, a thirsty, waterless land.”
Haqay tiempokunapiqa manan bombakuna nitaq cañonkunapas karanchu.jw2019 jw2019
Still, what words could convey the pain that Mary felt as she saw her son suffer a terrible death on a torture stake?
12 Rikurqallaykutaqmi llaqtaymanta churiy Moroniq pusasqan chunka waranqata.jw2019 jw2019
Or we may know of an integrity keeper who has become a victim of an act of violence or has died in a terrible accident.
7 Chhaynaqa, nesitakunmi mana tukukuyniyoq ñak’ariy kanan; mana mana-tukukuyniyoq kanman chayqa, kay waqlliqqa manan mana-waqlliqta churakuyta atinmanchu.jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps Mordecai thought of them, as well as of his own friends and relatives in Shushan, when he heard the terrible news.
Yapamantan Jerusalenman rinkichis, Wiraqochataq makiykichispi Labanta churanqa, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
He was the victim of some terrible injustices.
33 Allin kaqta ruwapuqnillaykichispaqchus allin kaqta ruwapuwaqchis chayqa, ¿ima allintaq kanman?jw2019 jw2019
Don’t you agree that Jezʹe·bel should be punished for doing such a terrible thing?
Chayqa allintan yanapanman.jw2019 jw2019
We know only that Israel had lost some 30,000 soldiers in a terrible defeat at the hands of the Philistines not long after the loss of 4,000 in another battle. —1 Sam.
3.000 filisteokunan chay fiestapi kasharanku, wasipi columnakunata tanqarpariqtinmi wasiqa thuniykuran, llapan millay runakunataq wañuran.jw2019 jw2019
But when he is alone with his wife, Frank is terribly cruel.
ÑAN 10 wataña pasan allin yachachisqa israelitakunata Babiloniaman Nabucodonosorpa apasqanmanta.jw2019 jw2019
6 And there was also a great and terrible tempest; and there was terrible athunder, insomuch that it did bshake the whole earth as if it was about to divide asunder.
Chaytan ruwan.LDS LDS
Next, Satan struck Job with this terrible sickness.
11 Qelqasqan kashan: “Jehová Diosmi nin: ‘Cheqaqtapunin nini, llapa runakunan ñaupaypi qonqorikunqaku, llapankun yachanqaku noqa Dios kasqayta’”, nispa.jw2019 jw2019
Paul was imperfect, a slave to sin and death, and this made him feel terrible.
Isaacpa iskaynin churinkunamantataq Diosqa Jacobta akllaran.jw2019 jw2019
When they pass near the island of Crete, a terrible storm hits them.
“Qallariypiqa yuyarirqani, sutiymanta waqyawaspa rimariwaq arutan.jw2019 jw2019
I felt terrible, so I wrote a brief letter saying that I deeply regretted what I had done and felt that it would be best for me to be transferred out of his office.
1 Qallariypin simiqa karan, simitaq Dioswan kasharan; chay simiqa Dios jinan karan.jw2019 jw2019
One survivor of the 1906 earthquake called it “the most terrible disaster that ever befell a state or city.”
10 Chaymantapas ninmi: “Qanmi, Señor, qallariypi kay pachaq cimientonta churaranki, cielopas makiykiq ruwasqanmi kashan.jw2019 jw2019
78 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.