toy oor Cusco Quechua


/tɔɪ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Something to play with, especially as intended for use by a child. [from 16th c.]

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What work is there that you can do that will be a blessing to the whole family?— You can help set the table, wash the dishes, take out the garbage, clean your room, and pick up your toys.
9 Imaynataq mana Wiraqochaq rimayninta uyarirqankichischu?jw2019 jw2019
One child grabs his favorite toy away from the other child and screams, “Mine!”
2 Getsemaní huerta(?)jw2019 jw2019
For example, if we see children’s toys in or around the home, we may choose to highlight an article on family life.
5 Kunantaq Yayaq Chitan qollanan kaspa, llapa chaninchayta hunt’akunanpaq un unuwan unuchasqa kanan chayri, hayk’atawanraqmi noqanchis nesitanchis mana qollanan kaspa unuchakunanchispaq, ari, unuwanpuni?jw2019 jw2019
At the meetings, avoid using toys to keep young ones occupied.
9 Aswantapuni munasqankuraykutaq Taytaman rimarikurqanku; paykunaman Qollanan Nuna qosqa kanantataq munarqanku.jw2019 jw2019
Have you ever seen a toy like that?— Often people get tired of playing with a toy that does only what it has been made, or programmed, to do.
Tukupay simikunamanta (24, 25)jw2019 jw2019
I even used to take my electric toys apart and reassemble them.
18 Askhataq paykunamanta rikurqanku uyarirqankutaq mana rimay atina imaymanakunata, chaykunataq qelqasqa kananmanta hark’asqa kapun.jw2019 jw2019
Two young children receive toys from their parents.
Diosta mana kutipakunamanta (14-26)jw2019 jw2019
There may be times when a toy seems very important.
7 Kunanqa rikunkin kaywan, qallariypi tayta-mamanchis kay kawsaypipas nunapipas Wiraqochaq ñawpaqenmanta qarqosqa kasqankuta. Hinaqa rikunchismi, runakuna munayninkuman hina ruwanankupaq wakisqankuta.jw2019 jw2019
26 Our Creator formed our reproductive organs, not to be toys for mere thrills, but to enable us to reproduce and to enjoy intimacy within marriage.
21 Juanqa askha runakunatan bautizaran, bautizallarantaqmi Jesustapas.jw2019 jw2019
Another ancient culture, the Babylonians, also toyed with the idea of the immortal soul.
4 Khaynatataq rikunchis, yuyayman runa kutirimunanpaq pacha qosqa kasqanta; ari, probakunanpaq pacha, yuyayman kutirimunanpaq, Yayata sirvinanpaqwan.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, children need to be taught to put things away after using them, whether these be clothes or toys.
17 Kay watapitaq nephitakuna kontra llapan kallpankuwan urayamurqanku; manataqmi yupasqachu karqanku, sinchi askhapuni kasqankurayku.jw2019 jw2019
Hands clasped behind the back, held rigidly at the sides, or tightly clutching the speaker’s stand; hands repeatedly in and out of pockets, buttoning and unbuttoning the jacket, aimlessly moving to the cheek, the nose, the eyeglasses; hands toying with a watch, a pencil, a ring, or notes; hand gestures that are jerky or incomplete —all of these demonstrate a lack of poise.
39 O ancha munasqay wawqeykuna, yuyariychis chay Qollanan Yaya kontra huchallikuy ancha millay kasqanta; chay atoqrayaq saqraq wateqayninkunapi urmay millay kaynintawan!jw2019 jw2019
For example, toys in a yard or signs on a door can reveal much.
Estermanmi kay willakuyta apachin: ‘Kamachiqta valekuy qespichiwananchispaq,’ nispa.jw2019 jw2019
Wouldn’t that be terrible?— So when you put away your toys after you play, that is a blessing to all.
Agarwan Sarawan iskay rimanakuyta representasqankumanta (21-31)jw2019 jw2019
What do you have that is more precious than toys?
Allin willakuykunan willakunqa (10)jw2019 jw2019
A serious Christian would never toy with the emotions of one of the opposite sex. —Prov.
31 ”Imaynatachus runakuna ruwanasuykichista munankichis, chhaynallatataq qankunapas paykunata ruwaychis.jw2019 jw2019
Why is it important to put your toys away after you play with them?
11 ”May llaqtamanpas may ayllumanpas jaykuspaqa maskhaychis pichus chaypi qankunata chaskinasuykichispaq jina kaqta, jinaspa chaypi qhepakunkichis ripunaykichiskama.jw2019 jw2019
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