knit the brows oor Russies

knit the brows

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"""My dear chap,"" said Frank Ayres, with perplexed knitting of the brows, ""I don't quite know what to say."
Редко ты нервничаешь, да, Мерлин?Literature Literature
After sternly greeting the pilgrims (brows knitted), the commander accepted their letter from Mayor Gavriil.
Бен, твой вон там, в углуLiterature Literature
Meanwhile, the Alchemist of Notre-Dame still ponders with knitted brows the priceless, vanished treasure.
Я не могу домой, Венди.У меня полно дел. Надо придумать ударную концовку для этой шуткиLiterature Literature
The General knitted his brows and slowly pronounced the following: “Beat them to death with sticks!”
Заколебали уже!Literature Literature
The countess knitted her brow and listened again to the voice of the Dutch spirit that only she could hear . . .
Лана, ты выходишь за муж.Ты не переезжаешь в АнтарктидуLiterature Literature
The judge knitted his dark brows together, squinting at Kurt, before asking the next question.
Р- #, останься у корабляLiterature Literature
And now I noticed the marks of strain and fear in her face, the knitted brows, hands clasping and unclasping.
Твое сердце свободноLiterature Literature
Anthony turned and saw that she was still staring intently and with knitted brows at the new arrivals.
звонок в дверьLiterature Literature
“You see,” said Christina Alberta, knitting her brows at the fire, “he’s a person of peculiar imaginativeness.
Возможно, я получу награду за этоLiterature Literature
The policeman knits his brow, looks over at his partner, but she’s gone off to handle something else.
Тебе нужно увидеться со мнойLiterature Literature
AT FOUR twenty-two the king knit his brows.
Алекс- мой ребёнокLiterature Literature
The Emperor knit his brows and began thinking for a long time.
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The old man knit his brow and shook his head, then told me the name of a well-known real estate corporation.
' Где ты находишься? 'Literature Literature
But judging by the expression knitting his brow and pursing his lips, Bell thought something was very much wrong.
Её уже три дня нетLiterature Literature
She watched as the bear typed away at his laptop, his brows knitted as he studied the screen.
Они хотят поговоритьLiterature Literature
I knew the set of his jaw when he was angry, the way his dark brows knit together in the moment before he exploded.
Я не об этом, ты-!Literature Literature
I have been saying so all day with the look in my eye, the knit of my brow, my posture...
Нет, Элиссон могла бы сделать такие психо- вещи но она бы никогда не сделала что- то в этом родеOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The confusion deepened, knitting his brow, and something like amusement plucked at his mouth.
Извините, но это- не тот фильм, который вы будете смотретьLiterature Literature
The gipsy looked at the hand with knitted brows; then suddenly looking up into his face, said:
Вы свободныLiterature Literature
asked the young man, knitting his brows reflectively.
Вы хотите, чтобы я передала диагноз психиатра в отдел кадров?Literature Literature
"Her brow knits at the phrase ""unique"" and we turn back to the Potions lesson."
Я должна что- то сказатьLiterature Literature
George thought again, his brows knit, while the water gushed forth like a spring: “But not you only!”
Совсем не тотLiterature Literature
As he received the report about the Soyot, he knitted his brows and said: “It’s a bad mess.
Нет, нет, нет, мы все пойдёмLiterature Literature
“Really disturbing,” said Hobie later that night at dinner with the Amstisses, brow knitted with anxiety.
Твоему слуге?Literature Literature
The forester knitted his bushy brows at this toast, which reminded him of his two fallen sons.
Ага, но если Нэлл узнает, что ты здесь, твоя жизнь уже ничего не будет стоитьLiterature Literature
115 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.