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(historical, Judaism) Any of the Sephardi Jews who stayed in Iberia during the Spanish Inquisition, and continued to practice Judaism in secret.

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Many Spanish people are also of converso or Marrano origin, with a recent study estimating the figure to be as high as 20%.
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Netanyahu thinks that the aim of the Inquisition was to “destroy the marrano community.
Ему и правда понравилосьLiterature Literature
Spinoza’s parents were Portuguese Marranos, who emigrated to Amsterdam.
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Many Marranos subsequently escaped from Spain, and headed toward more tolerant European societies, especially Holland.
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For that you needed the mythical and cultic spirituality that was unfamiliar to the Marranos.
НесомненноLiterature Literature
The Marranos had developed a wholly rational faith, similar to the deism later fashioned by Enlightenment philosophes.
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Upon seeing our warrant, Scroope’s Marrano servant, Robles, who had returned, let us in.
Это доверие возникло в неофициальной обстановке: оно обязано своим зарождением длительным контактам на человеческом уровне в далекой НорвегииLiterature Literature
The collection of taxes was rented out as formerly, being given in charge usually of Mudéjares, Jews, or Marranos.
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He dares to say, “You, Marrano, what are you doing there?!”
Поздравляю, Вы второй человек, взломавший сегодня сейф Ван дер ВодэLiterature Literature
Later, of course, we found out that he was just a Marrano.
А суровая дама рядом с ним- хозяйка борделя в АрсунтеLiterature Literature
She must think that we, too, are on the hunt for Marranos.
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The Office of the Inquisition was created to uncover Marranos.
Он с помощью алгебры доказывает, что призрак Шекспира- это дедушка ГамлетаLiterature Literature
Like the marrano grandees of Spain, those Jacobite colonels who turned Protestant in the decades after Aughrim.
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“We must fling all the Marranos into the dung heaps and be done with them once and for all!”
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“Éste marrano está muerto,” he said.
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Now get away from me, you Marrano dog, before the Dominicans come for me as well!”
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Thanks to these and other feats he earned the nicknames "Scourge of the Marranos" (the latter word then being used as a pejorative nickname for the Spanish in general) and "Terror of the Portuguese".
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It was instituted to combat the Marranos, Jews who feigned conversion to Catholicism to escape persecution; the Moriscos, followers of Islam converted to Catholicism for the same reason; and Spanish heretics.
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The conversos were those who converted willingly; marranos those whose conversion was forced.
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The coercive baptisms eventually produced the phenomenon of the conversos (Marranos), the Inquisition, and statutes of “blood purity” five centuries before the race laws in Nazi Germany.
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An Israeli newspaper, Maariv, noted that according to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's own admission, his family is of Jewish descent, probably from a family of Marranos.
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Every child raised in Portugal in a Marrano family is unschooled in Hebrew and Jewish ritual.
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Like the Jewish Marranos, Europeans were beginning to experience religion as tenuous, arbitrary, and lifeless.
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The Marranos had great power through their wealth, position, and secret bonds of alliance with the unconverted Jews.
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At each of three successive festive sites around the city, Reis succeeded in raising furious cries against the Marranos.
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42 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.