greatness oor Sanskrit


The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sanskrit


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Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
great grandmother
great toe
Alexander the Great
अलेक्ज़ांडर महान
अमित · अम्भृण · उत्ताल · बहु · बृहत् · महत्
great grandfather
अमित · अम्भृण · उत्ताल · बहु · बृहत् · महत्
अमित · अम्भृण · उत्ताल · बहु · बृहत् · महत्


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Her limbs are quite tender and beautiful and her face resembles the glory of the full moon of the winter season; when she walks with her slow pace by the weight of her big full breasts and heavy full hips that put the elephant and the wagtail bird to shame with her slow steps and wrinkles over her buttocks in wave like motion stings the sightes of saints over them. With her side-glances she can attract the minds of even the great sages, her buttocks are wide like large lotus leaves and bulging
अन्तः आगच्छतु।Sanatani dharma Sanatani dharma
You have become a great man!
अहम्विद्यालय गच्छामिTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
(sri mathi radha) whose enchanting eyes are restless like two playful fishes, whose glistening lips are like coral jewels, whose heavy buttocks are like an island of madhu ranga( play house or arena of excite ment)whose raised breasts are like the raised forehead the baby elephant of amorous pastimes, whose deep navel is a whirlpool, and who is a great nectar ocean of love for Krishna............
देव भोः पितरस्माकं परस्मिन् व्योम्नि तिष्ठसि। त्वदीयं कीर्त्यतां नाम तस्मिन् प्रीतिः सदास्तु नः॥ स्थाप्यतां तव सम्राज्यमत्रैव पृथिवीतले। भवेह सिद्धसंकल्पो यथासि स्वस्य धामनि॥ अन्नं दैनन्दिनं दत्त्वा पालयास्मान् दिने दिने। क्षमस्व चापराधान् नो ज्ञात्वाज्ञात्वा तु वा कृतान्॥ यथास्माभिर्हि चान्येषाम् अपराधा हि मर्जिताः। हे प्रभो न तथैवास्मान् गमयाधर्मवर्त्मनि॥ लोभात्पापप्रवृत्तिश्च दौरात्म्याच्चैव मोचय। युक्तमेतत् यतस्तेऽस्ति राज्यं प्रभाववैभवं। अत्र परत्र सर्वत्र अद्य श्वश्च युगे युगे॥Sanatani dharma Sanatani dharma
Sri pada says "may the big breasts of radha visible in my meditation". He says krishan has no problem in raising go wardhana with his little finger, but when he sees her breasts his hands shivers. Only the maidens knows the greatness of her breasts. Sripada says let radhas thin waste visible on his meditation. He says her maid servents can Have the best view of her thin waste that carry a heavy burden of the bulk breasts and topples a vast area of her wide buttocks with those she walks slow.
यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवाणि निषेवते । ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति अध्रुवं नश्ष्ठमेव हि ॥Acharya deva dasa Acharya deva dasa
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