Agen oor Slowaaks


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


My first assignment, Agen, in southern France, was short-lived.
Na prvom mieste, kam som bol pridelený, v meste Agen v severnom Francúzsku, som sa dlho nezdržal.
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bywoord, pre / adposition
Obsolete spelling of [i]again[/i]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


My first assignment, Agen, in southern France, was short-lived.
Na prvom mieste, kam som bol pridelený, v meste Agen v severnom Francúzsku, som sa dlho nezdržal.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Introduction: Pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes, France has imposed a public service obligation on scheduled air services between Agen (La Garenne) and Paris (Orly).
Okrem toho, na účely tohto porovnania, formulovaný glyfosát vyrábaný vo výrobnom odvetví spoločenstva a obsahujúci špeciálnu povrchovo aktívnu látku zvolenú tak, aby výrobok bol menej nebezpečný, sa posudzuje individuálneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Expressions such as ‘sun drying is not practised in France’, ‘nowadays, the Agen prune is hardly ever sold to consumers in its unprocessed state’, ‘the range of finished products based on Agen prunes is broad and constantly growing’, ‘the pH of the Agen prune is about 4’, ‘indicative average values are presented below’ have been deleted, as they are not binding provisions.
Pre realizáciu vedeckých štúdií by mala byť do prílohy # k nariadeniu (EHS) č. # zaradená kyselina oxalováEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
F-Le Passage: operation of scheduled air services- Operation of scheduled air services between Agen (La Garenne) and Paris (Orly)- Notice of a competitive public tender issued by France pursuant to Article #(d) of Council Regulation (EEC) No #/# for the delegation of a public service
Chcem s tebou žiťoj4 oj4
with the exception of vineyards in Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and vineyards in the French departments under jurisdiction of the courts of appeal of: – Aix-en-Provence, – Nîmes, – Montpellier, – Toulouse, – Agen, – Pau, – Bordeaux, – Bastia.
Korešpondencia adresovaná členom výboru zo sekretariátu za zašle aj stálemu zástupcovi dotknutého členského štátunot-set not-set
Amendment by France of public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services between Agen and Paris
Povedz mu že Ali by mu nakopal riť...... tak ako to urobil s Foremanom v Afrikeoj4 oj4
Examples include the Pruneau Show at Agen or the fair of Saint-Aubin (47), situated in the heart of the production area, which highlight the link between the product and its area of origin.
rok vinobraniaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The sentence ‘By way of exception, however, the product known as ‘pruneau d’Agen mi-cuit’, or semi-dried Agen prune, is obtained by merely drying the plums until the moisture content is between 30 % and 35 %’ has been deleted.
Météo-France: získavanie a poskytovanie meteorologických a klimatických informácií, a to tak vo francúzskom, ako aj v európskom meradleEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
He used a variation on the Aristotelian notion of the "active intellect" ("intellectus agens") which he interpreted as the ability to abstract universal meanings from particular empirical data.
Na obaloch alebo kontajneroch akéhokoľvek druhu, v ktorých sa prevážajú vajcia, musí byť uvedené rozlišujúce číslo výrobného subjektuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The service must be non-stop between Agen (La Garenne) and Paris (Orly).
Zakaždým, keď sa prekročí prah spoločenstva pre spracovanie, pomoc stanovená u príslušného produktu v súlade s článkom # sa zníži vo všetkých členských štátoch, v ktorých bol zodpovedajúci prah prekročenýEurLex-2 EurLex-2
One such was the irresistible 85-mile [140-km] break in 1951 by the Swiss Hugo Koblet, in the Brive-Agen stage.
Inovačné alebo demonštračné opatrenia a projekty týkajúce sa environmentálnych cieľov Spoločenstva vrátane rozvoja alebo šírenia techník najlepších postupov, know-how alebo technológií, ako aj opatrení a projektov na kampane na zvyšovanie povedomia, odborná príprava subjektov zodpovedných za ochranu lesov pred požiarmi, by mali byť oprávnené na financovanie Spoločenstvom v rámci LIFE+, pokiaľ nie oprávnené na financovanie z iných finančných nástrojov Spoločenstvajw2019 jw2019
6 The Order of 27 June 2001 prohibited the putting into service and use of IMS-brand presses of the models P40VE, P40VEI, P50VE and P50VEI already manufactured, which had obtained an EC examination certificate issued by the Agenize nazionale certificazione componenti e prodotti (National Agency for the Certification of Components and Products, ANCCP), unless they had been brought into conformity with the technical rules applicable to working equipment, inserted in Article R. 233‐84 of the Labour Code and the placing on the market, putting into service and use of IMS-brand presses of the models P40VE, P40VEI, P50VE and P50VEI which had obtained an EC examination certificate issued by the Istituto certificazione europea prodotti industriali (Institute for the European Certification of Industrial Products, ICEPI).
domáha sa, aby sa Komisia v spolupráci s nevládnymi organizáciami financovanými EÚ na európskej úrovni snažila o kreatívne metódy umožnenia prístupu malých nevládnych organizácií k menším úrovniam financovaniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Slots are currently reserved at Paris (Orly) airport for the scheduled Paris (Orly)- Agen service pursuant to Article # of Council Regulation (EEC) No #/# of # January # on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports
Nechali otvorené dvere?oj4 oj4
The transactions underlying these accounts were legal and regular in all material respects for all but two agen‐ cies and other bodies: we issued qualified opinions for EIT ( European Institute of Innovation and Technology ) and Frontex ( European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union ).
Kým platí článok # ods. # písm. b), členský štát uvedený v odseku # sa môže rozhodnúť neuplatňovať článok #, pokiaľ ide o podporné služby a dočasné uskladňovanie pre proces spätného splyňovania s následným dodaním do prepravnej sústavyelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
France has decided to amend the public service obligation, pursuant to Article #(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No #/# of # July # on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes, in respect of scheduled air services between the airports of Agen (La Garenne) and Paris (Orly
odmena: riadna základná alebo minimálna mzda alebo plat a všetky ďalšie peňažné alebo vecné plnenia, ktoré pracovník priamo či nepriamo dostáva od svojho zamestnávateľa v súvislosti so svojím zamestnanímoj4 oj4
France has decided to amend the public service obligation, pursuant to Article 4(1)(a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes (1), in respect of scheduled air services between the airports of Agen (La Garenne) and Paris (Orly).
SMERNICA #/ES EURÓPSKEHO PARLAMENTU A RADY z #. mája # o aproximácii zákonov, iných právnych predpisov a správnych opatrení členských štátov o klasifikácii, balení a označovaní nebezpečných prípravkovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The service must be non-stop between Agen (La Garenne) and Paris (Orly
platobné transakcie, ktoré súvisia so správou cenných papierov vrátane výplaty dividend, výnosov alebo iných výplat, umorovania alebo predaja, ktoré vykonávajú osoby uvedené v písmene h) alebo investičné spoločnosti, úverové inštitúcie, podniky kolektívneho investovania alebo správcovské spoločnosti, ktoré poskytujú investičné služby, a iné subjekty, ktoré môžu spravovať finančné nástrojeoj4 oj4
The timetables must allow passengers on business trips to make a round trip within the day from Agen (La Garenne) and to spend at least eight hours in Paris.
Fakt, ale fakt sa o to nestarámEurLex-2 EurLex-2
My first assignment, Agen, in southern France, was short-lived.
Pri analýze činností vykonaných lodenicami v roku # sa však zistilo, že vojenské činnosti boli obmedzenéjw2019 jw2019
The addition of sucrose provided for in points 1(a) and (b) may only be performed by dry sugaring and only in the following areas: (a) wine-growing zone A; (b) wine-growing zone B; (c) wine-growing zone C, with the exception of vineyards in Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and vineyards in the French departments under jurisdiction of the courts of appeal of: ─ Aix-en-Provence, ─ Nîmes, ─ Montpellier, ─ Toulouse, ─ Agen, ─ Pau, ─ Bordeaux, ─ Bastia.
Myslím, že chcú v tej bitke zabiť Artušanot-set not-set
The paragraph ‘The only variety that is permitted for the production of Agen prunes is the Ente plum, including the mutant variety Spurdente Ferco, but not the Primacotes, Tardicotes and Lorida varieties.
Kódy úpravy produktovEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The reputation of ‘Poulet du Périgord’ was also established in the nineteenth century with the competitions organised first in Dordogne (1862) and then in all the neighbouring departments: Limoges in 1862, Agen in 1863 and Niort in 1866. Farmers from Perigord were the main winners.
Starting in the 19th century, the reputation of ‘Poularde du Périgord’ is demonstrated also at competitions, first in Dordogne (1862) and then in all the neighbouring departments (Limoges 1862, Agen 1863, Niort 1866), where most prizes are awarded to Périgord breeders.
No kto je tento drobček?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
155 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.