Guatemala oor Slowaaks


/ˌɡwɑː.təˈmɑː.lə/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Central America. Official name: Republic of Guatemala.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


country in Central America
Everything is set to buy the banana plantations in Guatemala, sir.
Všetko je pripravené na kúpu banánových sadov v Guatemale.

Guatemalská republika

Country in Central America, with capital Guatemala City.

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geographic terms (country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


Everything is set to buy the banana plantations in Guatemala, sir.
Všetko je pripravené na kúpu banánových sadov v Guatemale.

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Soortgelyke frases

Republic of Guatemala
Guatemala · Guatemalská republika
guatemala grass
Tripsacum fasciculatum · Tripsacum laxum · guatemalská tráva
republic of guatemala
guatemalská republika
Guatemala City
Flag of Guatemala
Vlajka Guatemaly


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Ministerio de Defensa Nacional: The Title does not cover the procurement of the following goods and services: arms, munitions, equipment, construction materials, aircraft, vessels and other vehicles, fuel, lubricants, provisions, and the contracting for services or supply by or on behalf of the Ejército de Guatemala and its institutions.
Toto porovnanie preukázalo existenciu dumpinguEurLex-2 EurLex-2
National and EU financing of centres in countries of origin such as Senegal, Morocco, Moldova, Egypt, Kenya, Guatemala and Bolivia, which provides shelter and education to minors, has had encouraging results[22].
Drevo, vrátane pilín alebo iných materiálov pochádzajúcich z dreva, ktoré bolo upravené konzervačnými prípravkami na ochranu dreva podľa vymedzenia v prílohe V k smernici Európskeho parlamentu a Rady #/ES [#]EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In another city, Tapachula, near the Guatemala border, Josefina Rodríguez also began to preach the Bible’s message at that time.
Napríklad vývoz cestných dopravných prostriedkov sa prepadol o 51,3 % a automobilov o 59,4 %.jw2019 jw2019
And they're not having any luck in Guatemala, either.
Povedal som, poď bližšieOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Over the centuries the term ‘Pizza Napoletana’ has become so widespread that everywhere, including outside Europe in Central and South America (e.g. Mexico and Guatemala) and Asia (e.g. Thailand and Malaysia), the product in question is known by its name ‘Pizza Napoletana’, although the inhabitants sometimes do not have the slightest idea of the geographical location of the city of Naples.
Niektoré látky, ktoré môžu podliehať spontánnej polymerizácii alebo rozkladu, sa obvykle uvádzajú na trh v stabilizovanej formeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Imports of fresh bananas from Guatemala represented only 2 % of the imports to the Union of fresh bananas subject to the banana stabilization mechanism when the imports exceeded the threshold for 2017.
Odtiahla tvár prec a civela nanho z horaeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Recently, we also noted the creation of an international commission against impunity in Guatemala, which we also strongly support.
Pacientov, u ktorých sa rozvinie neutropénia, treba dôkladne sledovať s ohľadom na výskyt horúčky alebo infekcie Boli hlásené prípady trombocytopénie s veľkým poklesom počtu krvných doštičiekEuroparl8 Europarl8
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1791 of 4 October 2017 determining that a temporary suspension of the preferential customs duty pursuant to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 20/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council is not appropriate for imports of bananas originating in Guatemala
Jednominútové vystúpenia k otázkam politického významueurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The following entry for Guatemala is inserted in alphabetical order:
Táto žaloba sa podáva proti rozhodnutiu riaditeľa personálneho a správneho oddelenia Komisie z #. marca #, ktorým bola zamietnutá sťažnosť predložená žalobcom v rámci vypracovania jeho hodnotenia služobného postupu od #. júla # do #. decembra # (HSP # –EurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the killings of women in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and in Guatemala have been characterised by exceptional brutality and many of the victims have suffered sexual violence, which is itself a form of cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment; whereas, in the case of Ciudad Juárez, a combination of factors play a role, including population growth, migration and the presence of organised crime, and a high percentage of those murders have taken place where Mexican manufacturing companies known as maquiladoras operate and those companies lack the necessary means of security to protect women; whereas, as is made clear in the UN Special Rapporteur Yakin Ertürk's abovementioned report on Mexico, it is essential to ensure that those areas have the infrastructures required for the safer transportation of workers
chápe, že ak je zámerom, aby prepracovanie predpisov bolo účinnejšie, Európsky parlament a Rada sa budú v zásade musieť zdržať zmien a doplnení v kodifikovaných častiach predpisov; domnieva sa, že ak inštitúcie skutočne chcú zjednodušiť právne predpisy a na tento účel použiť prepracovanie predpisov, kodifikované časti predpisu by spravidla mali podliehať podmienkam stanoveným v Medziinštitucionálnej dohode o kodifikácii; uznáva však, že by mal existovať osobitný postup, ktorý by umožňoval zmeniť a doplniť kodifikovanú časť predpisu kedykoľvek to bude potrebné na zosúladenie alebo prepojenie s tou časťou, ktorá sa môže meniťoj4 oj4
The negotiations under Article XXVIII and Article XXIV:6 of the GATT 1994 were successfully concluded on 15 December 2009 by the initialling of a "Geneva Agreement on Trade in Bananas" with Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Venezuela ("the Geneva Agreement") and of an "Agreement on Trade in Bananas" with the United States of America (the "EU/US Agreement").
vyzýva Komisiu, aby zodpovedajúco zmenila svoj návrh v súlade s článkom # ods. # Zmluvy o ESEurLex-2 EurLex-2
having regard to the Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America report on its visit to Guatemala and Honduras on 16-20 February 2015,
Bez toho, aby boli dotknuté ustanovenia kapitoly V a VI, príslušný orgán jednotlivých štátov posúva informácie uvedené v článku # prostredníctvom automatickej alebo štruktúrovanej automatickej výmeny príslušnému orgánu ktoréhokoľvek iného príslušného členského štátu v týchto prípadochEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
By 1958 we had over 700 Witnesses, 20 congregations, and three circuits in Guatemala.
Zriedkavo boli pri interferónoch hlásené očné poruchy, zahŕňajúce retinopatie (vrátane makulárneho edému), krvácania do sietnice, obštrukciu sietnicovej artérie alebo žily, „ cotton-wool “ škvrny (škvrny podobné chumáču bavlny), stratu zrakovej ostrosti alebo výpadok v zornom poli, neuritída zrakového nervu a papiloedém (pozri časťjw2019 jw2019
Commission regulation approving amendments to the technical file of a geographical indication for a spirit drink listed in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 resulting in changes to its main specifications ‘Ron de Guatemala’ (GI) (D056624/02 — 2018/2796(RPS) — deadline: 7 October 2018)
so zreteľom na nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. #/# z #. mája # o veterinárnych požiadavkách uplatniteľných na nekomerčné premiestňovanie spoločenských zvierat a ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa smernica Rady #/#/EHS, a najmä na jeho článokEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
By letters dated 28 March 2012, 21 June 2012 and 27 June 2012, Guatemala submitted additional information in support of this request.
Benígne a malígne nádoryEurLex-2 EurLex-2
With reference to the above, the Government of Guatemala wishes hereby to notify the Preparatory Committee that all the provisions in Section I of the Agreement have been designated as Category A commitments in accordance with WTO document WT/PCTF/W/27 of 7 July 2014, except for the following:
Hneď sa vrátim.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Urges the Commission to strengthen, in its strategy of cooperation with Guatemala for the period 2007 to 2013, the promotion of the rule of law, the fight against impunity, full respect for human rights, and support for the Guatemalan Government in the capacity building of its security forces on the basis of respect for human rights;
Okrem toho sa v prípade katastrof musia dopravcovia snažiť o to, aby čo najrýchlejšie obnovili spojenie a prispôsobili ho potrebám dopravyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
3 Article 17(1) of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929, as amended and supplemented by the Hague Protocol of 28 September 1955, the Guadalajara Convention of 18 September 1961, the Guatemala Protocol of 8 March 1971, and the four additional Montreal Protocols of 25 September 1975 (‘the Warsaw Convention’) provides: ‘[t]he carrier is liable for damage sustained in case of death or personal injury of a passenger upon condition only that the event which caused the death or injury took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking ...’.
Hoci držiteľ povolenia na uvedenie lieku na trh neuskutočnil konkrétne štúdie skúmajúce výhradne monoterapiu pomocou lamotrigínu v prípade pacientov s primárne generalizovanými tonicko-klonickými záchvatmi, údaje z kontrolovaných pôvodných monoterapeutických štúdií (štúdie UK#, UK#) potvrdzujú účinnosť lamotrigínu pri tomto type záchvatovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A. having regard to the allegations of crimes against humanity and genocide during the armed conflict in Guatemala, according to which 83 % of the victims of the conflict were of Mayan ethnic origin, 200000 people were murdered and 45000 suffered enforced disappearances, 10 % of the population was displaced and entire indigenous communities were eradicated; whereas, as the Parliament has gradually come to acknowledge, these crimes cannot go unpunished,
Pri preskúmavaní odvolania odvolací senát vyzve účastníkov konania tak často, ako to bude potrebné, aby predložili pripomienky v lehote určenej odvolacím senátom k oznámeniam ostatných účastníkov konania alebo k tým, ktoré vydá samotný odvolací senátEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to obtain the information it deems necessary for its investigation, the Commission will send questionnaires to the sampled Community industry and to any association of producers in the Community, to the sampled exporters/producers in Pakistan, to the exporters/producers in Guatemala, to any association of exporters/producers, to the importers, to any association of importers named in the complaint, and to the authorities of the exporting countries concerned.
Okrem toho ZUS vlastní aj hypotéku na nehnuteľnosti spoločnosti TB v hodnote viac ako # mil. PLN a zriadila záložné právo na aktíva spoločnosti v hodnote #,# mil. PLNEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Crax rubra (III Colombia/Costa Rica/Guatemala/Honduras)
A pretože vždy všetko robil zle, volal ho " Igby. "eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
At its 47th session (Antigua, Guatemala, 25 June 2015), the International Sugar Council decided to extend the International Sugar Agreement (1992) (1) for a period of two years until 31 December 2017.
Len sme sa rozprávaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to ensure a uniform application of the change to their GSP status and in line with the GSP Regulation, Peru, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala should be removed from Annex II with effect from 1 January 2016.
Vyšetrovanie orgánmi členských štátovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The GRULAC was able to agree on a reasonably ambitious document of consensus baptised as the ‘Antigua Guatemala Declaration’.
zdôrazňuje, že je dôležité, aby sa zaviedlo hodnotenie výkonnosti agentúr v procese udeľovania absolutória a aby príslušný výbor Európskeho parlamentu zaoberajúci sa danou agentúrou mal toto hodnotenie k dispozícii; preto vyzýva Dvor audítorov, aby sa touto otázkou zaoberal vo svojich budúcich správach o agentúrachEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of ethyl alcohol, whether denatured or undenatured, having an alcoholic strength by volume of # % vol or higher, originating in Guatemala and Pakistan, normally declared under CN codes # and ex# is hereby terminated
Pozri, podpíšeš to a ja to pochovámoj4 oj4
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