ambitiously oor Slowaaks


In an ambitious manner.

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An ambitious programme of multilateral and bilateral negotiations is needed to deliver the full potential from trade.
Aby sa dosiahli možnosti obchodu v plnej miere, je potrebný ambiciózny program viacstranných a dvojstranných rokovaní.


If an elder has lowliness of mind, he will not ambitiously try to outshine others.
Ak má starší pokoru mysle, nebude sa ctižiadostivo snažiť zatieniť ostatných.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The Commission has also issued recommendations for the euro area as a whole, and set out its vision for the EU-level policy action needed to complement the national measures to deliver an ambitious, two-tiered EU growth initiative[12].
Členské štáty sa môžu odchýliť od požiadaviek na minimálny vek stanovený pre skupinu AM a pre túto skupinu vydávať vodičské preukazy po dosiahnutí veku # rokovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I would particularly like to point out the positive role played by Italy, and this is not a contradiction: Italy had no desire to withdraw, or to obstruct the ambitious targets we had together set ourselves, but at the same time we had a duty to defend our national manufacturing system.
Základná výška pokuty sa stanoví proporcionálne, aj keď nie z aritmetického hľadiska, so zreteľom na trhový podielEuroparl8 Europarl8
strengthening European cohesion through a reliable and ambitious European investment policy (paying particular attention to rolling out state-of-the-art digital infrastructure), utilising diverse European financing instruments including EFSI, regional funds, Horizon 2020 and others, as well as ensuring a coordinated, technology-neutral European industrial policy based on fair competition between a plurality of actors, innovation and sustainable modernisation, and technological, social and business model innovation that boosts the digital single market and the integration and modernisation of all European industry;
Merania sa uskutočňujú pomocou dynamického vysielacieho videosignálu predstavujúceho typický obsah televízneho vysielaniaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
(PL) Mr President, the Commission work programme is ambitious, but I think there is one thing missing - I would like the Commission to place greater emphasis on the implementation of rules, laws, strategies and policies which are already in existence.
Dizajn sušiacich jednotiek zabezpečuje súbežnú cirkuláciu vzduchu a dymu, a tým sušenie a údenie sliviekEuroparl8 Europarl8
Several Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Spain and Sweden) have notified more ambitious national 2020 targets expressed in either primary or final energy consumption, which is encouraging.
Pohni si kurva, ináč ťa podrežem jak hada!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
st part:stresses, though, that an ambitious review should be an urgent priority for the new Parliament and Commission
Predpoklad zhody podľa EN #:# podlieha vzhľadom na základné zdravotné a bezpečnostné požiadavky #.#.#.# a v súvislosti s obsahom Cr (VI) v materiáloch na rukavice detekčnému limitu testovacej metódy, ktorý je pre Cr (VI) # mg/kg alebo menejoj4 oj4
whereas current the EU-Mexico Global Agreement, the EU-Chile Association Agreement and the EU-Mercosur Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement entered into force in 1997, 2003 and 1999 respectively; whereas, due to their importance to the EU and LAC countries, ongoing negotiations on updating these agreements need an ambitious impetus in order to achieve the most modern and progressive outcome;
Účel pomociEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The Energy Union and the Energy and Climate Policy Framework for 2030 establish ambitious Union commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions further (by 80 to 95 % by 2050, as compared with 1990), to increase the proportion of renewable energy consumed in accordance with Directive ...
Na účely uplatňovania článku # odseku # príslušné orgány členských štátov pred vydaním dovozných povolení oznámia Komisii množstvá žiadostí o dovozné povolenia, podložené originálmi vývozných licencií, ktoré obdržalinot-set not-set
The general budget of the Union should mirror this ambitious goal by making a shift towards funding future-oriented investments, such as research, development and innovation.
Klinická významnosť tohto nálezu nie je známa; pacientov je však potrebné sledovať, či sa u nich nevyvíjajú znaky a príznaky zvýšeného sedatívneho účinku alebo respiračná depresiaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Its ambitious Better Regulation agenda, aiming at delivering quality initiatives and at modernising and simplifying the stock of existing legislation, is anchored in the Lisbon strategy for jobs and growth.
Ja som chcel hlasovať za Gora!Gore je uplakanec. Mééé!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is this thought which should help the various EU institutions launch and conduct a new ambitious trade policy based on firmness and dialogue.
Modul H#: Úplný systém riadenia kvalityEuroparl8 Europarl8
(PL) Mr President, Commissioner, some of the experts, economists, politicians and activists in non-governmental organisations involved in development have a tendency to say that all that is needed for cooperation in the area of development to achieve its ambitious goals is to provide more money.
vyzýva agentúry, aby sa aktívne podieľali na takomto procese a aby spolupracovali s Komisiou poskytovaním príspevkov v oblastiach, ktoré podľa ich názoru majú význam pre ich činnosť, úlohu, kompetencie a potreby, ako aj v akejkoľvek oblasti, ktorá by mohla prispieť k zlepšeniu postupu udeľovania absolutória, s cieľom prispieť k úspechu takéhoto procesu a zvýšiť zodpovednosť a transparentnosť agentúr; vyzýva agentúry, aby takéto príspevky predkladali aj príslušným výboromEuroparl8 Europarl8
However, for most of the areas, national targets are not sufficiently ambitious to cumulatively reach the EU-level ambition.
Snažím sa vylepšiť si autorituEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The European Union does not fund only the building of a structure, even the most ambitious; it subsidises an operation on the basis of a defined long‐term objective.
Komunikuj so mnouEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This proved however to be overly ambitious: — For a number of OPs, Member States experienced significant difficulties during 2009 / 2010 in presenting robust compliance assessments to the Commission, which delayed the Commission ’ s acceptance of these documents39.
Postupy zamerané na podporu flexibility v Európe nevytvorili bezpečné a dostupné opatrenia, ktoré by študentom a pracovníkom v odvetviach lesného hospodárstva umožnili získať široko uznávanú kvalifikáciu alebo rozvíjať svoje schopnosti prostredníctvom programov celoživotného vzdelávaniaelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
This ambitious contribution by the EU, together with the emission trading system, is in any case placing a comparatively heavy burden on the European economy in the international context.
vyzýva Komisiu, aby zhromažďovala informácie o a šírila osvedčené postupy so zreteľom na politiky zamerané na pracovné prostredie, ktoré umožňujú dosiahnuť účinnú rovnováhu medzi prácou a súkromnýmživotom a ktoré zahŕňajú opatrenia podporujúce väčšie zapojenie mužov v rodinnomživote; vyzýva členské štáty a sociálnych partnerov, aby prijali potrebné opatrenia, ktoré by im umožnili čiastočne zabrániť a čiastočne zasiahnuť pri riešení problému sexuálneho a morálneho obťažovania na pracovisku; nástojí na potrebe podpory profesionálnej kariéry žien; nalieha na Komisiu a členské štáty, aby prijali skutočné opatrenia na zníženie rozdielov v odmeňovaní mužov a žien a podporu rodičovskej dovolenky pre mužov, ako aj otcovskej dovolenkynot-set not-set
However, during the negotiations, the European executive must strive to encourage an ambitious trade agreement, which will support fair trade and contain legally binding social and environmental protection elements.
Kultivácia krviEuroparl8 Europarl8
The Commission has also proposed to strengthen the link between EU funding and the rule of law, assess all EU co-funded research and innovation activities for their environmental and social impacts, as well as to adopt a more ambitious climate expenditure target for the future EU budget.
Nemalo to byť zadarmoEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
From tripling the presence at sea; through a new system of emergency solidarity to relocate asylum seekers from the most affected countries; via an unprecedented mobilisation of the EU budget of over EUR 10 billion to address the refugee crisis and assist the countries most affected; providing a new coordination and cooperation framework for the Western Balkan countries; starting a new partnership with Turkey; all the way to an ambitious proposal for a new European Border and Coast Guard, the European Union is bolstering Europe’s asylum and migration policy to deal with the new challenges it is facing.
každom doručenom vyhlásení podľa článkov I až # protokoluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Stresses that the aim of the EU's environmental legislation is continuously to improve the state of the environment and to attain the highest possible level of environmental protection; considers that legislation should be based on the best available technology and, as well as being ambitious, must be sustained and predictable, so as to generate the requisite market-based demand for new environmental technologies in production and enterprises; notes that the Eco-Design Directive is one illustration of how a framework can be created for significant improvements in product design and environmental performance;
Ovocná šťava (vrátane hroznového muštunot-set not-set
Considers that industrialised countries must continue to play a vital role in tackling climate change at world level; calls, therefore, on Annex I Parties to meet their existing commitments and to take on ambitious targets for a second commitment period after 2012; calls, moreover, on those industrialised countries that have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol to reconsider their position, to take vigorous domestic measures and to play an active role in future international negotiations, with a view to their participation in the future climate change regime;
ZAMESTNANCInot-set not-set
Calls on the European Union to take the lead and push for an ambitious EU climate policy which reduces climate change in order to demonstrate the advantages of such a policy and encourage other countries to follow suit;
Niečo vám poviem, až ma dopálíteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Point 6. contains an ambitious proposal for a new legal basis for consumer protection policy.
A.# Zachovanie preukazu spôsobilosti technika údržby lietadielEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Urges the Commission and the Member States to support an ambitious overall CBD Mission for 2020: to halt the loss of biodiversity and to share the values and benefits of biodiversity and ecosystem services equitably; urges the Commission and the Member States to commit to a Vision for 2050 ensuring that ecosystems are protected, valued and restored;
Rozmery a tvar katalyzátora(-ov) (objem, ...): ...EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If we are to move forward, it is crucial that the framework legislation proposed by the Commission should be ambitious.
Pred vykonaním dynamickej skúšky opísanej v bode #.# sa sediaca figurína oblečená v bavlnenej košeli nakláňa smerom dopredu, až kým sa z navíjača neodvinie # mm popruhu, a potom sa uvoľní do pôvodnej polohyEuroparl8 Europarl8
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