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Of or relating to hearing; auditory.

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financial audit
Audit · audit · auditovať · bilancia · dohľad · dopyt · kontrola · kontrolovať · overiť · preverovať · previerka · revidovať · revízia · skúmanie · skúmať · súvaha · test · vyúčtovanie · výsluch · zisťovanie · zúčtovanie · účtovníctvo
environmental auditing
environmentálny audit
konkurz · skúška
auditovanie · kontrola účtov
audit trail
auditovací záznam
social audit
sociálny audit
audit policy
politika auditu
management audit
audit manažmentu


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Internal organisation of statutory auditors and audit firms
V súlade s článkom # ods. # základného nariadenia sa prešetrovania ukončia do # mesiacov od dátumu uverejnenia tohto oznámenia v Úradnom vestníku Európskej únieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The licensing authority may require the submission of an audit report and suitable documents from a bank, public savings bank, accountant or auditor.
Takže príde k nám?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The SWD explains the flexibility provided in Article 8 for the fulfilment of the audit obligation.
6 I. european union policy in respect of railways entails, on the one hand, legislative measures addressing the opening of the european rail market and also interoperability and safety issues, and, on the other, co-financing rail infrastructure development under ten-t and cohesion policy. the court ’ s audit focused on eu co-financing of rail infrastructure and examined its effectiveness in improving the performance of trans-european axes.
The regulatory body shall have the power to carry out audits or initiate external audits with infrastructure managers, operators of service facilities and, where relevant, railway undertakings, to verify compliance with accounting separation provisions laid down in Article 6.
Prečo si mi klamal?not-set not-set
The verifications indicated in points (a) and (b) do not have to be carried out if an obligation is imposed on the final beneficiary to provide an audit certificate from an independent auditor which covers all the aspects mentioned in points (a) and (b).
Priority výskumuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The audits conducted or led by me covered a wide range of administrative bodies at federal and Land level, undertakings and other entities in the energy, transport, agricultural, cultural, research, banking and financial sectors.
Toto vyhlásenie sa robí výlučne v súlade s postupom stanoveným v zmluvách a v právnych aktoch na nich založenýchnot-set not-set
Other MS have a procedure where taxpayers are specifically selected for a transfer pricing audit.
Ale Nakatomiho protokol zväčšuje ventilačný systém, aby sme sa mohli voľne pohybovaťEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Graph 1.6 is based on all audit testing of EU spending over the last two years (17), for the annual reports on the general budget and the European Development Funds.
Kris Van Neyghem, bydliskom Tienen (Belgicko), v zastúpení: Dirk Janssens, advokát, podal #. júla # na Súd prvého stupňa Európskych spoločenstiev žalobu proti Výboru regiónovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) in relation to the independent audit,
Rozhodnutie Komisie #/#/ES z #. októbra #, ktoré schvaľuje určité spracovateľské úpravy, aby sa zabránilo šíreniu patogénnych mikroorganizmov v dvojchlopňových mäkkýšoch a morských ulitníkoch, sa má začleniť do dohodyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Notes that the Commission's Internal Audit Service (IAS) performed in 2015 an audit on ‘Stakeholder Management and External Communication’; notes that the Authority, based on the five recommendation issued by the IAS, developed an action plan which was accepted by the IAS; acknowledges that the implementation of actions described in the action plan is being followed up regularly by the Authority;
Vec: Otvorený list organizácie Vetëvendosje (Sebaurčenie) v Kosove a jej varovanie pred problémami, ktoré môžu vyplynúť z chýbajúceho demokratického sebaurčeniaeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The transparency report shall be signed by the statutory auditor or audit firm, as the case may be.
Všetci liečení pacienti trpeli ťažkou depresívnou poruchou, ktorej závažnosť sa posudzovala podľa štandardnej hodnotiacej škály (Hamiltonova škála hodnotenia depresie, HAM-DEurLex-2 EurLex-2
the obligations of the authorities for the operational programme in relation to management, control and audit concerning the operation are fulfilled by the authorities responsible for the operational programme under which that operation is supported or they enter into agreements with authorities in the Member State in which the operation is implemented provided that in that Member State the obligations in relation to management, control and audit concerning the operation are met.
Nenariadil som, aby lóža číslo # zostala prázdna?!not-set not-set
Audit trail
Ak platí práve tento prípad, takéto správanie hospodárskych subjektov nemožno považovať za neutrálne východisko pri posudzovaní správania štátuoj4 oj4
For each audit recommendation and request, RAD stores key data including the priority of the recommendation/request (critical, very important, important or desirable), its status of implementation (rejected, accepted, cancelled or done), its completion date (expected and actual date) and the full official responseof the Commission.
Adresy: a) Al-Razi Medical Complex, Jabal Al-Hussein, Ammán, Jordánsko; b) P.O. Box #, Ammán #, Jordánsko; c) P.O. Box #, Ammán #, JordánskoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If there is limitation in the scope of examination or if the level of irregular expenditure detected does not allow the provision of a unqualified opinion for the annual opinion referred to in Article 61(1)(e) of the basic Regulation or in the closure declaration referred to in Article 61(1)(f) of that Regulation, the audit authority shall give the reasons and estimate the scale of the problem and its financial impact.
Predchádzajúca liečba inými protizápalovými látkami môže spôsobiť zvýšenie počtu a intenzity nežiaducich účinkov a preto má byť zabezpečené obdobie bez podávania takýchto liekovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court considers that the audit evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for its statement of assurance.
Celá komunikácia v súvislosti s touto výzvou na predkladanie ponúk musí byť v písomnej formeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The provisions of the 10th EDF concerning the financial actors, revenue operations, validation, authorisation and payment of expenditure, IT systems, the presentation of accounts and accounting, as well as external audit and discharge also apply to operations financed from previous EDFs.
Bola by to chyba zo strategického i hospodárskeho hľadiska, nenapraviteľná v krátkodobom resp. strednodobom časovom horizonte, a politická krátkozrakosť, ktorá by mohla negatívne ovplyvniť budúcnosť európskej integrácieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Statutory auditors and audit firms should therefore be subject to a system of quality assurance under the responsibility of the competent authorities, thus ensuring objectivity and independence from the audit profession.
Európske monitorovacie centrum pre drogy a drogovú závislosť so sídlom v Lisabone (ďalej len monitorovacie centrum) bolo zriadené na základe nariadenia Rady (EHS) č. #/# z #. februáraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Court of Auditors shall be empowered to audit the documents in respect of the EDF revenue and expenditure which are held by the Commission departments responsible.
netýka sa slovenského zneniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Under Article 1 of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1010 (3), several competent authorities of third countries or territories, including the IRBA, were declared adequate within the meaning of Article 47(1)(c) of Directive 2006/43/EC for the purpose of transfers of audit working papers or other documents and of inspection and investigation reports.
Rovnomerne kalené sklené tabuleEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Better cooperation between national (audit) authorities, the European Commission and the ECA, building on each other’s work, to speed up and enrich the discharge procedure with geographically diverse information.
Nie je zločin, ak sa ti nepáčimnot-set not-set
The changes include the creation of an Administrative Committee, a greater role for the Audit Groups, and the introduction of a plenary decision-making procedure, with and without debate.
Nariadenie (ES) č. #, článok #, sa týmto mení a dopĺňa taktonot-set not-set
Performance audits generate a variety of benefits: (i) they draw the attention of the bodies being audited to possible sources of revenue and savings, quantitative and qualitative improvements, avoidable shortcomings and achievable benefits; (ii) by means of well-prepared facts and convincing recommendations, they provide Parliament and the Committee on Budgetary Control with a valuable basis for decision making and alternative courses of action for the collection and optimal use of funds; (iii) they provide the public with transparent information on the collection and use of public funds.
Právnik mu zjednal dohodu o vine a trestenot-set not-set
misuse of powers, in that, by automatically extending the conclusions of a financial audit carried out in the context of one contractual relationship to other contractual relationships, the Commission infringed the second paragraph of Article 135(5) of Regulation No 966/2012 (1) and a fundamental principle of administrative contracts in general, and public contracts in particular, that is to say, the inviolability of the remuneration clause.
Jack, prosím, nerob mi toeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
203 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.