beneficiary oor Slowaaks


/bɛn.əˈfɪʃ.iˌɚ.i/, /ˌbɛn.ɪˈfɪʃ.əɹ.i/, /ˌbɛn.əˈfɪʃ.əɹ.i/, /ˌbɛn.ɨˈfɪʃ.ɚ.i/ adjektief, naamwoord
One who benefits or receives an advantage.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


Neither of those criteria depends on the place of residence of the donor or the beneficiary.
Ani prvé, ani druhé kritérium nezávisí od bydliska darcu alebo obdarovaného.


Its purpose extended beyond the provision of financial aid (strengthening the image and administrative ability of the beneficiaries).
Jeho relevantnosť presahuje rámec finančnej pomoci (posilňuje imidž príjemcov a ich schopnosť riadenia).


Both current employees, pensioners, widowers and their beneficiaries benefit from the system.
Tento systém využívajú súčasní zamestnanci, dôchodcovia, vdovy alebo vdovci a ich oprávnené osoby.


noun Noun
The aid in question confers on its beneficiaries an advantage which reduces the normal burden on their budget.
Predmetná podpora predstavuje pre užívateľov výhodu, ktorá znižuje bežné zaťaženie ich rozpočtu.



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Payments to lead beneficiaries can take one of the following forms:
ktorá predstavuje odborné vzdelávanie a prípravu, trvajúce aspoň pätnásť rokov, zahŕňajúce aspoň šesťročnú odbornú prípravu v rámci štruktúrovanej odbornej prípravy, rozdelenej na učňovskú prípravu aspoň s trojročným trvaním, obsahujúcu odborný výcvik absolvovaný čiastočne v prevádzke a čiastočne zabezpečený vzdelávacím zariadením, a obdobie odbornej praxe a prípravy aspoň s trojročným trvaním, zakončené majstrovskou skúškou v odbore, ktorou sa priznáva právo vychovávať učňov a používať titul MeisterEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The verifications indicated in points (a) and (b) do not have to be carried out if an obligation is imposed on the final beneficiary to provide an audit certificate from an independent auditor which covers all the aspects mentioned in points (a) and (b).
V prípade potreby je EÚ na tento účel odhodlaná vysielať príslušných civilno-vojenských styčných dôstojníkov s cieľom podporiť civilno-vojenskú koordináciu a aktívne sa do nej zapojiťEurLex-2 EurLex-2
With respect to the United Kingdom's liability for the pension rights and rights to other employment-related benefits referred to in paragraph 2 as regards pensions of officials of the Union established in accordance with Articles 77 to 84 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and as regards the pensions of temporary staff, contract staff and parliamentary assistants established in accordance with Articles 33 to 40, Articles 101 to 114 and Article 135, respectively, of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union, the United Kingdom shall contribute annually to the net payments made from the Union budget to each beneficiary and to the related contribution of the Union budget to the JSIS for each beneficiary or person who benefits through a beneficiary.
iných závažných informáciíEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
In general, funds raised are on-lent back-to-back to the beneficiary country, i.e. with the same coupon, maturity and amount.
Nariadenie Rady (EHS) č. # (výrobky rybolovu a vodného hospodárstvaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In actions under the cluster ‘Civil security for Society’, beneficiaries having received Union funding shall also grant access to their results on a royalty-free basis to Member States' national authorities, for developing, implementing and monitoring their policies or programmes in that area.
Táto smernica sa vzťahuje iba na traktory definované v odseku #, ktoré sú vybavené pneumatikami a ich maximálna konštrukčná rýchlosť je # až # km/hnot-set not-set
It is necessary to lay down the obligations which the responsible authorities should have with regard to final beneficiaries in the phase leading to selection and approval of the projects to be funded and with regard to the aspects which should be covered by the verifications of the expenditure declared by the final beneficiary and/or by the partners in the project, including administrative verifications of the applications for reimbursement and on-the-spot verifications of individual projects.
pri liečbe krvných zrazenínEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where a Member State intends to expel, on a ground provided for in Directive 2003/109/EC, a beneficiary of international protection who has acquired long-term resident status in that Member State, that person should enjoy the protection against refoulement guaranteed under Directive 2004/83/EC and under Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.
Ak je na zozname uchádzačov aj člen správnej rady, rozhodovania správnej rady sa nezúčastňujeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The guarantor shall stand as first-call guarantor and may not require Chafea to first have recourse against the principal debtor (i.e. the beneficiary concerned).
Áno, nie, práve som to zdviholEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The multi-annual indicative planning document shall ensure the necessary coherence and complementarity between the IPA components in a given beneficiary country.
Doplní sa do # ml vodou a v prípade potreby sa filtrujeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Within the same period of time, Italy shall transmit all documents giving evidence that the recovery proceedings have been initiated against the beneficiaries of the unlawful aid.’
Činnosti podľa šiesteho rámcového programu by mali byť v zhode s finančnými záujmami spoločenstva a mali by tieto záujmy ochraňovaťEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘In cases other than those referred to in point 1.2, “payments effected by final beneficiaries” means payments effected by the bodies or public or private firms of the type defined in the programme complement in accordance with Article 18(3)(b) of the general regulation having direct responsibility for commissioning the specific operation.’
Indikátor funkčnej poruchy musí pozostávať zo žltého (v zmysle definície v prílohe # predpisu EHK OSN č. #) alebo oranžového (v zmysle definície v prílohe # predpisu EHK OSN č. #) varovného signálu identifikovaného symbolom F# v súlade s normou ISOEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(5) In order to encourage regional cooperation among beneficiary countries, it is desirable to provide that the raw materials to be used in Laos in the context of this derogation should originate in countries belonging to the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) (except Myanmar), to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) or to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
upozorňuje, že je potrebné umožniť slobodu prejavu a praktizovania vierovyznania a myslenia v Číne; potvrdzuje potrebu komplexného zákona o náboženstve, predovšetkým vzhľadom na diskusie čínskych úradníkov o definícii náboženstva a hlavne legálneho náboženstva, ktorý by spĺňal medzinárodné normy a zaručoval skutočnú slobodu vierovyznania; odsudzuje rozpor medzi ústavnou slobodou vierovyznania (zakotvenou v článku # čínskej ústavy) a neprestajným zasahovaním štátu do záležitostí náboženských spoločenstiev, najmä pokiaľ ide o vzdelávanie, výber, vymenúvanie a politickú indoktrináciu duchovnýchEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to obtain reliable information on the legality and regularity of payments to final beneficiaries the Director-General would need: ( a ) either to make arrangements for certifying bodies to extend their work to final beneficiaries, through extending their sample tests to the level of farmers or by doing more work to verify and validate IACS inspections statistics and post-payment checks; or ( b ) to require his / her own staff, on the basis of an appropriate sampling method, to verify the legality and regularity of transactions for the year at the level of final beneficiaries.
Podmienky- obmedzeniaelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Considers that transparency in the allocation of funding and administrative simplification facilitating the access of potential beneficiaries of the Structural Funds to information are key preconditions for achieving the overall objectives of cohesion policy;
Tento liek nevyžaduje žiadne osobitné opatrenia na uchovávanienot-set not-set
Managing authority shall ensure that, in the case of grants to partner organisations, beneficiaries are provided with a flow sufficient to ensure proper implementation of the operations.
sclerosis multiplex, ochrnutie tvárenot-set not-set
The acts of any third party relating directly or indirectly to the formalities necessary for the payment of the refund, including the acts of the supervisory agencies, shall be attributable to the beneficiary
Hádaj, čo mám, Donnaoj4 oj4
Partners may include, inter alia, local, regional and national levels, as well as the private sector, civil society and social partners in the Beneficiary States and the Kingdom of Norway.
Úspech tohto programu bude dobrým príkladom pre budúcnosť.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the same time, increased levels of control have caused a significant administrative burden on national administrations and beneficiaries.
Minimá na vzlet musia byť zvolené tak, aby zabezpečovali orientáciu postačujúcu na riadenie letúna tak v prípade prerušeného vzletu za nepriaznivých okolností, ako aj v prípade pokračovania vo vzlete po vysadení kritickej pohonnej jednotkyelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
If the beneficiary is a young farmer, his contribution must be at least 55 % or 45 % respectively,
Služby a iné sa vzťahujú na interné a horizontálne činnosti nevyhnutné na fungovanie inštitúcií a orgánov SpoločenstievEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(c) products transported through the territory of Norway or Switzerland and subsequently re-exported in full or in part to the Community or to the beneficiary country, provided that the products remain under the surveillance of the customs authorities of the country of transit or of warehousing and do not undergo operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good condition;
Nerozumiem!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where appropriate, specify also the contribution of the beneficiary OCTs per budget item and whether this contribution is in kind or in cash.
Nariadenie o fúziách však obsahuje osobitné pravidlá pre spoločné podnikyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
With reference to the allegations of Spain and of the interested third parties, according to which the replies to the written parliamentary questions created legitimate expectations for the beneficiaries of the aid, the Commission observes that the written parliamentary questions did not focus on the differentiation between direct and indirect acquisition, but questioned whether the scheme provided for in Article 12(5) TRLIS might constitute State aid.
MI musí byť viditeľný pri všetkých primeraných podmienkach osvetleniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) is payable to the beneficiary after an examination of the eligibility of the application.
NSAIDs ako ibuprofen, kyselina acetylsalicylováEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
the high level of carry-overs mainly arose from the fact that the costs relating to courses organised in the last months of 2011 under the grant agreements were not due for reimbursement until the beginning of 2012 and that the cancellations are mainly explained by grant beneficiaries in the Member States implementing the courses with less money than initially budgeted,
Účinnosť lieku Reyataz bola hodnotená v štyroch hlavných štúdiáchEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission shall ensure that project results are publicly available and widely disseminated in order to promote the exchange of best practice among national agencies, stakeholders and Programme beneficiaries.
V prípade látok, pre ktoré bol určený povolený limit, je možné stanoviť CCnot-set not-set
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