confinement oor Slowaaks


the act of confining or the state of being confined

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


We humans are confined by what's visible, Raphaela!
My, ľudia sme obmedzení tým čo vidíme, Raphaela!


After confinement, the Member shall be excused attendance at official meetings for a period of six months.
Po pôrode je poslankyňa počas šiestich mesiacov oslobodená od účasti na oficiálnych schôdzach.


For a person to be bound or confined was viewed as degrading.
Spútanie alebo uväznenie sa považovalo za ponižujúce.


A lot of people feel stuck or imprisoned or confined by their current circumstances.
Veľa ľudí sa cíti uväznených či obmedzených ich súčasnými okolnosťami.


She stays confined, but I assume she's guilty.
Ostane v zajatí, ale predpokladám, že je vinná.

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

livestock confinement equipment
zootechnické zariadenia
obmedziť · obmedzovať · ohraničovať · upevniť · uväzniť · zavrieť
to confine
obmedziť · ohraničiť
hranice · pohraničie · pokraj
psychiatric confinement
psychiatrická hospitalizácia
solitary confinement
solitary confinement
obmedziť · obmedzovať · ohraničovať · upevniť · uväzniť · zavrieť


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(32) The obligation to transpose this Directive into national law should be confined to those provisions which represent a substantive change as compared with the earlier Directive.
Ostatné negatívne účinky, ako sú endometritída, neurobehaviorálne a imunosupresívne účinky sa prejavujú pri oveľa nižších hodnotách a preto sa považujú za relevantné na stanovenie tolerovateľného príjmuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 shall apply to nationals of third countries who are not already covered by those Regulations solely on the ground of their nationality, as well as to members of their families and to their survivors, provided that they are legally resident in the territory of a Member State and are in a situation which is not confined in all respects within a single Member State.
Číslo spisuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, with medical authorisation, the staff member concerned may start her maternity leave less than six weeks before the expected date of confinement, ending in this case at the end of a period of 10 weeks after the date of confinement plus the time which the staff member concerned has continued to work as from the sixth week preceding the actual date of confinement.
Subkutánna injekcia do abdominálnej steny zabezpečuje mierne rýchlejšiu absorpciu ako injekcia do iných miest vpichu (pozri časťEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Without prejudice to any answer that the Court may give to the first question, but, as requested by the Court, I propose in this opinion to confine my observations to the second question asked by the Oberster Gerichtshof (Supreme Court).
uvoľňovania nebezpečných látok do pitnej vody, podzemnej vody, morskej vody alebo do pôdyEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Confinement and changes in the working conditions and availability of employees, combined with the additional workload required to manage the significant negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for all stakeholders, are impairing preparations for the application of these Implementing Regulations.
Vo svojom akčnom pláne v oblasti azylu prijatom v júni # Komisia oznámila úmysel vytvoriť CEAS prostredníctvom návrhu revízie existujúcich právnych nástrojov s cieľom dosiahnuť väčšiu harmonizáciu uplatniteľných noriem a posilniť podporu praktickej spolupráce medzi členskými štátmi, a to najmä prostredníctvom legislatívneho návrhu na zriadenie Európskeho podporného úradu pre azyl (ďalej len podporný úrad), ktorý umožní zvýšiť koordináciu operačnej spolupráce medzi členskými štátmi na účely účinného vykonávania spoločných pravidielEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
To further reduce the inspection effort and to maximise the time in which the ship can be commercially exploited, vessels subject to port State control inspections should be therefore transferred to Directive 2009/16/EC and the scope of this Directive should be confined to ships providing regular ro-ro ferry and high-speed passenger craft services between ports within a Member State or between a port in a Member State and a port in a third State where the flag of the vessel is the same as the Member State in question.
Túto skúšku však možno vynechať, ak žiadateľ preukáže odolnosť voči takýmto účinkomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is interesting to note that while all German and Dutch licences are reported to the European Railway Agency (ERA), more UK licences are notified to national authorities than to ERA (probably because most railway operations are confined to the UK, given the low degree of cross-border freight traffic and the fact that so far only Eurostar provides cross-border passenger services).
Ministri a účastníci konferencie prehodnotili súčasný stav vykonávania dohovoru OSN a zároveň konsolidovali prístup k zdravotnému postihnutiu, ktorý sa zakladá na ľudských právach, a zdôraznili dôležitosť spolupráce členských štátov, ako aj spolupráce s osobami so zdravotným postihnutím a organizáciami, ktoré ich zastupujúEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Gertrud Poetzinger (86): “I was sentenced to three and a half years of solitary confinement.
Výnimka má formu rozhodnutia, ktorým Komisia oznamuje, že článok # nariadenia (EHS) č. #, článok # ods. # zmluvy o ES alebo článok # ods. # dohody o EHP sa nepoužijú na dojednania uvedené v rozhodnutíjw2019 jw2019
27 In the light of the judgment of 19 September 2013 in Brey (C‐140/12, EU:C:2013:565), the Commission decided to confine its action to child benefit and child tax credit (‘the social benefits at issue’), to the exclusion of the ‘special non-contributory cash benefits’ that were also the subject of the reasoned opinion and which, in accordance with that judgment of the Court, can be classified as ‘social assistance’ within the meaning of Article 7(1)(b) of Directive 2004/38.
Umožňuje sa ním takisto, aby orgány dohľadu nad trhom v spolupráci s príslušnými hospodárskymi subjektmi v súvislosti s týmito výrobkami konali skôrEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Mr. O'Dell, the woman is confined to quarters for the duration of the patrol.
Naša posvätná kniha učí, že existuje svetlo... ale aj temnotaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First, recital 6 in the preamble to the regulation, according to which the latter ‘should be confined to provisions governing jurisdiction for opening insolvency proceedings and judgments which are delivered directly on the basis of the insolvency proceedings and are closely connected with such proceedings’, (15) refers without distinction to any proceedings opened under the regulation, without differentiating between main, territorial or secondary proceedings.
Všetci ste infikovaní mikroskopickými strojmi?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whereas the obligation to communicate information relating to each contract awarded should, however, be confined to contracts whose value is sufficiently high, namely all contracts with a value exceeding ECU # million
Rita, prosím, môžete ho priniesť pre pána Hendersona?eurlex eurlex
Under Directive 88/599/EEC ( 9 ) roadside checks are confined to daily driving time, daily rest periods, and breaks.
Avšak ich špecifické fyzikálno-chemické vlastnosti (napr. skupenstvo, obsah vodíka, obsah uhlíka, obsah popola) spôsobujú, že pre niektoré účely použitia sa hodia obzvlášť dobre a pre iné menej dobreEurLex-2 EurLex-2
80 It does not appear from that email that the Parliament’s medical officer, who in any case is not a psychiatrist, put forward a diagnosis following the interview, or that he drew any conclusions, as a result of that interview, concerning a possible medical origin of the professional difficulties encountered by the applicant; indeed, the medical officer confines himself to mentioning the fact that the interview took place and that there were no incidents on that occasion.
Jednoznačné číslo certifikátu sa môže uviesť aj na obaleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this respect, the Court is obliged to confine itself to verifying that the measure in question is not vitiated by a manifest error or a misuse of powers, that the competent authority did not clearly exceed the bounds of its discretion and that the procedural guarantees, which are of particularly fundamental importance in this context, have been fully observed.
Týka sa pomoc zamestnávania jednotlivých zdravotne postihnutých pracovníkov a doplnkových nákladov?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thirdly, the inspection ordered by the contested decision was confined to the undertaking’s premises, even though in some circumstances Regulation No 1/2003 now allows for the inspection of other premises, including the homes of certain members of staff of the undertaking concerned.
Obchodovanie s výrobkami, ktoré nie sú v súlade s touto smernicou, pričom však boli označené pred #. júlom # v súlade so smernicou #/EHS, však má byť povolené do vyčerpania zásobEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, in an appeal, the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice is confined to a review of the findings of law on the pleas argued before the Court of First Instance.
Teraz to vieme všetciEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where a person falls within either provision in respect of some of its functions, responsibilities or services, are its obligations to provide environmental information confined to the information relevant to those functions, responsibilities or services or do they extend to all environmental information held for any purpose?
uzávery umývadiel nesmú byť ručne ovládateľnéEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Having found, in essence, that there was nothing to stop it answering the questions referred relating to the interpretation of the block exemption regulations, without any need to embark first of all on a complex economic and legal examination of the conditions governing the application of Article 81(1) EC and in the light of the judgment in Cilfit and Others (EU:C:1982:335), (14) the Court confined itself to answering only the questions that had been referred to it.
množstvo farmaceutického výrobku, ktorý žiadateľ hodlá vyrábať na základe nútenej licencieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 33, decide that imports from a third country or part of a third country are to be confined to particular species, to hatching eggs, to poultry for breeding or production, to slaughter poultry or to poultry intended for special purposes.
Judicial review of the manner in which that discretion is exercised is confined to establishing that the rules of procedure and the rules relating to the duty to give reasons have been complied with and to verifying the accuracy of the facts relied on and that there has been no error of law, manifest error of assessment in regard to the facts or misuse of powers (see Case C-372/97 Italy v Commission [2004] ECR I-3679, paragraph 83 and the case-law cited).
V prípadoch, keď je možné ovládať niekoľko pevných strojových zariadení alebo strojových zariadení na koľajovom podvozku súčasne z rovnakého miesta, pričom existuje nebezpečenstvo kolízie, tieto strojové zariadenia musia byť navrhované a konštruované takým spôsobom, aby umožňovali inštaláciu systémov, ktoré vylučujú toto nebezpečenstvoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
201 It must be borne in mind that the Court dealing with an application for annulment of a decision applying Article 81(3) EC carries out, in so far as it is faced with complex economic assessments, a review confined, as regards the merits, to verifying whether the facts have been accurately stated, whether there has been any manifest error of appraisal and whether the legal consequences deduced from those facts were accurate (see GlaxoSmithKline Services v Commission, cited in paragraph 196 above, paragraph 241 and the case‐law cited).
Bez toho, aby boli dotknuté právomoci Komisie v oblasti finančnej kontroly, by sa v tejto oblasti mala podporovať spolupráca medzi členskými štátmi a KomisiouEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Repeatedly arrested; in solitary confinement for three and a half years.
Pozri, ja viem, že si ju nepodviedoljw2019 jw2019
This proposal is confined to the codification of the existing texts relating to the structure and rates of excise duty applied to the consumption of manufactured tobacco, without any change in their substance, so I am voting in favour.
Dátum implementácieEuroparl8 Europarl8
The activities will include further development of improved concepts for magnetic confinement schemes with potential advantages for Fusion power stations (focussed on the completion of the construction of the W7-X stellarator device), theory and modelling aimed at a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour of fusion plasmas and co-ordination., in the context of a keep-in-touch activity, of Member States’ civil research activities on inertial confinement.
Postupy zamerané na podporu flexibility v Európe nevytvorili bezpečné a dostupné opatrenia, ktoré by študentom a pracovníkom v odvetviach lesného hospodárstva umožnili získať široko uznávanú kvalifikáciu alebo rozvíjať svoje schopnosti prostredníctvom programov celoživotného vzdelávaniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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