contravention oor Slowaaks


The act of contravening a rule, regulation, or law, or of not fulfilling an obligation, promise, or agreement.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


A breach, violation, or infringement; as of a law, a contract, a right or duty.
A – The first ground of appeal, alleging contravention of the rules relating to delegation of powers
A – O prvom dôvode založenom na porušení pravidiel v oblasti splnomocnenia


Calls for the scope of that Regulation to be extended to cover intra-Community transfers, in order to prevent any possible contraventions
žiada, aby sa rozsah pôsobnosti tohto nariadenia rozšíril na transfery v rámci Spoločenstva s cieľom predchádzať akýmkoľvek možným priestupkom


contravention’ shall mean any violation of the customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation.
e) "porušenie" je každý priestupok voči colným predpisom, ako aj pokus oň.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Similarly, aid may not be granted in contravention of any prohibitions or restrictions laid down in Council Regulations establishing common organisations of the market, even where such prohibitions or restrictions only refer to Community support
Dumpingové rozpätie sa preto porovnalo s celoštátnym rozpätím ujmy určeným pre Indiu v konečnom nariadeníEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the verification procedure referred to in Article 30 or where information available to the competent authorities of the Community indicates that the provisions of this Chapter are being contravened, the said authorities shall request the Republic of Kazakhstan to carry out appropriate enquiries or arrange for such enquiries to be carried out concerning operations which are or appear to be in contravention of the provisions of this Chapter.
časť:vyzýva členské štáty... a preferenčného pravidlaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Member States shall ensure that any certification of the seed sampled is annulled in the event of such contravention unless it can be shown that such seed still meets all relevant requirements.
To nemôžem sľúbiťEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Concerning the first aspect mentioned above, i.e. road user behaviour, accidents are frequently caused by driver carelessness, but just as often pedestrians and cyclists act imprudently, in contravention of the basic rules of the road and sometimes of common sense
Lízingové splátky zaplatené poskytovateľovi lízingu prijímateľom lízingu dokladované obdržanou faktúrou alebo účtovným dokladom rovnakej preukaznej hodnoty, predstavujú pri spolufinancovaní uplatniteľné výdavkyoj4 oj4
The persons or companies or firms referred to in point (i) of Article 3 or, in cases of an increase in subscribed capital, the members of the administrative or management body shall be liable to pay for shares subscribed in contravention of this Article.
Naučil som sa to, keď som vyrastal.Pozoroval som ťanot-set not-set
First, it says that an action for failure to fulfil obligations should not be adjudged admissible when the alleged contravention ceased well before the time-limit laid down in the reasoned opinion (in this case, more than a year and a half), since the law enacting the RERF expired on 31 December 2005.
Zahŕňa # obcí departementu Ardèche v regióne Rhône-AlpesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(e) in a way which results in recovery or disposal in contravention of Community or international rules; or
od posledného grafického zobrazenia uplynul podľa technickej praxe neprimerane dlhý časEurLex-2 EurLex-2
[21] In contravention of Spanish tax law.
Smernica #/#/ES sa mení a dopĺňa taktoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Regulation 12 thereof corresponds to Article 6(1) of Directive 76/768 and contravention of that regulation can constitute a criminal offence.
Je vhodné zabezpečiť, vzhľadom na opatrenia platné v Spoločenstve týkajúce sa systémov dvojitej kontroly a predbežného a následného dohľadu Spoločenstva nad dovozom textilných výrobkov do Spoločenstva, aby sa na záväzné informácie o nomenklatúrnom zatriedení tovaru vydané colnými orgánmi členských štátov s ohľadom na zatriedenie tovaru do kombinovanej nomenklatúry, ktoré nie sú v súlade s týmto nariadením, mohol držiteľ naďalej odvolávať po dobu # dní, podľa článku # odsek # nariadenia Rady (EHS) č. #/# z #. októbra #, ktorým sa ustanovuje Colný kódex SpoločenstvaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
15 Under Article 23(1)(a) of the Agricultural Marketing (Jersey) Law 1953 (hereinafter, ‘the 1953 Law’), if any person sells or offers to sell or invites an offer to buy any regulated produce in contravention of the provisions of any Scheme he commits an offence for which the maximum penalty is a fine of £200 or imprisonment for up to six months or both.
Pri mojich očiach!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘Any person who has in his possession, whether lawfully or not, a controlled drug for the purpose of selling or otherwise supplying it to another in contravention of regulations under section 5 of this Act, shall be guilty of an offence.’
Pokuty by mali byť účinné, primerané a odrádzajúceEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The aid scheme thereafter applied by the abovementioned implementing provisions is consequently in contravention of the Commission’s original authorising decision.
Gliolan majú používať iba neurochirurgovia, ktorí absolvovali školiaci kurz zodpovedajúci požiadavkám, ktorých detaily sa uvádzajú doluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(d) takes or lands undersized fish in contravention of ICCAT conservation and management measures;
Čo tam robíte?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The aim of the Customs Information System, in accordance with this Decision, shall be to assist in preventing, investigating and prosecuting serious contraventions of national laws by making information available more rapidly, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the cooperation and control procedures of the customs administrations of the Member States.
Podrobné výsledky hlasovania (pozmeňujúce a doplňujúce návrhy, oddelené hlasovanie, hlasovanie po častiach,...) nájdete v prílohe zápisnice Výsledky hlasovaniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(j) purchase, offer to purchase, acquisition for commercial purposes, use for commercial gain, display to the public for commercial purposes, sale, keeping for sale, offering for sale or transporting for sale of specimens in contravention of Article 8;
Z malej pekelnej larvicky do plnej vyzbroje v rekordne kratkom caseEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given that we are dealing with a very specific and identifiable fishery, acknowledgement of this will help to avoid any incidences in which Community vessels are found to be in contravention of the regulation.
Ak sa príslušný orgán domnieva, že držiteľ porušil niektorú z podmienok používania alebo niektoré z ustanovení tejto zmluvy, môže pozastaviť alebo odobrať držiteľovi oprávnenie na používanie environmentálnej značky EÚ a prijať opatrenia potrebné na zabránenie držiteľovi v ďalšom používaní značky, vrátane opatrení ustanovených v článkoch # a # nariadenia o environmentálnej značke EÚnot-set not-set
° ° ° The President announced that the Conference of Presidents had approved the request of the Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion, for its mandate to be extended for three months.
* Správa o návrhu smernice Rady, ktorou sa mení a dopĺňa smernica #/#/EHS, pokiaľ ide o určité opatrenia na zjednodušenie postupu pri účtovaní dane z pridanej hodnoty a na pomoc v boji proti daňovému úniku a obchádzaniu daňových povinností, a ktorou sa zrušujú určité rozhodnutia udeľujúce výnimky (COM# – C#-#/# – #/#(CNS)) – Výbor pre hospodárske a menové vecinot-set not-set
If contravention of the prohibition contained in Article 3(5) is established, the premium paid for the subquota shall be reduced as follows:
Komisia tiež zaslala žalobkyni konečnú správu spoločnosti Ernst & Young, v ktorej ju informovala o tom, že táto správa predstavuje dôveryhodný technický základ umožňujúci prijať nevyhnutné opatrenia, osobitne začatie konania o vymáhaní celkovej sumy vo výške # eurEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(f) “unlawful aid” shall mean new aid put into effect in contravention of Article [88](3) of the Treaty;
Komisia vykonáva pravidelný audit hodnotiaceho výboru a v súlade s regulačným postupom uvedeným v článku # ods. # môže žiadať, aby hodnotiaci výbor prijal opatrenia, ktoré Komisia považuje za potrebné na zabezpečenie úplného súladu s odsekomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the light of the case law and the fact that the levy was used to finance State aid within the meaning of Article 87 of the Treaty and was discriminatory in contravention of Article 90 of the Treaty in so far as it was charged on products from other Member States that cannot benefit from the advantages of the fund into which it was paid, the Commission considered that the proceeds of the levy realised on products imported from other Member States were against the rules on competition.
Vieš kto je to Kathy Marquartová?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where it is established that the provisions of this Chapter have been contravened, the Commission may take such measures as are necessary to prevent recurrence of such contravention.
Môže zahŕňať podporu kooperačných zmlúv medzi zariadeniami zmluvných strán, najmä vo vedecko-technickom sektore a sektore odborného vzdelávaniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reminds Israel that the practice of holding Palestinian prisoners from the West Bank and Gaza Strip in jails inside Israel is in contravention of its obligations under international law; insists on the immediate implementation of the prisoners' right to family visits and calls on the Israeli authorities to create the necessary conditions for this right to be exercised as a first step;
Dolujem dáta z jej školských záznamov, adresára, emailov, telefónnych hovorov a schôdzok v kalendárinot-set not-set
60 It follows from the foregoing that, as the Commission correctly submits, the Commission is entitled to maintain the confidentiality of documents assembled in the course of an investigation relating to infringement proceedings where their disclosure might undermine the climate of trust which must exist, between the Commission and the Member State concerned, in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution to any contraventions of European Union law that may be identified.
Uvedený rozsah pre cetánové číslo nie je v súlade s požiadavkou minimálneho rozsahu #REurLex-2 EurLex-2
(17) Consequently, the EU law doctrine of abuse does not apply to any contravention of paragraph 1, Schedule 6, which is a matter solely for domestic law.
Myslíš, že najmú opilca, trosku?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
202 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.