doubts oor Slowaaks


werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of doubt.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


There is no doubt, in this regard, that children are the most vulnerable group.
V tomto smere niet pochýb, že deti sú najzraniteľnejšia skupina.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

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diskutabilný · dubiózny · neistý · nerozhodná · nerozhodné · nerozhodný · pochybná · pochybné · pochybný · pochybovačný · problematický
Pochybnosť · nedôverovať · neistota · neveriť · nieistota · obava · otázka · pochybnosť · pochybovanie · pochybovať · pochybovať o čom · podozrenie · spochybňovať · váhať
I doubt it
O tom pochybujem
without doubt
bezpochyby · nepochybne
doubting Thomas
neveriaci Tomáš
beyond a doubt
no doubt
bezpochyby · nepochybne · nesporne
to doubt
pochybovať · spochybniť · spochybňovať
beyond doubt
bezpochyby · nepochybne · nepochybný


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In the opening decision, the Commission acknowledged that the municipality invested de jure at the same time as the private investors in the partnership GNA, but expressed some preliminary doubts about the de facto concomitance of the investments of all GNA shareholders, as the municipality had already undertaken initiatives and investments before a final agreement with all other investors was concluded
O účinkoch azbestu na zdravie sa vedelo už dávno.oj4 oj4
I highly doubt I'm gonna get nominated for an Oscar.
Ahoj Joe, ideš práve včasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In view of the above sales structure, this situation casts serious doubts on whether the institutions and customs authorities can ensure that only PET from the cooperating exporting producer is sold according to the provisions of the undertaking as the product is a commodity product and easily interchangeable in the sense that in such commodity products it is not at all clear to physically recognise the producer.
Rozšírené indikačné zariadenie sa môže používať len dočasne a pri jeho činnosti sa nepovoľuje tlač výsledkovEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission (Eurostat) may disclose publicly its opinion on the quality of national statistics and shall do so where it has doubts concerning the accuracy of information across all types of statistics.
Pri tvorbe a uplatňovaní fiškálnej politiky je zvlášť potrebné zohľadniť analýzu fiškálnej radynot-set not-set
In the event of a doubt regarding the correct implementation of the ESA 95 accounting rules, the Member State concerned shall request clarification from the Commission (Eurostat).
Dohody o konzorciuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Authority expressed its doubts as to whether the Norwegian State’s support measure could be declared compatible with the functioning of the EEA Agreement, and more specifically, whether the aid measure was compatible with Article # of the EEA Agreement
Po skončení operácie však spolufinancovanie zo štrukturálnych fondov nesmie, s výnimkou nefinančných príspevkov, prekročiť celkové oprávnené nákladyoj4 oj4
Fri-El Acerra argues essentially that the doubts expressed by the Commission in the opening decision do not take proper account of these documents, and in particular of the Programme Agreement signed on 15 July 2005, which it says is an instrument that is legally binding with regard to the aid for all the steps it took subsequently.
Parné strojeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Doubts at line(s)
Názov a adresa orgánu poskytujúceho pomocEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Consequently, the Commission doubts whether the conditions for compatibility as set out in the 2005 guidelines have been complied with in the present case.
Zvieracie modely U zvieracích modelov pľúcnej hypertenzie opakované perorálne podávanie bosentanu znižovalo pulmonárnu vaskulárnu rezistenciu a zvrátilo pľúcnu vaskulárnu a pravú ventrikulárnu hypertrofiuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
For the reasons stated above the Commission has doubts about the compatibility of the notified measure with the internal market and has accordingly decided to open the formal investigation procedure.
Tieto zakazujú analytikom alebo príslušným stranám vlastniť alebo obchodovať s finančnými nástrojmi akéhokoľvek subjektu, za ktorý sú zodpovední, alebo vyžadovať dary či láskavosti od tohto subjektuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I doubt anyone here can make the same claim.
Ak akýkoľvek liek predstavuje súčasť vakcinačného programu odporúčaného žiadateľom, preukazuje sa indukčný (priming) alebo podporný (booster) účinok alebo príspevok imunologického veterinárneho lieku k účinnosti očkovacieho programu ako celkuOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(Luke 21:37, 38; John 5:17) They no doubt sensed that he was motivated by deep-rooted love for people.
Never doubted him, never will.
si musia zachovať aspoň minimálny alkoholometrický titer (obsah alkoholu)požadovaný pre príslušnú kategóriu stolového vína v čase uzatvorenia zmluvyOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Commission expressed doubts as to whether these criteria were met and also whether this potential operating aid was compatible with the internal market.
Činnosti osobitného koordinátora sa koordinujú s činnosťami generálneho tajomníka Rady/vysokého predstaviteľa pre SZBP, predsedníctva Rady a Komisie, najmä v rámci neformálneho poradného výboruEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In case an import licence for the quantities concerned is not allocated to the designated importer, in circumstances which do not cast doubt on the good faith of the operator submitting the declaration referred to in Article 22(6), the operator may be authorised by the Member State to designate another importer, provided that the latter appears on the list communicated to the competent authorities of the United States in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
Do tvorby filmov a hudby vrazili veľmi veľa peňazí, takže niečo za to chcú dostať, ale spôsoby, ktorými sa teraz snažia kopírovanie zastaviť, jednoducho nefungujúEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In view of this, then, there can be no doubt that Mary did not have any other children.”
Je to moja prácajw2019 jw2019
In the light of the above, the Commission reached the preliminary conclusion that the preferential electricity tariffs could potentially involve State aid and it invited Romania to provide sufficient information to alleviate its doubts.
S cieľom obmedziť narušenie hospodárskej súťaže spôsobené poskytnutím pomoci sa v pláne reštrukturalizácie z roku # stanovuje realizácia týchto opatreníeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The applicant, a competitor of the recipients of the aid, submits that the Commission ought to have found that there was doubt as to the compatibility of the reported measure with the internal market and that the Commission therefore ought to have adopted a decision to open the formal investigation procedure: see Article 108(2) TFEU and Article 4(4) of the procedural regulation.
Týka sa to najmä často veľmi zložitých a sporných pravidiel krížového plnenia.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The only EU institution which has not yet made its position known is the Council, giving rise to serious doubts among the peoples of Europe regarding the protection of human and fundamental rights in the EU.
Pomoc je taktiež obmedzená na najnižšiu možnú sumunot-set not-set
In the light of the operation of the system of remuneration established by the old version of the BBesG, as described above, there is no doubt, in my view, that it introduces discrimination on grounds of age for the purposes of that provision.
Ak podniková kombinácia zahŕňa viac ako jednu výmennú transakciu, reálne hodnoty identifikovateľného majetku, záväzkov a podmienených záväzkov nadobúdaného subjektu sa ku každému dátumu výmennej transakcie môžu odlišovaťEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In paragraph 181 of the Opening decision, the Commission raised three main reasons to express doubts on the credibility of the Mexico alternative.
t# = referenčná teplota okolia = # oCEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
115 Having regard to the cardinal importance of the principle of irremovability, an exception thereto is thus acceptable only if it is justified by a legitimate objective, it is proportionate in the light of that objective and inasmuch as it is not such as to raise reasonable doubt in the minds of individuals as to the imperviousness of the courts concerned to external factors and their neutrality with respect to the interests before them (see, to that effect, judgment of 24 June 2019, Commission v Poland (Independence of the Supreme Court), C‐619/18, EU:C:2019:531, paragraph 79).
V prípade, ak príjemca nie je oprávneným vlastníkom skladu alebo registrovaným obchodníkom a bez ohľadu na článok #, dokument, o ktorom sa hovorí v odseku #, musí byť doplnený dokumentom, ktorý potvrdzuje, že spotrebná daň bola zaplatená v cieľovom členskom štáte, alebo že bol použitý akýkoľvek iný proces výberu dane v súlade s podmienkami stanovenými kompetentnými orgánmi cieľového členského štátuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
For that purpose rules should be laid down in advance regarding the grounds for the dismissal of the head of the national regulatory authority in order to remove any reasonable doubt as to the neutrality of that body and its imperviousness to external factors.
Toto pravidlo by sa malo nahradiť zavedením vyrovnávacieho mechanizmuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
36 There is an obligation to adopt safeguard measures only if the conditions justifying such measures are satisfied, namely, that there is no doubt regarding the classification as State aid, that the aid is about to be, or has been, implemented, and that no exceptional circumstances have been found which would make recovery inappropriate.
Merná hmotnosť vodného roztoku alkoholu s objemovým obsahom alkoholu # % obj. je #,# g/ml pri teplote # °C a #,# g/ml pri teplote # °C, takže rozdiel je #,# g/mlEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to avoid any doubt, the keeper should be clearly identified in the National Vehicle Register (NVR) provided for in Article 33 of the Railway Interoperability Directive.
Existuje veľa teórií ako starovekí gréci vybudovali pyramídyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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