in vitro insemination oor Slowaaks

in vitro insemination

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inseminácia in vitro

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oplodňovanie in vitro

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Services relating to: blood banks, plastic surgery, dentistry, physiotherapy, hospitals, clinics, surgeries and outpatient clinics, obstetrics, medical nursing care, medical care and assistance, including home care, pharmacological advice psychological advice, artificial insemination, in vitro insemination, health care, hospices
Od systému, pri ktorom sa lieskové oriešky sušili na slnku a kedy bolo bežné, že dvory a námestia boli posypané sušiacimi sa orieškami, sa prešlo k využívaniu poľnohospodárskych a/alebo podnikových sušičov, pričom škrupiny sa recyklujú ako palivo a samotný produkt sa skladuje v skladoch a/alebo silách pri kontrolovanej teplote alebo v chladiarňach v prípade olúpaného produktutmClass tmClass
In vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination of human and animal cells, in vitro reproduction of plant cells
Toto osvedčenie sa však nevyžaduje pre produkty rybolovu uvedené v článku # ods. # smernice #/EHStmClass tmClass
Medical services, in particular artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilisation
Zabijú nás všetkých tak, či taktmClass tmClass
Sperm sorting services for others, namely, sorting or sex selecting animal semen for use in artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation
Postupy na obmedzenie hluku pri stúpaní po vzlete stanovené prevádzkovateľom pre ktorýkoľvek typ letúna by mali byť rovnaké pre všetky letiskátmClass tmClass
In vitro fertilisation, artificial insemination
Tak veľmi si sa starala o ostatných, že si pri tom zabudla na sebatmClass tmClass
In-vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination
Prac-tic #, # mg Spot-on roztok pre veľmi malých psov Prac-tic #, # mg Spot-on roztok pre malých psov Prac-tic # mg Spot-on roztok pre stredne veľkých psov Prac-tic # mg Spot-on roztok pre veľkých psov PyriproltmClass tmClass
Collecting and preserving the gametes, carrying out in vitro fertilisation, artificial insemination and egg implantation, ensuring the care of the aforesaid gametes and eggs
No neviem, či môžem niekomu, kto klametmClass tmClass
Gynaecological clinics, gynaecological surgery, obstetrics, assisted reproduction and artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilisation, infertility treatments for women
Komisia pod vedením Aldricha odporučila vytvorenie centrálnej bankytmClass tmClass
Medical services, Medical analysis relating to the treatment of individuals, Artificial insemination services, In vitro fertilization services
Členské štáty zabezpečia, aby sa počas kontrol vykonávaných v miestach, kde výrobky z tretích krajín môžu vstúpiť na územie spoločenstva, ako sú prístavy, letiská, hraničné stanice s tretími krajinami, prijali tieto opatreniatmClass tmClass
(a) purebred breeding animals of the equine species of certain breeds for artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilisation of oocytes;
Správa o splnení technických požiadaviekEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Gametes for artificial insemination, gametes for in vitro fertilisation, eggs obtained by in vitro fertilisation
Európske spoločenstvo pre atómovú energiu (Spoločenstvo) by malo byť schopné podporovať jadrovú bezpečnosť v tretích krajinách, aby splnilo cieľ Zmluvy o založení Európskeho spoločenstva pre atómovú energiu (Zmluva o Euratome) vytvoriť záruky potrebné na vylúčenie ohrozenia života a zdravia verejnostitmClass tmClass
The embryos to be exported were conceived as a result of artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation with semen complying with the following requirements
Ak sa vyskytne prekážka alebo hrozba jej vyskytnutia, potomoj4 oj4
Article 23 Acceptance of semen for artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilisation of oocytes and of purebred breeding animals and their germinal products for testing
v prípade zadávajúceho subjektu alebo hlavného dodávateľa zodpovedného za celý projekt subsystémuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Bovine sperm for artificial insemination and in particular in-vitro fertilisation
Adresy: a) Al-Razi Medical Complex, Jabal Al-Hussein, Ammán, Jordánsko; b) P.O. Box #, Ammán #, Jordánsko; c) P.O. Box #, Ammán #, JordánskotmClass tmClass
All the aforesaid services in the medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary and biological fields, relating to artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilisation, and in the fields of molecular biology, bio-informatics, fermentation, breeding, new plant varieties, gene therapy products and biotechnology
Uložiť obrázok do súborutmClass tmClass
(b) the equine species, which were accepted for the collection of semen for artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization of oocytes on the basis of the breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(1) or Article 9.
Membránový filter, # mEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Retailing or wholesaling of genetic material, namely cattle sperm, sheep sperm, pig sperm, horse sperm, goat sperm and rabbit sperm for artificial insemination and in particular in vitro fertilisation
V prípade, že v programe bezpečnostnej ochrany leteckého dopravcu sa opisujú metódy a postupy, ktoré má dodržiavať letecký dopravca s cieľom dosiahnuť súlad s požiadavkami nariadenia (ES) č. #/# a jeho vykonávacích aktov, leteckého dopravcu možno považovať za dopravcu, ktorý spĺňa požiadavky uvedené v písmenách a) a b) pre všetky miesta určené v programetmClass tmClass
(a) the bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species which were accepted for the collection of semen for artificial insemination or in-vitro fertilization of oocytes in a Member State on the basis of performance testing and genetic evaluation carried out in accordance with Article 27 and Annex III;
Nakope ti prdelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Family planning products, namely, diaphragms and tubal ligation systems for contraception, fertility assessment tools, intrauterine insemination catheters, sperm selection systems, and in vitro fertilization media and devices
Predmet a opis sporutmClass tmClass
The embryos to be exported were conceived as a result of artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation with semen from a donor sire standing at a semen collection centre approved by the competent authority for the collection, processing and storage of semen or with semen imported from the European Community.E.
Kam máš namierené?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
the origin of semen used for artificial insemination of donor animals or to fertilise oocytes for in vitro production of embryos;
Iba španielsky, český, nemecký, grécky, anglický, francúzsky, taliansky, maďarský, portugalský, slovenský a slovinský text je autentickýEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 71 concerning the conditions for the acceptance of: deleted (a) purebred breeding animals of the equine species of certain breeds for artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilisation of oocytes; (b) purebred breeding animals of the equine species of certain breeds and their germinal products for performance testing and genetic evaluation.
Naliala som ti životabudičnot-set not-set
(a) they must have been conceived as a result of artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization with semen from a donor sire standing at a semen collection centre approved by the competent authority for the collection, processing and storage of semen or by semen imported in accordance with Directive 88/407/EEC ( 8 ).
Interkomunálne systémy – miestne orgány, združenia miestnych orgánov, útvary miestnych orgánov, podniky, pri ktorých je všetok kapitál alebo väščina kapitálu vo verejnom vlastníctve alebo súkromné podniky podľa Lei #-F/#, do # de Dezembro #, and to Decreto-Lei No #/# do # de Novembro # amended by Decreto-Lei No #/# of # October #, Decreto-Lei No #-A/# do # de Outubro # e Decreto-Lei No #/# do # de MaioEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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