predation oor Slowaaks


act of predating

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


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biological interaction where a predator feeds on a prey organism
Their speed makes them one of the ocean's most fearsome predators.
Ich rýchlosť z nich robí najobávanejších dravcov oceánu.


It's an ambush predator and lies in wait.
Je to lovec útočiaci z úkrytu, ktorý nehybne číha na korisť.
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A Predator's Portrait
A Predator’s Portrait
Nashville Predators
Nashville Predators
predator prey relations
vzťahy dravec-korisť
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Dravec · dravec · predátor


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The amendment allows producers to include a small number of guinea fowl in the consignments so that they can scare off predators with their behaviour.
Výsledky ostatných výrobcov zo SpoločenstvaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
appropriate predator control measures are put in place, taking into account the risk of disease spread that these predators pose.
Dňa #. júna # Komisia uverejnila v Úradnom vestníku Európskej únie oznámenie podľa článku # ods. # nariadenia Rady (ES) č. #/#, v ktorom zhrnula vec i záväzky a vyzvala zainteresované tretie strany, aby vlehote jedného mesiaca predložili svoje pripomienky k navrhnutým záväzkomEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Since the third subparagraph of Paragraph 122 of the TVL predates Finland’s accession, it can only (if it constitutes aid at all) fall to be classified as existing aid.
Účtovná jednotka zverejníEurLex-2 EurLex-2
95 In the second part of this ground of appeal, the appellant claims that the Court of First Instance infringed Article 82 EC inasmuch as it found that a plan of predation existed solely on the basis of subjective factors, while the article requires proof of an objectively identifiable plan to eliminate competition based on objective indications, such as, inter alia, threats to competitors or selective price cuts in respect of competitors’ customers.
Čo tu chcete?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
On Rinne's 29th birthday, 3 November 2011, he signed a seven-year $49 million contract, the largest contract in Nashville Predators team history (since surpassed by teammate Shea Weber and his 13-year, $114 million contract).
Kódex ukladá povinnosť začlenenia biometrických údajov (odtlačkov všetkých desiatich prstov) dokonca aj deťom mladším ako 12 rokov.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
29 In replying to the third question referred for a preliminary ruling by the Bundesfinanzhof in Joined Cases C-278/07 to C-280/07 that the longer limitation periods which Member States retain the possibility of applying under Article 3(3) of Regulation No 2988/95 may result from general provisions of law predating the adoption of that regulation, the Court implicitly but necessarily confirmed to the Bundesfinanzhof that Member States can apply such longer periods by means of application determined by case-law of a provision of general purport laying down a limitation period of more than four years to the recovery of wrongly received advantages, a practice which the German courts refer to as application ‘by analogy’.
ak pre loď nie je praktické úplne vypustiť svoju balastovú vodu pred etapou úpravy v procese nakládky, aby dohodol so zástupcom terminálu časy, pri ktorých môže byť potrebné nakládku zrušiť a trvanie tohto zrušeniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Concerning the other taxes, the Spanish authorities consider that the tax advantages predate Royal Decree-Law No 10/2000, so that cooperatives are not entitled to them as a result of the aforementioned Decree-Law.
dopĺňa sa nasledujúci textEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But all this life attracts other predators.
Čo sa týka nepriameho začlenenia #,# % podielov WK vo výške # mil.DEM do vkladu tichého spoločníka, uskutočneného k #. januáru #, dosiahla sa síce zásadná dohoda o spôsobe určenia pevného meradla pre odmenu, nie však presný spôsob výpočtu, najmä čo sa týka zrážky z dôvodu chýbajúcej likvidity (pozri body # ažOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
13 Article 1.3 of the contract at issue states that Ellinikos Xrysos ‘shall in no way be held liable for environmental damage or damage caused to third parties which occurred before the publication ratifying the present contract or the causes of which predate said publication’.
Odsúdený. sa pod nadpisom Fyzické osoby nahrádza taktoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
[(4)] Is Directive 2008/115 to be interpreted as precluding Member States from providing that expulsion or removal orders which predated the period during which the directive had not been implemented by 5 years or more may subsequently again serve as a basis for criminal proceedings, where the expulsion or removal order was based on a criminal conviction[?]’
Koncentrácia plazmatického feritínu/sérová koncentrácia Zn#+ Odporúča sa kontrolovať sérové koncentrácie feritínu alebo iné indikátory hromadenia železa v organizme každé dva až tri mesiace na dosiahnutie dlhodobej účinnosti chelačnej liečby v kontrole ukladania železaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The documents on which the Commission bases this view predate the conclusion of the supply contracts and merely contemplate possible scenarios.
On sa zabával...... namiesto toho, aby sa staral o biznisEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The pastoral communities are using this poison to target predators, and in return, the vultures are falling victim to this.
Potvrdenie úplnosti dokumentácie bolo potrebné, aby bolo možné pristúpiť k jej podrobnému preskúmaniu a aby v súvislosti s prípravkami na ochranu rastlín s obsahom príslušných účinných látok mohli členské štáty pri splnení podmienok ustanovených v článku # ods. # smernice #/#/EHS, a najmä podmienky týkajúcej sa vykonania podrobného preskúmania účinnej látky a prípravku na ochranu rastlín vzhľadom na požiadavky ustanovené v tejto smernici, udeliť dočasné povolenia na obdobia do troch rokovted2019 ted2019
Revision presupposes the discovery of facts which predate the delivery of the judgment, were unknown to the Court up to the point when it delivered the judgment, and would, if the Court had been able to take them into consideration, have been likely to lead it to adopt a different decision to the one adopted in the proceedings.
Ó, ty moja inšpiráciaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
And it's the youngest which are in greatest danger from predators.
Vec: Možné financovanie zriadenia múzea na ostrove Giglio, ktoré by bolo venované osobám zabitým na moriOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Under Article 9(2), Member States may confine the application of that chapter to refugees whose family relationships predate their entry.
Celý deň mám v tejto veci tušáka.Ibaže, v predstavách, to bolo trocha okázalejšieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A credit rating agency is not required to report in respect of rating periods that predate its registration or certification under Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 if it can demonstrate that reporting such data is not proportionate in view of its scale and complexity.
Číslo spisuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Effects on non-target terrestrial arthropods (e.g. predators or parasitoids of harmful organisms) must be investigated.
Nevyhnutné je dôsledne monitorovať kontrolu glukózyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
90 It must, however, be stated that the amounts granted as compensation for the period predating Romania’s accession to the European Union, that is to say, the period from 22 February 2005 to 31 December 2006, cannot constitute State aid within the meaning of EU law.
falšovanie dokladov uvedených v tomto nariadení alebo používanie takýchto falošných alebo neplatných dokladovEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
For 2011 in those same cases, the StromNEV as predating the introduction of the full exemption was applied (i.e. the individual network charges based on the physical path – if relevant).
Majitelia plavidiel na lov tuniakov a na lov na hladine s dlhými lovnými šnúrami zamestnávajú štátnych príslušníkov krajín AKT za týchtopodmienokEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
18 Moreover, whilst it is, admittedly, true that the advertising complained of predates even the date on which Directive 2005/29 entered into force, namely 12 June 2005, the referring court states that, in view of the fact that the application for an injunction submitted by the Wettbewerbszentrale is intended to prevent future breaches, the appeal on a point of law can be upheld only if the injunction can also be applied for on the basis of the law in force when its decision is delivered.
Hypo znamená veľmi nízku hladinu Vášho cukru v krviEurLex-2 EurLex-2
ALL true Christians face a predator, one with superhuman intelligence and craftiness.
Pri mojich očiach!jw2019 jw2019
Like many large predators, it has gradually retreated to more inaccessible areas because of threats posed by man.
V článku # rozhodnutia #/ES sa dátum #. február # nahrádza dátumom #. májjw2019 jw2019
appropriate predator control measures are put in place, taking into account the risk of disease spread that these predators pose;
zrušiť rozhodnutie štvrtého odvolacieho senátu Úradu pre harmonizáciu vnútorného trhu (ochranné známky a vzory) z #. júla # vo veci REuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
We actually know an awful lot about the dynamics of predators and prey, we also know a lot about the consumer spending flows and we know a lot about how viruses spread through a population.
Snažím sa vylepšiť si autorituQED QED
David did not simply try to drive off those predators from a safe distance.
ako aj akákoľvek iná organizácia klasifikačné spoločnosti, ako aj akákoľvek iná organizácia, ak je to potrebné, ktoré vydali lodiam prípadné osvedčenia o klasifikáciijw2019 jw2019
203 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.