predatory oor Slowaaks


/ˈpredətəri/ adjektief
Of, or relating to a predator.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks


It's about a predatory flutist who murders children in a cave.
Je to dravý flautista, ktorý nechá zavraždiť deti v jaskyni.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

predatory birds
dravce · dravé vtáky
predatory mites
dravé rotoče alebo hmyz


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The expert's task will be to check that the margins achieved on average, annually, by subsector, on the contracts signed by the company in the Transport sector are compatible with the business plan and, in the event of any discrepancy, do not indicate any predatory pricing.
záznamy o kvalite, ktoré sa predpokladajú u projektovej časti systému kvality, ako sú výsledky analýz, výpočty, testy, atďEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Armillaria is actually a predatory fungus, killing certain species of trees in the forest.
Opatrenia potrebné na vykonávanie smernice #/#/ES (smernica o univerzálnej službe) a smernice #/#/ES (smernica o súkromí a elektronických komunikáciách) by sa mali prijať v súlade s rozhodnutím Rady #/#/ES z #. júna #, ktorým sa ustanovujú postupy pre výkon vykonávacích právomocí prenesených na Komisiuted2019 ted2019
This is even more so given the fact that Chinese prices have continued to significantly undercut those of the Community industry — and to be made at levels significantly below Community industry costs, indicating a predatory intent.
uložiť Helénskej republike povinnosť zaplatiť Komisii paušálnu sumu, ktorej výška sa určí tak, že sa vynásobí denná suma počtom dní, počas ktorých žalovaná je omeškaní s vykonaním rozsudku, počínajúc dňom vyhlásenia rozsudku vo veci C-#/# až do dňa vyhlásenia rozsudku v tejto právnej veciEurLex-2 EurLex-2
( 9 ) If the Court’s reasoning at paragraphs 70 to 72 of Akzo v Commission is followed, if the prices were lower than the average incremental costs, it would not have been necessary to prove the existence of an elimination strategy as those prices would in themselves have been regarded as predatory.
THA ponúkla na oplátku rôzne opatreniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, significant shortcomings and possibilities for improving the functioning of the market remain, notably concrete provisions are needed to ensure a level playing field and to reduce the risks of market dominance and predatory behaviour, ensuring non-discriminatory transmission and distribution tariffs, through access to the network on the basis of tariffs published prior to their entry into force, and ensuring that the rights of small and vulnerable customers are protected.
Dobre, zoženieme skutočné veci, a prinesieme ich sem na vykonanie kúzlaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
224 In AKZO v Commission, paragraph 100 above, paragraphs 71 and 72, the Court of Justice sanctioned the existence of two different methods of analysis for determining whether an undertaking has applied predatory pricing.
Z každej série sa vyberie náhodná vzorkaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Preparations for destroying vermin with a chemical base and biological base, by means of bacteria, parasites, viruses, parasitic plants, beneficial organisms, predatory mites
Nech už myslíš na čokoľvek, Carmen... so mnou nepočítajtmClass tmClass
(3) to hunt at night, that is to say during the period from 90 minutes after sundown until 90 minutes before sunrise; the hunting of wild boar, predatory game, capercaillie, black grouse, wild goose, wild duck and snipe is excluded from this prohibition;
Podľa #A#.b sa neriadia zariadenia osobitne určené na montáž na povrchové plavidláEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the targeted competitor is dependent on external financing, substantial price decreases or other predatory conduct by the dominant undertaking could adversely affect the competitor's performance so that its access to further financing may be seriously undermined.
Dánska veterinárna a potravinová správa (DVFA) preskúmala # vzoriek bylinných potravinových doplnkov a bylinných surovín pre potravinové doplnkyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Guidance contains a general part, which sets out the main principles of an effects-based approach determining enforcement priorities in relation to Article 82 EC, and then applies this general analytical framework to the most commonly encountered forms of exclusionary conduct, such as exclusive dealing, rebates, tying and bundling, predatory practices, refusal to supply and margin squeeze.
Z tohto dôvodu, ako aj z dôvodu, že nesúhlasím s väčšinou jej obsahu, som hlasoval proti tejto správe.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The obligations imposed may include requirements that the identified undertakings do not charge excessive prices, inhibit market entry or restrict competition by setting predatory prices, show undue preference to specific end-users or unreasonably bundle services.
Osvedčenia uvedené v článku # odsek # sa musia vypracovať aspoň v jednom úradnom jazyku členského štátu, kde sa kontroly vykonávajúnot-set not-set
It takes the view that, if an undertaking in a dominant position cannot reasonably expect to reduce long-term competition with a view to recouping its losses, in particular because it is easy to enter the market in question, it is not rational for that undertaking to engage in a policy of predatory pricing.
Ale som rád, že si mi povedala pravdu, aspoň razEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Until 2010, the relevant authorities of the Member States shall provide, by 31 July of each year, in conformity with competition law, the Commission with a report on market dominance, predatory and anti competitive behaviour.
K očakávaniu, že keď dobre hráte, vyhráteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Using an analysis of the relevant markets, France wishes to prove that, at the date of referral, there had been no irregular cross-subsidies, i.e. enabling the LNE to charge predatory prices in the relevant commercial sectors
dominantné postavenie GDP v Portugalsku na trhu v oblasti dodávok zemného plynu CCGToj4 oj4
The obligations imposed may include requirements that the identified undertakings do not charge excessive prices, inhibit market entry or restrict competition by setting predatory prices, show undue preference to specific end-users or unreasonably bundle services.
Stanovisko k spoľahlivosti účtovnej závierkyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Finally, an undertaking which charges predatory prices may enjoy economies of scale and learning effects on account of increased production precisely because of such pricing.
Kým platí článok # ods. # písm. b), členský štát uvedený v odseku # sa môže rozhodnúť neuplatňovať článok #, pokiaľ ide o podporné služby a dočasné uskladňovanie pre proces spätného splyňovania s následným dodaním do prepravnej sústavyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
21 In that regard, the Court first of all noted in paragraphs 195 to 198 of the judgment under appeal that the case‐law provides that in order for it to find that predatory prices are being charged, the Commission is required to provide sound evidence of the existence of a strategy of ‘pre-emption’ of the market where the prices applied by an undertaking in a dominant position are not sufficient to cover its total costs.
keďže v spojení s následne vykonávanými kontrolami by malo byť určené, že splatné clá sa vyberajú v súlade s článkom # nariadenia (EHS) č. # z #. októbra #, ktorým sa ustanovuje Colný zákonník spoločenstva[#]; keďže v spojení so všetkými kontrolami je tiež spravodlivé ustanoviť, že splatné clá sa úročiaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On 18 July 2019, the Commission fined Qualcomm 36 EUR 242 million for abusing its market dominance, through predatory pricing, in the worldwide market for chipsets complying with the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UTMS), the third generation standard (3G), in breach of EU antitrust rules.
Ustanovenia tohto článku ZKDÚZ sa nepovažujú za charakterovo horizontálne, keďže spoločnosti v určitých priemyselných sektoroch sú jasne viac zamerané na technológiu ako spoločnosti v iných sektoroch a preto budú mať väčšiu pravdepodobnosť na využitie tohto ustanoveniaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The route is lined with predatory animals, such as lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and leopards.
A to je problémjw2019 jw2019
In this connection, I cannot accept the Commission’s argument that that statement is ‘completed’ (and/or the new formulation of what constitutes permissible alignment is applied to the facts in the instant case) in paragraphs 199 to 218 of the judgment under appeal, where the Court of First Instance held that the Commission had established the necessary elements to prove predatory pricing below average full costs.
názov letiska nakládky (letisko odoslania) a vykládky (letisko určeniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In order to give customers proper price signals that will promote more rational and efficient energy use, the EESC urges the Commission to clamp down on predatory pricing, taking into account what is allowed under European legislation in the area of proper promotion of renewable energies and preserving the provisions for vulnerable consumers laid down in the gas and electricity Directives
Pokiaľ ide o # pozmeňujúcich a doplňujúcich návrhov prijatých Európskym parlamentom, Rada sa pri niektorých s Komisiou zhodla aoj4 oj4
Finally by its seventh ground of appeal the appellant alleges that the Court infringed Article 82 EC not only in holding that proving the possibility for recoupment of losses was not a pre-requisite for finding predatory pricing, but also in confusing the Commission's evidence on the possibility of recoupment of those losses with the relevant undertaking's evidence on the impossibility of recoupment of those losses.
Belgické úrady zdôraznili, že sa opierali o dôvodovú správu holandského zákona zavádzajúceho program paušálneho zdanenia na základe tonážeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In general it is considered unlikely that predatory conduct will create efficiencies
Rozhodnutie Rady #/#/SZBP z #. júla #, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa jednotná akcia #/#/SZBP o pozorovateľskej misii Európskej únie v Gruzínsku, EUMM Georgiaoj4 oj4
- predatory foreclosure
krajiny odoslaniaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
When necessary, those proposals shall, in conformity with competition law, also concern measures to address issues of market dominance, market concentration and predatory or anti-competitive behaviour.
keďže všetky nové členské štáty s výnimkou Poľska a Malty považujú rozvojové vzdelávanie za prioritu národných platforiem mimovládnych organizácii pre rozvojEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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