returns oor Slowaaks


werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of return.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks

mŕtvy bod

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The Municipality did not immediately deduct the latter amount from its turnover tax return.
Obec v daňovom priznaní k dani z obratu okamžite neodpočítala poslednú uvedenú sumu.
AGROVOC Thesaurus

obraty, výnosy



These standards shall take account of business cycles and similar systematic variability in equity returns.
Tieto štandardy zohľadňujú hospodárske cykly a podobnú systematickú variabilitu výnosov z akcií.
AGROVOC Thesaurus


In these circumstances a return to viability could not be expected anymore
Za tejto situácie už nebolo možné očakávať návrat k ziskovosti
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Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Slowaaks

Geen vertalings nie

Soortgelyke frases

tax return
daňové priznanie
on return
pri návrate
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Hviezdne vojny: Epizóda VI - Návrat Jediho
returnable container
vratná nádoba
dávať · hlásenie · navrát · navrátenie · navrátiť · niesť · návrat · návratka · návratnosť · návratný · obnova · obnovenie · odkopnutie · odmena · odozva · odplata · odplatiť · odpovedať · odpoveď · odpálenie · odsek · odvetiť · odvetný · ohlas · ohyb · opätovať · poskytovať · predklz · predložiť · presústružiť · prinášať · priznanie · priľahlý · protokol · príjem · recidíva · spiatočný · správa · spätný · späť · stojka · storno · vedľajší · voliť · vrátenie · vrátiť · vrátiť sa · vyhlásiť · vyniesť · vynášať · výkaz · výnos · výplata · výsledok · výťažok · zisk · zoznam · zvoliť · záhyb · zákrut · zápis · zárobok · žliabok
non-returnable container
nevratný obal
carriage return
Návrat vozíka · koniec riadku
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
return code
návratový kód


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Where a Member State does not notify the Commission of an admissible tender or application within the time limits referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1, it shall be deemed to have notified the Commission of a nil return.
Toto nariadenie sa uplatňuje na každú medzinárodnú prepravu v zmysle článku # ods. # aténskeho dohovoru a na prepravu po mori v rámci jedného členského štátu loďou tried A a B podľa článku # smernice #/#/ES, akeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Supporting legal migration to the Union and promoting the effective integration of third-country nationals and enhancing fair and effective return strategies
Výbor prijme svoje procedurálne predpisyEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Our guest today is a returning fan favorite.
Je to o to nevyhnutnejšie, ak sa posúdia okolnosti spracovania údajov: väčšinou sa týkajú osôb priamo či nepriamo ovplyvnených vážnou nehodou alebo stratou príbuznýchOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I suggest you return to your duties and drop this matter.
Musíš Dávidovi pomôcťOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No competent authority shall oppose or object to the return of waste of an illegal shipment.
Takže vieš kto som?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A return decision shall provide for an appropriate period for voluntary departure of between seven and thirty days, without prejudice to the exceptions referred to in paragraphs 2 and 4.
Zverejnenia, že transakcie so spriaznenými osobami sa uskutočnili za rovnakých podmienok ako prevládajú pri nezávislých transakciách, sa vykonajú iba vtedy, ak je možné takéto podmienky dokázaťEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Amendment 20 Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (11) The content and technical specifications of the European travel document for return should be harmonised in order to ensure high technical and security standards, in particular as regards safeguards against counterfeiting and falsification.
Avšak žiadosti o stanovisko k predčasným voľbám ostanú ešte v tomto roku len zo strany Downing Streetnot-set not-set
As of the time when the payment obligation outlined in paragraph 9.1(i) is paid in full, Germany will ensure that the DEPFA plc sub-group (i.e. parent company and all subsidiary companies), within the limits of its abilities, pays appropriate remuneration to Germany in return for the State support measures.
Príliš veľa ma stálo, aby som si získala rešpekt u tvojich ľudí...... a teraz nedovolím, aby si mysleli, že som blázniváEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Although, and I shall return to this, Directive 2007/44 introduces the exhaustive harmonisation of the assessment criteria, by contrast it does not introduce exhaustive harmonisation of the assessment procedure.
Podľa teba som sa preklial?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(18) In order to be considered maternity leave within the meaning of this Directive, family-related leave which is available at national level should extend beyond the periods provided for in Council Directive 96/34/EC of 3 June 1996 on the framework agreement on parental leave concluded by UNICE, CEEP and the ETUC(7); should be remunerated as provided for in this Directive; and the guarantees laid down in this Directive in relation to dismissal, return to the same job or an equivalent post, and discrimination, should apply.
Ak to zvládneš, nič ti už nebude brániť dostať sa do Siene slávynot-set not-set
Depending on the use that it is planned for the returned bread, appropriate handling, transport and storage must be ensured to meet hygiene requirements.
Vyplnený dotazník bude okrem oného obsahovať údaje o štruktúre ich spoločnosti(-í), činnostiach spoločnosti(-í) vo vzťahu k výrobku, ktorý je predmetom prešetrovania, a o predaji výrobku, ktorý je predmetom prešetrovaniaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
in view of the distribution of traffic peaks throughout the year, due to school and public holiday dates (in particular All Saints, Christmas, Easter, Ascension, bridging days, and departing and returning summer holidaymakers, etc.), the following additional minimum capacities (combined capacity for both directions) must be offered and agreed in advance of each IATA scheduling season in a memorandum of understanding with the Corsican Transport Board:
Komisia vyzýva zainteresované tretie strany, aby predložili prípadné pripomienky k zamýšľanej koncentráciiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On 8 March 2004, Oudeland, in return for an annual payment in advance (‘the ground rent’), acquired a long lease over a plot of land which included a building on-site that was under construction.
Aké preventívne opatrenia sa vzťahujú na osoby podávajúce liek alebo osoby prichádzajúce do kontaktu so zvieraťom?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
These include goods subjected to treatment and processing and their by-products (e.g. the return of skimmed milk, bran, oilcake and sugar beet pulp and tops, as well as the return of seeds after treatment).
For the purposes of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the Contracting Party referred to in paragraph 1 shall return the supplier's declaration or the long-term supplier's declaration and invoice(s), delivery note(s) or other commercial document(s) concerning goods covered by such declaration, to the customs authorities of the country where the declaration was made out, giving, where appropriate, the reasons of substance or form of the request for verification.
typu vozidla z hľadiska montáže zariadenia na osvetlenie a svetelnú signalizáciu podľa predpisu čEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Returned 2012 aviation allowances are cancelled and thus are not considered as allowances in circulation.
Vyberte záložku Meno & umiestenie a zadajte meno súboruEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The customs office shall, after completing the continuation sheet or sheets, return the original of this certificate (form 1), the original certificate issued by a third country (where applicable) — and the continuation sheet or sheets — to the holder or to his authorised representative and forward an endorsed copy of the continuation sheet of the certificate issued by Member State's management authority to the relevant management authority in accordance with Article 23 of Regulation 865/2006.
pripevňovanie značiek, nálepiek alebo iných podobných rozlišovacích znakov na výrobky alebo ich obalyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As regards the trend of the specific rebate granted to the W5, it is apparent from the documents mentioned in recitals 93 to 125 of the contested decision that it generally followed the increases in the gross price and thus continually increased during the period from 1998 to 2000, returning in 2002 to a level close to that of 1994 (60 Dutch guilders (NLG) in 2002, NLG 50 in 1994).
kryogénne výmenníky tepla a kryoseparátory dosahujúce teploty-# °C alebo nižšie, aleboEurLex-2 EurLex-2
16 Jehovah now reminds his people that they have sinned and encourages them to abandon their erring ways: “Return, you people, to the One against whom the sons of Israel have gone deep in their revolt.”
Výrobky rastlinného pôvodu vyrobené v období konverziejw2019 jw2019
Property income is the income receivable by the owner of a financial asset or tangible non-produced asset in return for providing funds to, or putting the tangible non-produced asset at the disposal of, another institutional unit (ESA
Kvôli nemu nemôžem ísť v noci do kúpeľneeurlex eurlex
You are to tell no one in the towns where we are...... and return with haste
Menujeme sliepkyopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
A Member State shall, as necessary and without delay, issue the person whose readmission has been accepted with the travel document required for his or her return with a period of validity of at least six months.
returns on resources of the financial instrument in the provisioning fund or in fiduciary accounts;
víta snahy o zavedenie výberovejších a životné prostredie rešpektujúcich rybárskych techníkEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
The original and the other copy shall be returned to the person concerned giving this copy to the office of discharge.
Niektoré z mnohých rizikových faktorov pre vznik tohto ochorenia môžu byť, okrem iného, dĺžka kombinovanej antiretrovírusovej liečby, užívanie kortikosteroidov, konzumácia alkoholu, ťažká imunosupresia, vyšší index telesnej hmotnostiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(a) the copy of the export declaration returned to the exporter by the customs authorities, or a copy of such document certified true by the said authorities; or
Alebo robí nieèo iné.DobréEurLex-2 EurLex-2
205 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.