root pressure oor Slowaaks

root pressure

The pressure (the result of osmosis) exerted by the roots of vascular plants that moves water into the leaves and causes guttation.

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Root pressure starts it on its way, but in the trunk another mechanism takes over.
Komisia tiež zaslala žalobkyni konečnú správu spoločnosti Ernst & Young, v ktorej ju informovala o tom, že táto správa predstavuje dôveryhodný technický základ umožňujúci prijať nevyhnutné opatrenia, osobitne začatie konania o vymáhaní celkovej sumy vo výške # eurjw2019 jw2019
Notes the critical role that civil society organisations have to play to be a driving force within countries in pressing development concerns, mobilising broad-based movements and creating grass-roots pressure to hold leaders accountable for their commitments; therefore welcomes the initiative of the worldwide alliance ‘The Global Call to Action Against Poverty’;
Okrem prípadov, keď to nedovoľujú všeobecné princípy práva, môžu byť trestnoprávne sankcie ustanovené v tomto článku ukladané podľa vnútroštátneho práva bez toho, aby boli dotknuté iné sankcie alebo opatrenia netrestnoprávnej povahy, a môže ich sprevádzať uverejnenie súdneho rozhodnutia v danom prípadenot-set not-set
8. Notes the critical role that civil society organisations have to play to be a driving force within countries in pressing development concerns, mobilising broad-based movements and creating grass-roots pressure to hold leaders accountable for their commitments; therefore welcomes the initiative of the worldwide alliance "The Global Call to Action Against Poverty";
FGM is a deep-rooted social norm pressuring families to conform to peer expectations.
Koeficient b jeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In today’s society the pressure to root out the heterogeneous, or what is different from the norm, is very strong.
Riaditeľ Collins by vás rád videljw2019 jw2019
A very painful condition known as sciatica, for example, can occur if there is pressure exerted on the roots of the sciatic nerve.
Nemáme vedenie, ale stále máme misiujw2019 jw2019
Volvo Aero is in charge of developing a number of components for GEnx: the fan hub frame, booster spool, turbine rear frame, after fan case and high pressure turbine root seal, with the total R & D project costs of SEK # million (approx EUR # million
Privlastnenie je možné len vtedy, akoj4 oj4
Volvo Aero is in charge of developing a number of components for GEnx: the fan hub frame, booster spool, turbine rear frame, after fan case and high pressure turbine root seal, with the total R & D project costs of SEK 927 million (approx EUR 100 million).
o technickej špecifikácii interoperability týkajúcej sa subsystému vozový park – nákladné vozne transeurópskej konvenčnej železničnej sústavyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Since the workplace is often filled with pressures, conflicts, and demands, our deep-rooted faith and spirituality can supply much-needed strength as we strive to be better employees or employers.
Elizabeth, nevidím Spencerajw2019 jw2019
All actors need to work together to apply sustained, medium and long-term policies and an efficient use of existing programmes in order to engineer and support initiatives, which contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to addressing root causes of migratory pressures stemming from poverty, inequality, demographic growth, lack of employment and economic opportunities, climate change and the long-term consequences of forced displacement.
poštová a e-mailová adresanot-set not-set
(9) In order to allow the ELM to respond to potential upcoming challenges and Union priorities, as well as to provide a strategic response addressing root causes of migratory pressures stemming from poverty, inequality, demographic growth, lack of employment and economic opportunities, climate change, the maximum ceiling for the EIB financing operations under the EU guarantee should be increased to EUR 38 470 000 000.
Zavolám ti neskôrnot-set not-set
EIB financing operations supporting the general objectives set out in point (d) of paragraph 1 shall back investment projects that address root causes of migratory pressures stemming from poverty, underdevelopment, inequality, demographic growth, lack of employment and economic opportunities as well as from climate change and contribute to long-term economic resilience and safeguard sustainable development in beneficiary countries while ensuring compliance with the SDGs.
Odkaz na kolónku I.#: Aby bolo stredisko zhromažďovania, ak existuje, schválené, musí spĺňať podmienky stanovené v časti # prílohy I k nariadeniu (EÚ) čnot-set not-set
All actors need to work together to apply sustained, medium and long-term policies and an efficient use of existing programmes in order to engineer and support initiatives, which contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to address root causes of migratory pressures stemming from poverty, inequality, demographic growth, lack of employment and economic opportunities, climate change and the long-term consequences of forced displacement.
Z tohto hľadiska výbor tiež Komisii navrhuje uskutočniť porovnávaciu štúdiu o dopade a rozsahu integrovania ustanovení, ktoré boli doteraz charakteristické pre kapitálové spoločnosti, do niektorých vnútroštátnych družstevných legislatívnot-set not-set
(9) In order to allow the ELM to respond to potential upcoming challenges and Union priorities, as well as to provide a strategic response addressing root causes of migratory pressures stemming from poverty, inequality, demographic growth, lack of employment and economic opportunities, as well as climate change, the maximum ceiling for the EIB financing operations under the EU guarantee should be increased to EUR 38 470 000 000.
Tieto pripomienky musí Komisia dostať do # dní odo dňa uverejnenia tohto oznamu v Úradnom vestníku Európskej únienot-set not-set
Calls for the reopening and unhindered functioning of the UNHCR in Libya; calls for the EU to continue to offer humanitarian, financial and political assistance in crisis areas in North Africa and the Middle East in order to tackle the root causes of migration and humanitarian pressures;
Manažér infraštruktúry vyberá poplatky za používanie ním prevádzkovanej infraštruktúry, ktoré musia zaplatiť železničné podniky a medzinárodné zoskupenia, ktoré túto infraštruktúru využívajúEurLex-2 EurLex-2
And, as has been proved in the past weeks and months, an inability to address the root causes of migration or to mitigate the pressure from outside the EU creates massive strains for the EU.
Vo všeobecnosti, keď došlo k nežiaducim reakciám, ich nástup bol v prvom týždni liečby; závažnosť bola zväčša ľahkého až stredného stupňa a čo sa týka ich výskytu, nezaznamenali sa žiadne rozdiely podľa veku, rasy alebo pohlaviaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
After the Second World War, certain liberal-inspired principles encouraged the gradual reduction of customs duties and even their abolition. (49) However, that view did not take root in the face of pressure from other advantages, such as the ability of customs duties to serve as a means of controlling the flow of goods, as commercial policy indicators, or as sentries of trade.
S cieľom zabezpečiť vysokú úroveň ochrany ľudského zdravia sa v smernici #/#/ES stanovujú kvalitatívne a bezpečnostné normy pre darcovstvo, odber a testovanie všetkých ľudských tkanív a buniek, ktoré sú určené na humánnu aplikáciu, a vyrobených produktov odvodených z ľudských tkanív a buniek určených na humánnu aplikáciuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The resilience of the key anti-corruption institutions in the face of sustained pressure has shown that the reform approach has taken root in important sections of Romanian society.
Ministerstvo, vládna agentúra alebo organizácia zriadená vládou USA, okrem ministerstva obrany alebo vojenských správ, môže letecky zasielať náklad aj prostredníctvom dopravcu zo Spoločenstva, medzi USA a Európskym spoločenstvom alebo medzi ktorýmikoľvek dvoma bodmi mimo územia Spojených štátov a splniť tak svoju potrebu prepravy tak, aby tým vláde vznikli čo najnižšie nákladyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The problem must be treated at its roots: by providing better employment and education opportunities for them, this internal migration pressure will also decrease within the European Union.
fyzické alebo právnické osoby, subjekty, orgány a skupiny spojené s Al-Káidou, Talibanom a Usámom bin LádinomEuroparl8 Europarl8
Root Cause The main reason for this phenomenon is a deeply entrenched son preference, rooted in cultural and economic experiences, and accentuated by declining fertility and pressures to have smaller families.
Mylordi, v neprítomnosti kráľovny samotnej, ktorú tento tribunál prehlásil za vzpurnú, keďže sa nedostavuje, keď je povolaná, sa snažíme určiť, či bolo alebo nebolo jej prvé manželstvo s princom Arturom naozaj naplnené " incarnal copula "not-set not-set
In this sense, the Rapporteur acknowledges the partnership framework approach to seek shot-term solutions to immediate migration pressure, as well as deeper investment to address the root causes of migration and forced displacement.
Excelente, zahájte operáciu " Lepivé lízatko "!not-set not-set
Challenges related to irregular migration need to be tackled, as well as the root causes of migration, which include , poverty, conflict, demographic pressure, climate and environmental challenges, violations of human rights, fundamental freedoms and rule of law as well as the lack of decent work opportunities and basic social protection schemes.
Čas použiteľnosti onEurLex-2 EurLex-2
whereas the two shores of the Mediterranean continue to present a strikingly asymmetrical picture in economic, social and demographic terms, evidencing a wealth gap which is at the roots of instability and migratory and environmental pressures in the region; whereas there are significant differences between the Mediterranean countries in terms of development; and whereas more than # % of the population in the SEMCs lives on less than USD # a day
Dumpingové rozpätie sa preto porovnalo s celoštátnym rozpätím ujmy určeným pre Indiu v konečnom nariadeníoj4 oj4
whereas the two shores of the Mediterranean continue to present a strikingly asymmetrical picture in economic, social and demographic terms, evidencing a wealth gap which is at the roots of instability and migratory and environmental pressures in the region; whereas there are significant differences between the Mediterranean countries in terms of development; and whereas more than 30 % of the population in the SEMCs lives on less than USD 2 a day,
Och môj milý, iba ak Dawn môže byť tam tiežEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The new ENP should acknowledge that the roots of the dramatic developments in those regions lie in both external pressure and internal instability, linked to poverty, inequality, lack of opportunities, corruption political and religious radicalisation as well as violent extremism.
smernica Komisie #/ES z #. júla #, ktorou sa ustanovujú osobitné kritériá čistoty týkajúce sa farbív určených pre používanie v potravinách (Ú. v. ES L #, #.#, sEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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