soil mechanics oor Slowaaks

soil mechanics

The application of mechanics (especially fluid mechanics) to soils, especially as a basis for the design and construction of building foundations and earthworks.

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pôdna mechanika

The study of the physical properties of soil, especially those properties that affect its ability to bear weight such as water content, density, strength, etc.(Source: CED)

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Measuring apparatus and instruments relating to hydrology, geology, geophysics, geotechnics and soil mechanics
Chcem ich poslať do odvodňovacieho tunela pod budovou, nechajte ich nech zoberú záber na tie núdzové dvere v zadutmClass tmClass
Engineering, consultancy in the field of hydrology, applied geology, geophysics, geotechnics and soil mechanics, including laboratory testing relating thereto
Kapitola # #: Riadenie nástroja predvstupovej pomocitmClass tmClass
Engineering, geological prospecting, geological surveying and research, geo-technics, architecture, material testing, quality control, technical project studies relating to geology, soil mechanics and geo-technics
Poznáš ma dobretmClass tmClass
Machines, namely self-propelled machines, mechanical devices and equipment as stand alone as well as components of systems engineering composed thereof for composting various feedstock like green waste, organic residuals, sludge, agricultural wastes, product of soil and substrata, treatment of dredged material, blending soils, mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste, bio remediation and recultivation
Osivo sa úradne osvedčuje ako materiál pochádzajúci zo schváleného základného materiálu a balenia musia byť uzatvorené v súlade s vnútroštátnymi predpismi pre uplatňovanie systému OECD pre osivo lesných kultúr a lesné rastlinytmClass tmClass
The soil is worked mechanically but no herbicide is used.
Ak členské štáty využijú túto možnosť, informujú Komisiu o metódach, akými určili hornú hranicuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The soil is worked mechanically but no herbicide is used
Na potravinárske enzýmy sa vzťahuje vymedzenie pojmu potraviny v nariadení (ES) č. #/#, a preto sa pri ich používaní v potravinách vyžaduje, aby sa na označení potravín uvádzali ako zložky v súlade so smernicou #/#/ESoj4 oj4
Machines, namely automotive machines, mechanical devices, and equipment as stand alone as well as components of systems engineering composed thereof for composting various feedstock like green waste, organic residuals, sludge, agricultural wastes, product of soil and substrata, treatment of dredged material, blending soils, mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste, bio remediation and recultivation
postup skúšky typu ES (modul B) uvedený v prílohe # oddiele # a podľa voľby výrobcu buďtmClass tmClass
Among other things the product specification stipulates that, to manage the soil, surface mechanical work is carried out which proves to be useful too for controlling weeds.
Zvláštne ustanovenia alebo podmienky, ktoré sa týkajú prevádzky, nakladania, atď., môžu byť pod touto hlavičkou takisto uvedenéEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Lawnmowers and motorised apparatus for aerating lawns, mechanical soil and lawn treatment apparatus and lawn trimmers
Natalie, máme dôležitejšie vecitmClass tmClass
As regards soil management, the top soil is tilled mechanically, which is also useful for weed control
keď bude vyhlásený rozsudok v tejto veci (ak nebude do tohto momentu rozsudok vo veci C-#/# plne vykonanýoj4 oj4
Consultancy on soil and seabed mechanics and foundation work
As regards soil management, the top soil is tilled mechanically, which is also useful for weed control.
so zreteľom na návrh KomisieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Parts for Machines, namely automotive machines, mechanical devices, and equipment as stand alone as well as components of systems engineering composed thereof for composting various feedstock like green waste, organic residuals, sludge, agricultural wastes, product of soil and substrata, treatment of dredged material, blending soils, mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste, bio remediation and recultivation
Uznesenie Európskeho parlamentu zo #. decembra # o Azerbajdžane: sloboda prejavutmClass tmClass
Parts for machines, namely self-propelled machines, mechanical devices and equipment as stand alone as well as components of systems engineering composed thereof for composting various feedstock like green waste, organic residuals, sludge, agricultural wastes, product of soil and substrata, treatment of dredged material, blending soils, mechanical biological treatment of municipal solid waste, bio remediation and recultivation
Ty si Ježiš Nazaretský?tmClass tmClass
Building construction, maintenance and repair of roads, lanes, paths, bridges, bridge abutments, stabilised soil structures, structures for mechanically stabilising soil, soil stabilising devices, embankments, supporting walls, dams, tunnels, gutters, enclosures, reservoirs, tanks and silos
keďže existujú jasné dôkazy o tom, že európski občania sú nedostatočne informovaní o európskych otázkach, ako to odzrkadľujú výsledky rôznych prieskumov verejnej mienky EurobarometertmClass tmClass
Non-metallic panels for use in forming the facing of structures for mechanically stabilising soil
vlastný podiel na záväzkoch, ktoré vznikli spoločne sostatnými spoločníkmi vo vzťahu k spoločnému podnikutmClass tmClass
Structures, not of metal, for mechanically stabilising soil
Väzba aliskirenu na bielkoviny plazmy je stredne silná (# %) a nezávisí od koncentrácietmClass tmClass
Metallic panels for use in forming the facing of structures for mechanically stabilising soil
iné názvy, pod ktorými sa množiteľský materiál odrody ešte stále uvádza do obehu (staré odrodytmClass tmClass
Structures of metal for mechanically stabilising soil
Príslušnou cenou je základná cena, ktorá nezahŕňa DPH ani podobnéodpočítateľné dane priamo súvisiace s tržbami, ani žiadne clá a dane z tovaru a služieb fakturovaných jednotkou, na druhej strane prípadné subvencie na produkty prijaté výrobcom sa zahŕňajútmClass tmClass
Connectors for mechanically interlocking soil bags used in the construction of retaining walls and slopes
na svetlometoch spĺňajúcich požiadavky tejto smernice vzhľadom na stretávacie svetlo, sú to písmenátmClass tmClass
Non-metallic panels for use in forming the facing of mechanically stabilised soil structures
vyzýva darcovské krajiny, aby podporili snahu krajín AKT o diverzifikáciu hospodárstva s cieľom znížiť závislosť od jedného produktu; pripomína potrebu investovať do infraštruktúry a projektov prepojenia regiónov a trvá na tom, že sa obchodná politika musí riadiť zásadou partnerstva rovných v záujme stabilizácie hospodárstiev na regionálnej a miestnej úrovnitmClass tmClass
The absence of a significant clay fraction means the soil provides less mechanical resistance to the spears and allows relatively free movement of the emerging spear through the soil.
Kde je môj manuál?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The terrain, with its shallow soils, requires mechanical maintenance or grass cover on the parcels and a controlled supply of vine protection products that could destroy the subsoil and put at risk the parcels’ suitability for wine-growing.
Postup ciachovaniaEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Services in the field of soil and rock mechanics, namely conducting field tests and laboratory tests, providing of expertise, including scientific risk assessment and quality management
Táto pokuta sa ukladá spoločne a nerozdielne spoločnosti Telefónica S.A. a jej dcérskej spoločnosti Telefónica de España S.A.UtmClass tmClass
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