voluntary restraint agreement oor Slowaaks

voluntary restraint agreement

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Voluntary restraint agreements were also concluded with # importing countries
Voluntary restraint agreements were also concluded with 15 importing countries.
Áno, dosť som sa tam vytiaholEurLex-2 EurLex-2
levies on products of CN codes # #, # # and # # shall be limited to the amount resulting from voluntary restraint agreements
Jednominútové vystúpenia k otázkam politického významueurlex eurlex
74 In practice, the first voluntary restraint agreement relating to steel tubes was entered into in March 1978.
finančné prostriedky na záväzkyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
on the conclusion of voluntary restraint Agreements with Austria, Iceland, Poland and Romania in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector
Jednominútové vystúpenia k otázkam politického významuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Without prejudice to any special provisions of certain voluntary restraint agreements, Articles # and # of Council Regulation (EEC) No # shall apply correspondingly
Jazyk konania: nemčinaeurlex eurlex
266 Furthermore, neither Mannesmann nor, a fortiori , the Commission has claimed that the voluntary restraint agreements were still in force in 1991.
Vec: Cestný obchvat M# Rathcormac- FermoyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
312 Furthermore, neither Dalmine, nor, a fortiori , the Commission has claimed that the voluntary restraint agreements were still in force in 1991.
To je výborný nápadEurLex-2 EurLex-2
127 Moreover, neither Corus nor, a fortiori , the Commission has claimed that the voluntary restraint agreements were still in force in 1991.
Zoznam služieb Eurosystému v oblasti správy rezervEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission has searched its archives but has found no trace of the alleged extension until 1990 of the voluntary restraint agreement.
Nariadenie (ES) č. #, článok #, sa týmto mení a dopĺňa taktoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
That note dates back to a time when the voluntary restraint agreements were in force and when market-sharing agreements were not unlawful.
Ak sú výrobky určené na prevádzku na batérie, keď nie sú pripojené na elektrickú sieť, batéria sa počas testu má ponechať v prístrojiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Under Japanese legislation, the MITI was given powers to force Japanese steel tube producers to comply with the conditions of the voluntary restraint agreements.
Rozhodnutie príslušného orgánu odpísať časť pohľadávok bolo prijaté #. júla #, keď daňový úrad súhlasil s vyrovnaním navrhnutým príjemcomEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Nippon requests the Court to ask the Commission to state precisely the date on which the voluntary restraint agreements finally came to an end.
Tolerancia na TMZ je podobná ako u dospelýchEurLex-2 EurLex-2
COUNCIL DECISION of # October # on the conclusion of voluntary restraint Agreements with Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and Uruguay in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector
Rada rozhodujúca kvalifikovanou väčšinou na návrh Komisie rozhodne o limitoch pre úlovky a/alebo výlov a o rozdelení príležitostí na rybolov medzi členské štáty, ako aj o podmienkach súvisiacich s týmito limitmieurlex eurlex
Without prejudice to any special provisions of certain voluntary restraint agreements, Articles 2 (2) and 6 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1023/70 shall apply correspondingly.
v prípade potreby poskytovať poradenstvo a pomoc pre reformu sektoru bezpečnosti v KDR, najmä poskytovať veliteľom Policajnej misie EÚ (EUPOL Kinshasaa misii EÚ, ktorá poskytuje poradenstvo a pomoc konžským úradom v oblasti reformy sektora bezpečnosti (EUSEC KDR), politické usmernenia potrebné na ich činnosť na miestnej úrovniEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, the infringement found in Article 1 of the contested decision had no effect on trade between Member States during the currency of the voluntary restraint agreements.
Moja dcéra je mŕtvaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the Commission did not produce evidence of the date on which the voluntary restraint agreements came to an end, either in the contested decision or before the Court.
Je to sčasti zhoda náhod, a čiastočne nieEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the Commission has not adduced evidence of the date on which the voluntary restraint agreements came to an end either in the contested decision or before the Court.
Pozri aj poznámku # k tejto kapitoleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
However, the Commission has not adduced evidence of the date on which the voluntary restraint agreements came to an end, either in the contested decision or before the Court.
Ja si s ňou pohovorímEurLex-2 EurLex-2
313 In those circumstances, the Court finds for the purposes of these proceedings, that the voluntary restraint agreements between the Commission and the Japanese authorities remained in force during 1990.
Stále tomu nemôžem uveriť, vieš?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
433 JFE-NKK argues that, in the contested decision, the Commission departed radically from the position it had adopted earlier during the administrative procedure with regard to the voluntary restraint agreements.
Výsledkom tohto rozdelenia bolo, že KME dostala samostatne pokutu #,# milióna EUR; EM a TMX sú spoločne a nerozdielne zodpovedné za zaplatenie pokuty #,# milióna EUR; KME, EM a TMX (alebo skupina KME) sú spoločne a nerozdielne zodpovedné za zaplatenie pokuty #,# milióna EUREurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Japanese applicants have in no way shown that that agreement reflected any extension of the voluntary restraint agreements concluded by the European Commission and the Japanese Government at international level.
Kombinovaná liečbaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The exchanges of letters concerning point # of the Voluntary Restraint Agreements on trade in mutton, lamb and goatmeat are hereby approved on behalf of the European Economic Community with the following countries
a aspergilózaeurlex eurlex
Dalmine claims that the Commission overlooked in the contested decision the fact that on 28 December 1989 the Commission and the Japanese Government extended those voluntary restraint agreements until 31 December 1990.
Vieš, že som ho tiež milovalaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
555 Moreover, Sumitomo alleges that the existence of voluntary restraint agreements before 1991 is an attenuating factor which the Commission should have taken into account for the period subsequent to those agreements.
Záver o trhu s výletnými loďamiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
117 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.