banally oor Sloweens


In a banal, trite or boring manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sloweens


Evil cannot be both banal and radical at once.
Zlo ne more biti banalno in hkrati radikalno.

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The simple-mindedness of your idea is exceeded only by its crass consumerism and banality.
Zamisel je ne le neumna, ampak tudi izjemno potrošniška in banalna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Smith is capable of functioning as a family name despite being common and STAR is capable of functioning as a trade mark despite being banal, i.e. weak in terms of distinctiveness.
Smith še vedno lahko deluje kot priimek, čeprav je običajen, izraz STAR pa lahko še vedno deluje kot blagovna znamka, čeprav je banalen in ima torej le šibek razlikovalni značaj.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
zone Val Banale: from the source of the Ambies stream to the barrier constituted by the Nembia hydroelectric power station located in the Commune of san Lorenzo di Banale
cona Val Banale: od izvira potoka Ambies do pregrade, ki jo predstavlja hidroelektarna Nembia v občini San Lorenzo di Banaleoj4 oj4
On the contrary, as the Board of Appeal noted, they are banal.
Nasprotno, po zgledu odbora za pritožbe je treba ugotoviti, da gre za nepomembne elemente.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is apparent from the contested decision that the Board of Appeal, first, adopted by implication the examiner’s description of the mark at issue, which is set out in paragraph 23 above, secondly, supplemented it in accordance with what was stated in the grounds of appeal before the Board of Appeal, by pointing out the ‘small stroke in the middle of the curve, towards the bottom’ and, lastly, found that that small stroke did not alter the perception of the mark at issue as being ‘a very simple and banal design, which has an exclusively decorative function and not that of identifying the commercial origin of the goods’.
Iz izpodbijane odločbe je razvidno, da je odbor za pritožbe najprej implicitno sprejel opis zadevne znamke, ki ga je podal preizkuševalec in ki je naveden v točki 23 zgoraj, da ga je nato dopolnil v skladu z navedbami iz obrazložitve pritožbe pred odborom za pritožbe, pri čemer je poudaril obstoj „male črte na sredini ukrivljene črte proti spodnjemu delu“ in da je nazadnje ugotovil, da ta mala črta ni spremenila zaznave zadevne znamke kot zelo preprostega, vsakdanjega motiva, ki ima izključno okrasno funkcijo, in ne funkcije trgovskega izvora proizvodov“.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In an unusual tondo format, the painting is structured with Brown's characteristic linear energy, and emphasis on apparently grotesque and banal details, such as the cabbages hanging from the ship's side.
V nenavadnem formatu tondo je slika strukturirana z Brownovo značilno linearno energijo in poudarja navidezno groteskne in banalne podrobnosti, kot so zelje, ki visi s strani ladje.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When I think about it now, and listen to what I'm saying all of these little stories sound so banal.
Ko Mislim, zdaj o tem, in poslušam, kaj govorim Vse te Male zgodbe zvenijo tako banalno.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some banal love story about a nobleman and a lower middle class girl who can't marry and who then, out of sheer magnanimity, renounce their love for each other.
... ljubezenska zgodba med služkinjo in malega aristokrata.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In addition, the Board of Appeal responded to an argument put forward by the applicant that really related to Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation No 40/94 by stating that the word ‘fun’ is a rather banal and basic English word.
Poleg tega naj bi se odbor za pritožbe izrekel o trditvi tožeče stranke, ki se sicer bolj nanaša na člen 7(1)(b) Uredbe št. 40/94, z navedbo, da je beseda ,,fun“ kvečjemu banalna in da gre za osnovno besedo angleškega jezika.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If only I could live in the world of fantasy forever... instead of being forced to put up with this banal realm... and its silly, weak-minded mortals.
Ko bi le lahko za vedno živel v pravljičnem svetu, namesto, da se mučim s tem banalnim svetom in smešnimi, slaboumnimi smrtniki, ki živijo tukaj.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
49 It must be observed that the criteria on which the applicant relies in order to claim that, unlike the expression ‘100% beef’, the signs at issue are much more than a banal statement which directly and exclusively indicates the characteristics of goods or services are those of the certification mark, which are descriptive precisely because they are linked to the geographical origin of the product, its nature and its characteristics.
49 Navesti je treba, da so prav merila, na katera se tožeča stranka opira, da bi dokazala, da zadevna znaka v nasprotju z izrazom „100‐odstotna govedina“ vsebujeta več kot le nepomemben podatek, ki neposredno in izključno opisuje lastnosti proizvodov ali storitev, merila za certifikacijsko znamko, ki so opisna, saj se nanašajo na geografsko poreklo, naravo in lastnosti proizvoda.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
In the present case, as the Cancellation Division held in its decision of 21 December 2005, the association of the terms ‘color’ and ‘edition’ is neither banal nor obvious, since it is not clear whether it refers to goods offered in coloured packaging, goods incorporating colour or those intended to give colour.
V obravnavani zadevi naj – kot naj bi sklenil oddelek za izbris v odločbi z dne 21. decembra 2005 – povezava besed „color“ in „edition“ ne bila niti banalna niti očitna, saj naj ne bi bilo jasno, ali zadeva proizvode, ki se ponujajo pod pogojem barvnosti, ki vključuje barvo ali pa katere predmet je obarvanje.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It' s like something out of james ellroy in " L. A. Confidential "-- so banal, it' s filled with character
Kot James Ellroy v L. A. zaupno, vsakdanje, napolnjeno z značajemopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
You really shouldn't complain about banality, Scully, when your main suspect is the human blockhead.
Ne smeš se pritoževati glede banalnosti če je glavni osumljenec nek tepec.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No, no, this is that woman who only knows how to be banal, right?
To je ženska, ki zna biti le plehka.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Moreover, there is a commonly held view that the financial information made available seems to fall into two extremes, being either too banal or too complicated
Temu se pridružuje splošno priznano mnenje, da finančne informacije, ki so na voljo, sodijo v eno od dveh skrajnosti: da so ali preveč splošne ali preveč zapleteneoj4 oj4
For that reason, Mr President, his comment that what should be done and paid for at European level and what should be done and paid for at national level need to be discussed yet again seems to us to be entirely banal, and we hope that it can be avoided.
Zato, gospod predsednik, se nam zdi njegova pripomba, da je treba ponovno razpravljati o tem, kaj je treba narediti in za kaj je treba plačati na evropski ravni ter kaj je treba narediti in za kaj je treba plačati na nacionalni ravni, povsem banalna in upamo, da se to lahko prepreči.Europarl8 Europarl8
First, as the intervener rightly points out, that figurative element, namely the relatively banal representation of a bird of prey, is not as original and striking as the applicant suggests.
Na eni strani, kot namreč pravilno zatrjuje intervenientka, ta figurativni element, to je sorazmerno enostavna upodobitev ptice roparice, ni tako izviren in nenavaden, kot ga predstavlja tožeča stranka.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Reducing the presidency to a series... of banal anecdotes.
Da predsedovanje izvedeš na niz banalnih anekdot.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The programmes applicable to the zone Val di Sole e Val di Non and to the zone Val Banale in the Autonomous Province of Trento and the programme applicable to the zone in Valle del Torrente Venina in the Lombardy region have been finalised
Programi za območje Val di Sole e Val di Non in območje Val Banale v avtonomni pokrajini Trento in program za območje Valle del Torrente Venina v deželi Lombardija so zaključenioj4 oj4
According to the Board of Appeal, a combination of words which limits itself to that banal objective message is, in principle, devoid of any inherently distinctive character and cannot therefore be registered unless it is shown that the public has come to perceive it as a trade mark.
Odbor je menil, da je kombinacija besed, ki je omejena na to preprosto sporočilo, načeloma brez lastnega razlikovalnega učinka in se zato lahko registrira le ob predložitvi dokazov, da je postala znamka v očeh javnosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Everything is masked by a cipher or a riddle, or buried beneath one of his banal colloquialisms.
Vse je skrito s šifro ali uganko. Ali zakopano pod banalnimi pogovornimi izrazi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And it's not a banal story -- after the liberation he continued to make false papers until the '70s.
A zgodba ni vsakdanja, saj je po osvoboditvi nadaljeval s ponarejanjem dokumentov, vse do 70. let.ted2019 ted2019
On the contrary, the subject matter itself is viewed in a banal and casual way.
Prav nasprotno, vsebino se obravnava povsem ravnodušno in vsakdanje.Europarl8 Europarl8
The rounded ends of the white lines in the capital letter ‘K’ are elements which cannot be considered to be banal or ordinary.
Poleg tega je treba dodati, da sta navpična črta bele barve in kotu podoben element med seboj ločena.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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