featureless oor Sloweens


without features

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sloweens


The youngsters follow their parents, as they head out onto a featureless wasteland.
Otroci sledijo svojim staršem čez pusto puščavo.

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Many migrate over featureless oceans and deserts, and they do so both by day and by night.
Mnoge se selijo čez brezoblične oceane in puščave in to tako podnevi kakor ponoči.jw2019 jw2019
Apparatus for providing a featureless foreground and a featureless background for use in photography
Aparati za nudenje nevtralnega ospredja in nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografijitmClass tmClass
Apparatus for providing a featureless background for use in photography
Aparati za nudenje nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografijitmClass tmClass
God, it's a barren, featureless desert out there, isn't it?
Bog, tam je neplodna, brezoblična puščava, ali ne?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Collapsible screens for providing a featureless background for use in photography
Zložljivi zasloni za nudenje nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografijitmClass tmClass
So how did something so featureless create our world?
Torej kako je lahko nekaj tako neizrazitega ustvarilo naš svet?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The external walls were featureless with only a single opening connecting the house to the street.
Zunanje stene so bile brez posebnosti, le ena odprtina je povezovala hišo z ulico.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The youngsters follow their parents, as they head out onto a featureless wasteland.
Otroci sledijo svojim staršem čez pusto puščavo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is featureless, scorching and unreliable.
Pokrajina je brezoblična, tla so razbeljena in nezanesljiva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The beach is flat and featureless except for Kalikatsou, meaning “Cormorant,” a boulder in the middle of the beach, which is five or six stories high and is riddled with caves like an enormous Swiss cheese.
Je ravna in brez posebnosti, razen balvana sredi nje, Kalikatsouja, ki pomeni »kormoran« in sega v višino štirih ali petih nadstropij ter je preluknjan z votlinami kakor velikanski švicarski sir.jw2019 jw2019
The caves themselves are dark, featureless, and without interest, except for a strange echo.
VotIine so temne, brezobIične in nezanimive. Če odštejem čudni odmev.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So how can a navigator find his way across featureless oceans?
Kako torej lahko pomorščak najde svojo pot po ogromnih oceanih, kjer ni nobenih smerokazov?jw2019 jw2019
D-type asteroids have a very low albedo and a featureless reddish spectrum.
Asteroid tipa D je vrsta asteroidov, ki imajo zelo nizek albedo in rdečkast elektomagnetni spekter brez posebnosti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some species navigate thousands of miles of featureless ocean and arrive unerringly at their destination.
Nekatere vrste ptic letijo preko oceana tisoče kilometrov daleč, in čeprav ni na morju nobenih smerokazov, prispejo naravnost na svoj cilj.jw2019 jw2019
Screens for providing a featureless background for use in photography
Zasloni za nudenje nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografijitmClass tmClass
Collapsible housings for providing a featureless foreground and a featureless background for use in photography
Zložljiva ohišja za nudenje nevtralnega ospredja in nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografijitmClass tmClass
Apparatus for providing a featureless background for use in photography and cinematography
Aparati za nudenje nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografiji in kinematografijitmClass tmClass
The ground stretches out flat and featureless as far as the eye can see.
Ravna in brezoblična tla segajo vse, do koder seže oko.jw2019 jw2019
Actually, from day to day he perceived things with less and less clarity, even those a short distance away: the hospital across the street, the all- too- frequent sight of which he had previously cursed, was not visible at all any more, and if he had not been precisely aware that he lived in the quiet but completely urban Charlotte Street, he could have believed that from his window he was peering out at a featureless wasteland, in which the grey heaven and the grey earth had merged and were indistinguishable.
Pravzaprav, iz dneva v dan je dojemajo stvari z manj in manj jasnost, čeprav tiste, nekoliko oddaljen: v bolnišnico čez cesto, je vse preveč pogoste pogled od česar se je že preklet, ni bil viden na vseh več, in če bi ne bilo prav vedeti, da je živel v mirnem, vendar povsem urbano Charlotte Street, bi mu verjel, da so iz njegovo okno je bil pokukati ven na brezoblični Ledina, v kateri je sivo nebo in zemlja združila in sive so nerazpoznavni.QED QED
Housings for providing a featureless foreground and a featureless background for use in photography
Ohišja za nudenje nevtralnega ospredja in nevtralnega ozadja za uporabo v fotografijitmClass tmClass
Featureless terrain (especially oceans and deserts), darkness, and fog are just some of the other things that can make using a map difficult or even completely ineffective.
Neizrazita površina (še posebej oceani in puščave), tema in megla so le nekatere dodatne reči, ki lahko otežijo oziroma celo popolnoma onemogočijo uporabo zemljevida.jw2019 jw2019
The Nabataeans used to represent their gods as featureless pillars or blocks.
Nabatejci so svoje bogove predstavljali kot brezoblične stebre ali bloke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Retail services connected with the sale of apparatus for providing a featureless background for use in photography and cinematography, paper, paper articles, cardboard, cardboard articles and background paper for use in photographic studios and for display purposes
Maloprodajne storitve v zvezi s prodajo aparatov za nudenje nevtralnega ozadja za fotografijo in kinematografijo, papir, izdelke iz papirja, lepenko, izdelke iz lepenke in papir za ozadje za uporabo v fotografskih studijih in za razstavne namenetmClass tmClass
Those are fine words, but here we are with yet another attempt to bulldoze wonderful diversity into a common, harmonised, featureless landscape.
To se lepo sliši, vendar smo pred še enim poskusom, da čudovito raznolikost spremenimo v navadno, usklajeno in dolgočasno.Europarl8 Europarl8
It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify.
To je vaša vsakdanja, brezoblični zločinov, ki so res problematični, prav tako kot vsakdanjega obraz je najbolj težko ugotoviti.QED QED
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