capacity oor Albanees


/kəˈpæsɪti/, /kəˈpæsɪtɪ/ naamwoord, adjektief
a measure of such ability; volume

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Albanees


He was endowed with free will and a capacity for spirituality.
Njeriu ishte pajisur me vullnetin e lirë dhe me një aftësi për të pasur gjendje frymore.




Amazing, but be alert, we are operating with reduced capacity.
Shume mire, por ji vigjilent, Ne po operojme me kapacitet te reduktuar.



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A resource's time based on their resource base calendar minus certain standard exceptions. Capacity is equal to Base Capacity minus an allowance for planned vacations, holidays, sick time, etc. For example, a part-time resource with a Base Capacity of .7FTE might have a Capacity of .65FTE after accouting for partial benefits.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Albanees

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Meanwhile, solar energy capacity grew from # in # to # in
Nuk u kënaqa shumëSetimes Setimes
All of the Western Balkan countries need to strengthen efforts against organised crime and corruption and make further efforts to strengthen their administrative capacities and judicial systems
rregull, të lutem mjaftSetimes Setimes
Developed nations, the HDR said, should provide # billion euros a year by # to support programmes aimed at strengthening developing nations ' capacities to cope with climate-related risks
Dikush ka parë shkëmbim drogeSetimes Setimes
It has a capacity of 7,000.
Çfarë jam duke filluar unë këtu?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each of these capacities is developed through and by means of the others," Pestalozzi stated.
Atyre iu desh të përdornin një sharrë me korent që ta nxirrnin jashtëWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The # km-long pipeline, which will run from Komotini in northern Greece to Stara Zagora in Bulgaria, will have the capacity to transport up to # billion cubic metres of gas annually from the Southern Gas Corridor to Bulgaria and other Balkan countries
U prishën aparatet elektronikeSetimes Setimes
" We need this investment to increase the capacity of our schools, for the young people to stay in Novi Pazar, " Mahmutovic said
Të dashur shokë, ne kemi qënë këtu, duke luftuar ushtrinë, prej gjashtë muajsh taniSetimes Setimes
" If not, does it have, or is it willing to build the refining capacity that can handle the kind of heavy oil Venezuela produces? "
Mos e shikoni në sySetimes Setimes
According to several linguists, neurocognitive research has confirmed many standards of language learning, such as: "learning engages the entire person (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains), the human brain seeks patterns in its searching for meaning, emotions affect all aspects of learning, retention and recall, past experience always affects new learning, the brain's working memory has a limited capacity, lecture usually results in the lowest degree of retention, rehearsal is essential for retention, practice does not make perfect, and each brain is unique" (Sousa, 2006, pp. 274).
Shume e mireWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Russia and four European countries signed agreements on the South Stream pipeline project Friday, envisioning a doubling of the pipeline 's initial capacity
Vazhdoni me evakuiminSetimes Setimes
The Roman carabinieri are here as well in an advisory capacity.
Dhe kjo eshte gjeja me e rendesishmeOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kosovo Prosecutorial Council in its capacity of an independent institution leads and oversees the smooth fulfillment of the reform goals.
Duhet ta duash një mjedis joarmiqësorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For a new or young one to volunteer to read a scripture text or give a comment in the words of the paragraph may take considerable effort, reflecting a fine and commendable exercise of his capacity.
Ai është shtegu?jw2019 jw2019
It repairs itself, rewrites programs, and improves its capacity.
Ju dëshironi torturën e një njeriu i cili nuk ka asnjë ide se pse ne jemi duke ia bërë atë atij?jw2019 jw2019
In this way, it helps to build local institutional capacity
Gjashtëmbëdhjetë muaj i kalova në shkollë në ZosenSetimes Setimes
Les Cortes had an initial capacity of 30,000, and in the 1940s it was expanded to 60,000.
Ngrihu!NgrihuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mitic: It is not matter of trust, but rather doubts about their capacities
Është njësoj si të ëndërrosh për djathë Gorgonxola, në kohën e ëmbëlsirësSetimes Setimes
Chairman himself, who in his capacity as the employer may let his judgment make casual mistakes at the expense of an employee.
Ç do gjĂ « qĂ « kam bĂ« rĂ «, UnĂ « kam pasur arsye tĂ « mirĂ « pĂ« r « bĂ« rĂ «QED QED
Implementation of the project is expected to boost Maritsa East # s output capacity to # gW and reduce the current levels of harmful sulphur dioxide emissions by over # per cent, bringing them in line with international standards
Z.Rodes, jeni i sigurtë që s' doni ta mbarojmë ne këtë punë?Setimes Setimes
Indeed, it could achieve " the highest capacity among regional windmills ", according to Matan Zaric, general manager of the Bosnian Croat Public Electricity Company of Herzeg-Bosnia
Kjo është heqja e maskësSetimes Setimes
Serbia’s asylum system lacks adequate capacity or protection against unsafe returns.
Faleminderit për këtë
The project aims at encouraging the people of Shkoder and Pogradec to use their cultural resources for development and capacity building
Po të propozoj diçkaSetimes Setimes
It is defined as the current through the battery divided by the theoretical current draw under which the battery would deliver its nominal rated capacity in one hour.
Mendoj se mirë është djeg' jaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It will be approximately # km long with a capacity to transport # million tonnes of crude oil per year and an option to add an additional # million tonnes in the future
kuptimin e mirëSetimes Setimes
Because of the low capacities, the government needs to pay hotels to house the asylum seekers
Ne duhet të martohemi në të ardhmen, për lindjen e fëmijës të racës më së pastër Rourane i cili do ta sundoj boten!Setimes Setimes
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