heathenism oor Albanees


paganism, heathendom

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Unger: “Excavations in Palestine have uncovered piles of ashes and remains of infant skeletons in cemeteries around heathen altars, pointing to the widespread practice of this cruel abomination.”
Të shohim çka mund të bëjnëjw2019 jw2019
Most of the early settlers were “heathens,” and it was not until late in the tenth century that attempts were made to convert Icelanders to “Christianity.”
Haçi ishte konsideruar si vend i qetëjw2019 jw2019
Some went so far as to assert that they were doing these former heathens a favor by bringing them under British law and teaching them to work!
Dhe ata i lënë gjërat aty kur e shesin?jw2019 jw2019
At one time, church authorities fought “tooth and nail against [the] relics of heathenism,” says the book Christmas Customs and Traditions —Their History and Significance.
Qe atëherë unë organizojë dhe mbledhijw2019 jw2019
Are we heathens?
Si e bëre atë?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
çfarë i ndodhi djalit tend?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“The prominent heathen festival of Easter was also brought over and engrafted into the so-called Christian church.” —The Golden Age, December 12, 1928, page 168.
Gjithqka do të jetë në rregulljw2019 jw2019
It's a world of heathens and brutes, my child.
Kjo po ndodh këtu?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Qamili referred to Christians, who Haxhi Qamili referred to as "kaurrët" (i.e. "heathens", a very pejorative slur when applied by Muslims to Christians) and "bad people... who even God doesn't love".
dhe pastaj, gjëja e tjetër që mbaj... mbaja mënd ishte... isha në terapi intensiveWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Or maybe they find fault with the idea that Israel will be liberated by a king of a heathen nation instead of a king of David’s house.
Po flet gjëra pa kuptimjw2019 jw2019
She justified the practice of syncretism, the absorption of heathen beliefs and practices “dear to the masses.”
Café Minsk- Pinsk në Smolenskjw2019 jw2019
It is clear that the early converts had means of ascertaining the historic accuracy of the Christian narrative very much beyond ourselves; they could examine and cross-question the witnesses —compare their several accounts— inquire how their statements were met by their adversaries —consult Heathen documents of the time— thoroughly and completely sift the evidence. . . .
Kam menduar që askush nuk do të humbëjw2019 jw2019
“There are but two such celebrations mentioned in the Scriptures, one of the heathen king Pharaoh of Egypt, in the days of Joseph, and the other of [Herod,] whose birthday cost John the Baptist his life.
Futuni, futuni!jw2019 jw2019
Outside Scandinavia the Vikings were usually called heathen, Danes, Northmen, or Norsemen.
Vrasësi i vërtet është ende ne lirijw2019 jw2019
The Encyclopædia Britannica observes: “In 1644 the English puritans forbad any merriment or religious services by act of Parliament, on the ground that it [Christmas] was a heathen festival, and ordered it to be kept as a fast.
Ishte i ikur për gjashtë, shtatë muaj çdo herëjw2019 jw2019
This became evident when he heard of the marriages of Israelite men to heathen women.
Ndoshta do shkoj te kontrolloj bagetinejw2019 jw2019
“Before long half the students in Europe, ‘falling to their knees and pouring forth hot tears,’ were clamoring to go to India and convert the heathen,” writes Manfred Barthel in his book The Jesuits —History & Legend of the Society of Jesus.
Me këto informacione Zachu do të lutet për tyjw2019 jw2019
A noted Bible encyclopedia reports: “The pomegranate seems also to have been used as a holy symbol in heathen religions.”
A s' është emocionuese?jw2019 jw2019
He closes the doors of the house of Jehovah and replaces the worship of Jehovah with the worship of heathen gods.
Do të nisemi?jw2019 jw2019
As willing tools of the hated Romans, such individuals were deeply resented by fellow Jews, who regarded them as “traitors and apostates, defiled by their frequent intercourse with the heathen,” says M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopædia.
Të këshilloj kundër tij Sira, nuk duhet ti besojmëjw2019 jw2019
The fame and dread of the Nephilim, it appears, gave rise to many mythologies of heathen people who, after the confusion of languages at Babel, were scattered throughout the earth.
Është e pa mundurjw2019 jw2019
Some think that the heathen population may have nicknamed them Christians in jest or out of scorn.
Dhomën e maIIrave?jw2019 jw2019
While he carried messages burdened with woe to Israel and Judah (and also to numerous heathen nations), he also bore a message of comfort concerning the restoration of Jehovah’s people.
Dëgjova se ishte në telashejw2019 jw2019
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he shall neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican.
Prindërit e miWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There were heathen philosophies involving asceticism, spiritism, and idolatrous superstition, and these, combined with Jewish abstinence from foods and observance of days, may have influenced some in the congregation.
Fillo diçka të rejw2019 jw2019
71 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.