plebiscite oor Albanees


/ˈplɛbɨsaɪt/ naamwoord
A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty

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His comments followed calls by government officials Saturday for a plebiscite
Komentet e tij pasuan thirrjet të shtunën nga zyrtarë të qeverisë për një plebishit

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" The World Macedonian Congress... wants the plebiscite to take place on # ovember, " said VMRO-DPMNE said, " so I think this date, which does not overlap the Muslim religious holiday of Ramadan, should be upheld. "
Lërmë të tregoj se sa shumë e shijovaSetimes Setimes
Responding to domestic pressures, Chirac has said Turkey 's EU entry bid will be put to a referendum in his country-- an idea which sparked fierce criticism by Turkish officials, who say none of the ten Central and East European countries which joined the Union on # ay were subjected to such a plebiscite
Ka edhe pjesë plastike, që ndoshta vijnë nga një fuçi plastikeSetimes Setimes
In 1948, East Germany held a plebiscite, a direct vote by the people, and as Hacke explains, “the fundamental cause [of the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses] was that they did not participate in the plebiscite.”
Epo, mendoj se do ti japim një ditë për fillim të mbarëjw2019 jw2019
Kostunica has described the upcoming elections as a kind of plebiscite for the government
Madhështore.Tamam ajo që kisha nevojëSetimes Setimes
Amendments to the law on plebiscites-- tabled by RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik 's ruling Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD)-- were approved after two days of heated debate in the # seat assembly
Ai di më shumë për lirinë dhe nderin se sa do mësoni ju për gjithë jetën tuajSetimes Setimes
The Bosnian Muslims and Croats, who mostly participated in the plebiscite, supported the republic 's breakaway from the federation, while the majority of Bosnian Serbs boycotted the vote
Më lër të të jap një pijeSetimes Setimes
While he has not made direct secessionist threats in recent months, he raised the plebiscite issue in December when the RS parliament rejected High Representative Valentin Inzko 's decision to extend the mandates of foreign judges and prosecutors working in Bosnian courts
I' m so hungrySetimes Setimes
The law allows citizens of the Serb-run entity to hold referenda on national issues while only covering a few technical aspects, such as voting procedure and the manner in which a plebiscite can be called
Ja ku po të sjeIIi, në baIetSetimes Setimes
Presenting Brussels 's proposal for the planned plebiscite, Miroslav Lajcak, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana 's special envoy for the Montenegrin referendum, said earlier this month that the Union would consider a " yes " vote on independence valid if it is backed by # per cent of those who go to the polls
E dij si të arrij ke hendeku i Shqiponjës. edhe pa kta përcjellës engjëllorSetimes Setimes
We just want to be the part of Serbia, and we will clearly say it during the plebiscite
Përse keni ardhur këtu?Setimes Setimes
The law was approved despite the international community 's stated warnings that plebiscites on such questions could further undermine BiH 's stability
Të pengon kjo?Setimes Setimes
Following a self-organised plebiscite not recognised by Belgrade or any foreign government, Kosovo Albanian intellectual and writer Ibrahim Rugova-- the founder of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK)-- was elected president of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo in May
Ai thote qe do qe hebrenjte te krijojne vete kinemane e tyreSetimes Setimes
The plebiscite is widely expected to take place between early and mid-April
Dua të di sesi do e bësh...... dhe ti do ma thuash kur të peshkojmëSetimes Setimes
The plebiscite, which is expected to be held in April, could lead to the emergence of a new independent state in the Balkans
Se kam takuar kurrë.- Cfarë?Setimes Setimes
Soviet Russia (and later, the USSR) did not recognize the union, and by 1924, after its demands for a regional plebiscite were declined by Romania for the second time, declared Bessarabia to be Soviet territory under foreign occupation.
Silverman.Jam mjeku keshillor per derpartamentin e sherifitWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kosovo Serbs also voted in the election in what many see as a plebiscite on Belgrade 's position in the world as it prepares for the loss of Kosovo
Shume vdiqen ose u larguan nga... por une nuk munda. </ b > </ i >Jo, jo deri ne kapjen e nje te jetuari. </ b > </ iSetimes Setimes
On 3 July, during an address to at least 250,000 people gathered in the capital's Syntagma Square in front of parliament, he rejected some leaders' warnings that a "No" result in Sunday's plebiscite could see Greece forced to leave the eurozone.
Mund të hyj brënda për pakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But President Filip Vujanovic decided on Monday to put off the debate, to give the ruling and opposition parties more time for talks on the terms of the plebiscite
Të gjitha burimet e tij...... i ka përqendruar te ajo që ai e quan shkollave e arteve marcialeSetimes Setimes
Along with Parvanov, the Socialists argue that the plebiscite should be held at a time equally distant from the general and presidential elections
Nuk do të vij me kalë deri atje në këtë shiSetimes Setimes
Bosnian Serb lawmakers have discussed plans to remove obstacles to a plebiscite, sparking fears of a deepening rift between the two entities, Republika Sprska and the Muslim-Croat Federation of BiH
Ajo rruga atje, ishte rruga kryesoreSetimes Setimes
His comments followed calls by government officials Saturday for a plebiscite
Jeni të lirë të ndërhyniSetimes Setimes
Semi-direct democracies in which representatives administer day-to-day governance, but the citizens remain the sovereign, allow for three forms of popular action: referendum (plebiscite), initiative, and recall.
Para dy ditësh, dikush që këtej i telefonoi një kontrabandisti armëshWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was the first time the election of a Greek party leader has been put to an open, plebiscite-like poll
Do të transmetojmë nga Salla e Koncerteve e Uoll Diznit gjatë tërë natësSetimes Setimes
Involving diplomats from 32 countries and nationalities, the major or main decisions were the creation of the League of Nations, as well as the five peace treaties with the defeated states; the awarding of German and Ottoman overseas possessions as "mandates", chiefly to Britain and France; reparations imposed on Germany; and the drawing of new national boundaries (sometimes with plebiscites) to better reflect ethnic boundaries.
I mirë ishte Ferrari yt në rrugicëWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kosovo Albanians conduct a self-organised plebiscite not recognised by Belgrade or any foreign government
Ky ishte regjistrimi i fundit i tyreSetimes Setimes
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