special relativity oor Albanees

special relativity

(physics) A theory that (neglecting the effects of gravity) reconciles the principle of relativity with the observation that the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference.

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teoria speciale e relativitetit

physical theory of measurement in an inertial frame of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein

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This characteristic is very helpful in showing that theories are consistent with either special relativity or general relativity.
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This group is a limiting case of the Poincaré group used in special relativity.
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Compatibilism and Special Relativity.
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Einstein's theory of special relativity.
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Such geodesics are the generalization of the invariance of lightspeed in special relativity.
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With the advent of special relativity, a more complete formulation using tensor fields was found.
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Special relativity has many counterintuitive and experimentally verified implications.
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The Schrödinger equation suffers from not being relativistically invariant, meaning that it is inconsistent with special relativity.
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The combination of this description with the laws of special relativity results in a heuristic derivation of general relativity.
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In special relativity, conservation of energy–momentum corresponds to the statement that the energy–momentum tensor is divergence-free.
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The field tensor was first used after the four-dimensional tensor formulation of special relativity was introduced by Hermann Minkowski.
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The title of the article refers to the fact that special relativity resolves an inconsistency between Maxwell's equations and classical mechanics.
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The theory of special relativity was proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein in his article "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies".
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Special relativity is defined in the absence of gravity, so for practical applications, it is a suitable model whenever gravity can be neglected.
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It unifies special relativity, Newton's law of universal gravitation, and the insight that gravitation can be described by the curvature of space and time.
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General relativity generalizes special relativity and Newton's law of universal gravitation, providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time, or spacetime.
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According to special relativity, the energy of an object with rest mass m and speed v is given by γmc2, where γ is the Lorentz factor defined above.
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This is incompatible with classical mechanics and special relativity because in those theories inertially moving objects cannot accelerate with respect to each other, but objects in free fall do so.
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In such a theory, its speed would depend on its frequency, and the invariant speed c of special relativity would then be the upper limit of the speed of light in vacuum.
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In special relativity, mass turns out to be part of a more general quantity called the energy–momentum tensor, which includes both energy and momentum densities as well as stress: pressure and shear.
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Einstein used V in his original German-language papers on special relativity in 1905, but in 1907 he switched to c, which by then had become the standard symbol for the speed of light.
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For example, while developing special relativity, Albert Einstein was concerned with the Lorentz transformation which left Maxwell's equations invariant, but was apparently uninterested in the Michelson–Morley experiment on Earth's drift through a luminiferous ether.
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In the context of special relativity, time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space, because the observed rate at which time passes for an object depends on the object's velocity relative to the observer.
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Classically, conservation of energy was distinct from conservation of mass; however, special relativity showed that mass is related to energy and vice versa by E = mc2, and science now takes the view that mass–energy is conserved.
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Combined with other laws of physics, the two postulates of special relativity predict the equivalence of mass and energy, as expressed in the mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, where c is the speed of light in a vacuum.
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