ukraine oor Serwies


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You can convince him that Ukraine requires this protection.
Можете га убедим Да Украјина тражи ову заштиту.

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/juˈkɹeɪn/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Eastern Europe; was long part of the Russian Empire, then of the Soviet Union. Official name: Ukraine.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Serwies


A country in Eastern Europe, with the capital Kiev.
You can convince him that Ukraine requires this protection.
Можете га убедим Да Украјина тражи ову заштиту.


A country in Eastern Europe, with the capital Kiev.
Do you remember the Ukraine, when we first met?
Sećaš li se Ukrajine, kada smo se prvi put sreli?

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Soortgelyke frases

History of Ukraine
Историја Украјине
Ukraine in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest
Украјина на избору за Дечију песму Евровизије
Flag of Ukraine
Застава Украјине
Demographics of Ukraine
Демографија Украјине


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The ongoing gas dispute between Ukraine and Russia inflicted losses on businesses throughout the region
Tekući spor oko gasa između Ukrajine i Rusije naneo je gubitke preduzećima širom regiuonaSetimes Setimes
Up to the present, votes in international institutions about the annexation of Crimea suggest that countries are likelier to sympathize with Ukraine and the United States than with Russia.
Do danas, glasovi u međunarodnim institucijama o pripajanju Krima ukazuju na to da su zemlje spremnije da saosećaju s Ukrajinom i SAD-om nego s Rusijom.gv2019 gv2019
At that time, the Alliance could extend membership invitations not only to the three Balkan nations, but also to former Soviet republics, such as Ukraine, as well as to some Middle Eastern and North African countries, the AP reported
Аliјаnsa bi tada mogla da uputi pozive za priјem ne samo trima balkanskim zemljama, nego i bivšim sovјetskim republikama, kao što јe Ukrајina, kao i nekim bliskoistočnim i severnoafričkim zemljama, izvestio јe APSetimes Setimes
Many Balkan countries are suffering heavy losses from the gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine
Mnoge balkanske zemlje prolaze kroz velike gubitke zbog spora između Rusije i Ukrajine oko gasaSetimes Setimes
It was a model city, the most beautiful in Ukraine.
Bio je to grad-model, najlepši u Ukrajini.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Turkish President Abdullah Gul voiced support for Ukraine 's bid to join NATO at a joint press conference with Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yushchenko on Monday (October # th
Turski predsednik Abdulah Gul izrazio je podršku nastojanjima Ukrajine za pridruživanje NATO- u na zajedničkoj konferenciji za novinare sa ukrajinskim kolegom Viktorom Juščenkom održanoj u ponedeljak ( # oktobraSetimes Setimes
From 1939, when several halls in Transcarpathia were destroyed, there were no official Kingdom Halls in Ukraine until 1993.
Od 1939, kada je u Prikarpatskoj oblasti uništeno nekoliko dvorana, u Ukrajini nije bilo nijedne zvanične Dvorane Kraljevstva sve do 1993.jw2019 jw2019
Most of the Balkan countries are feeling the brunt of the natural-gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine, which has cost them access to new supplies
Većina balkanskih zemalja oseća udar spora oko prirodnog gasa između Rusije i Ukrajine koji ih je koštao pristupa novim isporukamaSetimes Setimes
The victory enabled the Ottomans to transform the Cossack regions of the southern Ukraine into a protectorate.
Ова победа је Османлијама омогућила да козачке области на југу Украјине претвори у протекторат.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On April 8, 1951, more than 6,100 Witnesses were exiled from western Ukraine to Siberia.
Osmog aprila 1951, iz zapadne Ukrajine je preko 6 100 Svedoka prognano za Sibir.jw2019 jw2019
However, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said President Yanukovych was illegally impeached and that Russia continues to regard him as Ukraine’s legitimate president.
Руски председник Владимир Путин сматра да је Јанукович незаконито смњене и да га он сматра легитимним председником Украјине.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later, Nazi armies invaded Ukraine.
Kasnije su nacističke trupe upale i u Ukrajinu.jw2019 jw2019
Bulgaria 's population is expected to shrink by # % over the next two decades, making it one of the countries facing the most significant decrease after Ukraine, which is expected to lose # % of its current population
Očekuje se će se u Bugarskoj broj stanovnika u sledeće dve decenije smanjiti za # odsto, što tu zemlju svrstava u one u kojima je to smanjenje najdrastičnije posle Ukrajine, koja će izgubiti # odsto postojeće populacijeSetimes Setimes
I'm calling to all lawmakers of Ukraine.
Pozivam sve zakonodavce Ukrajine!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At that time a mutual hatred had developed between Ukrainians and Poles in western Ukraine and in eastern Poland.
U to vreme je buknula mržnja između Ukrajinaca i Poljaka u zapadnoj Ukrajini i istočnoj Poljskoj.jw2019 jw2019
I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine.
Vreme je da pritisnem Ukrajinu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" Romania is directly interested in seeing Georgia and Ukraine get an Euro-Atlantic anchor and backs approaches by the two states in this direction, " Cioroianu stressed
" Rumunija je direktno zainteresovana da Gruzija i Ukrajina dobiju čvrste garancije za integraciju u evroatlantske strukture i podržava težnje te dve zemlje u tom pravcu, " naglasio je ČorojanuSetimes Setimes
Later the Ottoman Empire brought Islam to southern Ukraine.
Kasnije je Otomansko carstvo donelo islam u južnu Ukrajinu.jw2019 jw2019
Economically, things are not easy in Ukraine.
U ekonomskom pogledu, stvari nisu lake u Ukrajini.jw2019 jw2019
Four member states, namely Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova established the GUAM group that was largely seen as intending to counter Russian dominance in the region.
Четири државе чланице ЗНД-а (Грузија, Украјина, Азербејџан и Молдавија) основале су ГУАМ групу с намером стварања противтеже руској доминацији у регији.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Up to the 1960’s, the Poland branch helped supervise the work in Ukraine, and following that, the Germany branch provided oversight and assistance.
Do 1960-ih u nadgledanju dela u Ukrajini pomagala je podružnica iz Poljske, a posle toga nemačka podružnica.jw2019 jw2019
By now Catherine and Brandon had landed in Ukraine and, as expected, were completely incommunicado.
Katarina i Brendon su do sada sleteli u Ukrajinu i kao što se očekivalo, bili potpuno van domašaja bilo kakve veze.Literature Literature
Because of the rapid growth in Eastern European countries, Russia and Ukraine report a combined need for hundreds of Kingdom Halls.
Zbog brzog porasta u istočnoevropskim zemljama, Rusija i Ukrajina zajedno izveštavaju o potrebi za stotinama Dvorana Kraljevstva.jw2019 jw2019
No, the video feed went through a proxy server in the Ukraine.
Ne, video snimak je otišao kroz proksi server u Ukrajinu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Many publishers were reading for the first time about the activity of our brothers in Ukraine.
Mnogi objavitelji su prvi put čitali o aktivnosti naše braće u Ukrajini.jw2019 jw2019
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