2-element constraint oor Sweeds

2-element constraint

A constraint that applies to two elements, such as two classes or two associations. The constraint is shown as a dashed arrow from one element to the other, labeled by the constraint string in braces ({ }).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

två villkorselement

A constraint that applies to two elements, such as two classes or two associations. The constraint is shown as a dashed arrow from one element to the other, labeled by the constraint string in braces ({ }).

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
The competent authorities of the home Member State and the members of the college responsible for the supervision of branches affected or likely to be affected by an emergency situation shall coordinate to the extent possible their external communications, taking into account the elements specified under Article 22(2), as well as legal obligations or constraints under national law.
De behöriga myndigheterna i hemmedlemsstaten och medlemmarna i kollegiet som ansvarar för tillsynen över filialer som påverkas eller sannolikt kommer att påverkas av en krissituation ska i görligaste mån samordna sin förmedling av extern kommunikation, med hänsyn till de faktorer som anges i artikel 22.2, samt rättsliga skyldigheter eller begränsningar enligt nationell lagstiftning.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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