Amos Oz oor Sweeds

Amos Oz

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Amos Oz

Madam President, I am also keen to give you Amos Oz' view of this increasingly poignant historical burden.
Fru talman, ärade kolleger! Jag vill gärna även presentera er Amos Oz sätt att se på detta ständigt ömmande historiska "hypotek".
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Madam President, I am also keen to give you Amos Oz' view of this increasingly poignant historical burden.
UTGÅNGSDATUMEuroparl8 Europarl8
He is the brother of Amos Oz, the Israeli author.
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It is exactly this Palestinian homage after Camp David 2000 which shocked Amos Oz, a recognised Israeli champion of peace and noted author.
Du lyssnar inte på migEuroparl8 Europarl8
Mr President, the Israeli author, Amos Oz, managed to capture very aptly the icy atmosphere at the negotiating table between the Israelis and Syrians recently.
I vissa fall anges även ämnenas trivialnamnEuroparl8 Europarl8
Author Amos Oz recently noted: “It is typical of religious fanatics . . . that the ‘orders’ they get from God are always, essentially, one order: Thou shalt kill.
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Twenty Israeli writers and researchers, amongst them Amos Oz and David Grossman, called on him to cancel the orders because policies like this violate ‘the most basic human rights’.
Det är den del av ändringsförslaget som lyder ”anser att tilldelningen av medel bör ingå i EU:s ’normala’ budget och sålunda vara underkastad Europaparlamentets behörighet att bevilja ansvarsfrihet”.not-set not-set
In a letter to the mayor of Jerusalem, 20 Israeli writers and researchers, amongst them Amos Oz and David Grossman, called on him to cancel the orders because policies like this violate ‘the most basic human rights’.
Typ halvpermanent soffasurfningnot-set not-set
Let me make an exception here, and quote from an author – Amos Oz, an Israel writer who has this to say in a commentary on these Geneva Accords: ‘Ever since the Six Day War, we are as close to the Palestinians as a jailer is to the prisoner handcuffed to him.
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The guardians of the Jewish conscience, Amos Oz and others, have objected to the destruction of ancient remains.
Eftersom dessa åtgärder har en allmän räckvidd och avser att ändra icke väsentliga delar i förordning (EG) nr #/# genom att komplettera den med nya icke väsentliga delar, måste de antas i enlighet med det föreskrivande förfarandet med kontroll i artikel #a i beslut #/#/EGParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Amos Oz: How to Cure a Fanatic
Jag vill veta vem som leder Quingmördarna...... och hur många män de harParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Références de Amos Klausner, dit Amos Oz - Biographie de Amos Klausner, dit Amos Oz
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Their organization’s book “How to cure a fanatic” by Amos Oz has been given out for free to all Swedish schools.
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Amos Oz, the world well-known Israeli author tells in an interview with the Expressen March 2, 2009: So Hamas will be intercepted.
Stödets syfteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
My beloved father, Amos Oz, a wonderful family man, an author, a man of peace and moderation, died today peacefully after a short battle with cancer.
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14 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.