Any Which Way You Can oor Sweeds

Any Which Way You Can

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Other notable roles include Josey Wales in The Outlaw Josey Wales, the Stranger in High Plains Drifter, Philo Beddoe in Every Which Way but Loose and its sequel Any Which Way You Can, Preacher in Pale Rider, William Munny in Unforgiven, Frankie Dunn in Million Dollar Baby and Walt Kowalski in Gran Torino.
Import inom ramen för en sådan kvot äger rum på de villkor som definieras i följande artiklarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Is there any way in which you can take any action against these companies?
Officiell beteckningEurLex-2 EurLex-2
You can rotate that symbol any which way you want
Herr talman!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
You can rotate that symbol any which way you want.
Oh Oh Vad jag är tröttOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm here to assist you in any which way I can.
lnternationella importvarorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'So now you can go ahead and finish the book any which way you want and make your name, right?'
När det gäller det konkreta fallet så konstaterar kommissionen att BB inte befann sig i svårigheter vid tidpunkten för försäljningenLiterature Literature
In me there is needs which you can not even see any more, because there is too many needs in you that are in the way.
Infektionen har nått in till blodvenernaLiterature Literature
Commissioner, you have already mentioned this, but is there any way in which the European Union can offer comfort in response to this need on the part of Moldova?
Förordning (EG) nr #/# bör därför ändras i enlighet med dettaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Because these components are based on the KParts component model, & koffice; components are designed to work very well with each other. Any & koffice; component can be embedded in another & koffice; document. For instance, you can insert a spreadsheet which you created in & kspread; directly into a & kword; document. In this way, complex, compound documents can be created using & koffice
Varför ge hormoner till fisk?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
You can filter them any which way you like, by company, or city, or country, or in any combination.
Ni stödde förslaget om mutantregistrering, men tycks ha ändrat åsikt i ämnetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Lastly, given that management responsibility has been largely delegated to the World Bank, can you give us any information regarding your relations with this organization and, in particular, with regard to way in which control is exercised in the award of contracts?
Inga särskilda anvisningarEuroparl8 Europarl8
I ask you all to think carefully about the fact that one cannot have an institutional debate while thinking about the ways and means by which Member States can block any decisions.
Jag trodde att dessa barn var chansIösa.Uträknade heIt enkeItEuroparl8 Europarl8
You can therefore imagine the extent to which we are in fact moving further and further away from it, in some way without any reaction, or moving further and further away from the most basic standards in this respect.
Det var du som kom till affären för att kissaEuroparl8 Europarl8
In this way, you can know the cards any player has and predict which way is best for you in the games.
Douvier skjutermigParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There are a two usability issues with trades that can cause confusion. If you in any way include another player in a trade, that player will get the trade window. Any player can reject the terms, which unnecessarily ends the trade session for all other players as well. A trade has to be accepted by all players in it before it can completed, which can be complicated because players remain a participant in deals even when they are no longer involved with tradeable items
Avskrivning av klagomåletKDE40.1 KDE40.1
I will have to check on the details so that I can give you a definitive answer, but, to the best of my knowledge, the documents to which you refer have not been forwarded in any formal way to this institution, its President or its secretariat.
Det avsändande tredjelandet skall vara upptaget antingen på förteckningen i kommissionens beslut #/#/EG eller, under den övergångsperiod som avses i kommissionens förordning (EG) nr #/#, på förteckningen i den förordningenEuroparl8 Europarl8
You will, however, be aware that, over the past 15 years, agricultural policy has undergone more radical reform than any other EU policy, and there is no way in which agricultural policy can be compared or equated with industrial policy, because they are subject to quite different conditions.
Jag tror att man i varje fall bör undersöka vad som hänt i natt.Europarl8 Europarl8
Designer thoughts "The inspiration for IKEA PS 2014 storage table came from Dim Sum food containers, which you can stack, restack and reorder in any way you please.
Farfar säger att kockjobbet är braParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
You can also use any which way to cross waves one to three metres high, in more than twenty locations.
Läget grabbar?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Another way of moving a toolbar is by positioning the mouse pointer over the two vertical bars at the left end of each toolbar and holding the left mouse button down while you drag the toolbar to the wanted position. When you drag the toolbar in this way you can release the mouse button when it is some distance from any of & kspread; 's window sides, and then you will get a floating toolbar, which is not locked to any particular part of & kspread; 's window and can in fact be moved outside of the window. To put a floating toolbar back into one of the traditional positions right click on its titlebar to bring up the Toolbar Menu then choose one of the options in the Orientation sub menu
Han verkar trevligKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Easy to get to either the train station or next tram stop, but you can easily walk the whole of central Lisbon from here - which I would recommend in any way as you can discover and see even more of this beautiful city.
Jag ser till att hon kommer tillbakaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, given that this is the last month that this will take place, can you give me and this House an assurance that any changes which are to take place regarding Members' interests will be put to the Members of this House the way the change in the Members' voting procedure should have been put to this House in January?
Denna verksamhet omfattar undersökningar, analyser och prognoser rörande vetenskaplig och teknisk verksamhet och forsknings-och innovationspolitik inom ramen för genomförandet av det europeiska området för forskningsverksamhetEuroparl8 Europarl8
ExpressPods can handle both smiley and multiple-choice questions, which means you can build up feedback any way you like.
Även Madeira har utvecklat sin turistnäring genom betydligt ökad mottagningskapacitetParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We should have got their response faster, and I can assure you that the Commission will do its utmost to ensure that we will not replicate this situation in any similar cases - we will not look for ways to drag the process out to 15 months, which was indeed unbearable.
Rådets förordning (EG, Euratom) nr #/# av den # maj # om genomförande av beslut #/#/EG, Euratom om systemet för gemenskapernas egna medel (EGT L #, #.#.#, s. #), särskilt artikel #.#–Europarl8 Europarl8
Meridian Inn is a place for an enjoyable holiday or a business trip, with dedicated and friendly staff, which will accommodate you in any way that they can.
Avsnitt D: Den rullande materielens egenskaperParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
95 sinne gevind in 60 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.